Bolgrabs'ka I. The investigation of dynamical properties of interconnected rigid bodies systems with application to studying properties of rod constructions

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

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  • 01.02.01 - Теоретична механіка


Specialized Academic Board



3. The mathematical model of elastic object is designed on the base of the system of rigid bodies, connected by elastic hinges. The justification of adequacy of such a model to rods' one, and investigation of working modes of the object by taking into account its asymmetry are developed as well. The convergence of solutions of the motion equations of discrete models to solutions of corresponding continuous boundary value problems is proved. The effective algorithm is developed for determination of the resonance frequences, i.e. frequences in the neighborhood of which the stationary motion of the objects with small asymmetry is unstable. .

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