The scientific novelty of the research consists in theoretical substantiation, development and experimental verification of the methodology of development of prospective information technology specialists’ English competence in reading and speaking, which involves integrated and staged formation of reading and speaking skills; application of the system of exercises that correlates with stages and provides subsystems and groups of exercises aimed at students mastering vocabulary, grammar and phonetic skills, ability to use strategies, comprehend professional texts, produce a monologue-presentation and participate in a dialogue-discussion; implementation of the model of teaching, which provides for the purposeful formation of strategic competence with the help of special groups of exercises; refining the content of the development of prospective information technology specialists’ English competence in reading and speaking, criteria of teaching materials selection; further development of the criteria for assessing the level of English competence in reading and speaking.
The practical significance of the obtained results lies in: selecting teaching materials, elaborating complexes of exercises, composing methodological recommendations for teachers on developing prospective information technology specialists’ English competence in reading and speaking, elaborating a manual in English.
English competence in reading and speaking of prospective information technology specialists is the ability to understand and analyze information from professional texts and use it in spoken production and spoken interaction, choose appropriate to the situations and tasks verbal and nonverbal means to effectively fulfil communicative and professional objectives.The model of the development of prospective information technology specialists’ English competence in reading and speaking, which takes into account the object (process of development of prospective information technology specialists’ English competence in reading and speaking), purpose (development of prospective information technology specialists’ English competence in reading and speaking at the level provided by the program), target audience (students in the field of knowledge 12 "Information technologies"), expected results (appropriate level of English competence in reading and speaking), stage (the first year of study), academic discipline (English for specific purposes), teaching aids (teaching materials); presupposes step-by-step implementation at the preparatory, main and final stages, control of results (diagnostic, current, final at the end of the semester and at the end of the year, self-control, mutual control). Two variants of the model have been offered. Version A provides for the purposeful formation of strategic awareness through an appropriate subsystem of exercises within the preparatory stage and its further development at the following stages. In variant B of the model there is no separate group of exercises for the formation of strategic awareness, which is to be developed at all stages.
Key words: English competence in reading and speaking, prospective information technology specialist, integration, skills, abilities, strategies, knowledge, system of exercises, model, experiment.