Dobrovolska A. Theoretical and methodical practice of learning of future professionals of health care for use of digital technologies in the professional activity.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 13.00.04 - Теорія і методика професійної освіти


Specialized Academic Board

Д 20.051.01

Kolomyia Educational-Scientific Institute The Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


The dissertation is devoted to the study of the theoretical and methodical foundations of training future health care professionals for the use of digital technologies in professional activities, subject to the formation of information technology competence (IT competence) in the process of teaching the disciplines of natural science training during higher medical (pharmaceutical) education. The essence of the concepts "IT competence", "training", "readiness", which are being transformed in the process of higher medical (pharmaceutical) education in the preparation of future health care professionals for the use of digital technologies in p,,rofessional activities, has been clarified. Stages (initial, functional, systemic, professional) of the formation of IT competence of future specialists, its components (motivational-value, cognitive, technological, activity-creative, communicative, personal-value, reflective, axiological, emotional-volitional, effective), criteria (cognitive-intellectual, motivational-volitional, activity-behavioral), indicators (motivational, cognitive, activity, personality), levels of formation (high, medium, satisfactory, low) were determined. A model of the methodical system for the formation of IT competence of future doctors and pharmacists in the process of teaching the disciplines of natural science training, which integrates the strategic and regulatory, target, theoretical and methodical, technological, organizational and effective blocks was developed and substantiated, and the effectiveness of its practical implementation was experimentally tested. Structural components (cognitive-reflexive, motivational, strong-willed, creative-activity, cognitive-intellectual, procedural, activity) readiness for the use of digital technologies in professional activity, the synthesis of which determines its formation, subject to the acquisition of IT competence by future specialists in the process of teaching the disciplines of natural science preparations have been identified. The readiness (activity component) of future doctors or pharmacists for the use of digital technologies in professional activities, due to the synthesis of epistemological, axiological and praxeological components, was proposed to be assessed within the limits of gnostic, motivational, activity criteria according to the levels of IT competence acquired in the process of teaching the disciplines of natural science training when introducing a model of a methodical system. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of psychological and pedagogical conditions, as well as the readiness (within the structural components) of future specialists to use digital technologies in professional activities, taking into account the formation of IT competence in the process of teaching the disciplines of natural science training have been developed. We have proved that the formation of IT competence in the implementation of the model of the methodical system in the process of teaching the disciplines of natural science training ensures that applicants for higher medical (pharmaceutical) education acquire readiness (within the structural components) for the use of digital technologies in professional activities.


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