Lokhonia M. Formation of future teachers’ readiness to create the image of the higher education institution in the process of master’s training

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки


Specialized Academic Board


Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko


The dissertation is a comprehensive study, which substantiates the theoretical and methodological foundations of forming future teachers’ readiness to create the image of the higher education institution in the process of master’s training. The state of development of the problem of forming future teachers’ readiness to create the image of the higher education institution in the theory and practice of domestic and foreign education is clarified. The conceptual apparatus of the study of the problem of forming future teachers’ readiness to create the image of the higher education institution in the process of professional training in the conditions of the master’s training is characterized. The scientific approaches of researchers to the interpretation of the main concepts of the dissertation research are considered. It was established that the existing relevant terminological system does not have established definitions. The essence and structure (personal-motivational, cognitive-operational, result-evaluative components) of future teachers’ readiness to create the image of the higher education institution in the process of master’s training are revealed. The model for the formation of future teachers’ readiness to create the image of the higher education institution in the process of master’s training was developed and theoretically substantiated, and the following blocks were defined: conceptual-target (goal, methodological approaches (systemic, acmeological, praxeological, environmental); principles (systematicity, purposefulness, complexity, digitization)); organizational and methodological (structural components of the readiness of future teachers to create the image of the higher education institution, content, stages, forms, technologies, methods); control and corrective (criteria, indicators, levels and results of forming the readiness of future teachers to create the image of the higher education institution). The expediency of determining the stages (motivational-cognitive, professional-activity, diagnostic-relevant) of the process of forming future teachers’ readiness to create the image of the higher education institution is substantiated. Pedagogical conditions have been revealed (teachers and students are aware of the need to form future teachers’ readiness to create the image of the higher education institution in the process of master’s training; the focus of the content of educational disciplines and extracurricular activities on the formation of future teachers’ readiness to create a positive image of a higher education institution; creating an environment favorable for conversion of knowledge and skills acquired by higher education applicants in image-creating activities), which ensure effective implementation of the model of formation of future teachers’ readiness to create the image of the higher education institution. An experimental verification of the effectiveness of the model of formation of future teachers’ readiness to create the image of the higher education institution in the process of master’s training was carried out. The organization of experimental verification of the studied model is characterized. It is argued that the obtained results of the pedagogical experiment made it possible to state that the developed and theoretically grounded model for the formation of future teachers’ readiness to create the image of the higher education institution in the process of master’s training ensured the effectiveness of students’ professional training under the educational-professional program “Pedagogy of a higher school” of the second (master’s) level of higher education in the specialty 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences of the field of knowledge 01 Education/Pedagogy.

Research papers

Kozlova, Е., & Lokhonja, N. (2021). Faktoren der Bereitschaft zukünftiger Lehrer, das Image der Bildungseinrichtung zu gestalten [Factors of willingness of future teachers to shape the image of the educational institution]. In O. Mikhailychenko (Ed.), Fragen der humanitären Hochschulbildung in der Ukraine: Monographie herausgegeben von Prof. O. Mikhailychenko (pp. 190–203). AV Akademikerverlag

Lokhonya, M. (2021а). Theoretical basis of formation of future teachers’ readіness to create the higher education institution image. Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 104(10), 157–166

Lokhonya, M. (2021б). The higher educational institution image as a pedagogical problem Фізико-математична освіта: науковий журнал, (1(27)), 13–17.

Лохоня, М. (2022). Критерії рівневої готовності та показників майбутніх педагогів до формування іміджу закладу вищої освіти. Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 123-124(9-10), 214–221.

Lokhonya, M. (2023а). Experimental check of the formation model of the future teachers' rediness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process. Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, (129-130)5-6, 208–219

Lokhonya, M. (2023б). Pedagogical conditions and stages of effective implementation of the formation model of the future teachers’ readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master’s training process. Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 131(7), 247–257.

Lokhonya, M. (2021в). Technologies and conditions of the higher educational institution image formation in the master’s training process SWorldJournal, (07-04), 108–112

Lokhonya, M., Kozlov, D., & Kozlova, O. (2021). Structural and functional model of the higher educational institution image formation in the master’s training process. Science and Education A New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology, IХ (99)(252), 14–16.

Lokhonya, M. M., & Kozlova, O. G. (2023). Formation model of future teachers’ readines to create the higher educational institution’s image. SWorldJournal, (18-03), 69–74.

Козлова, О., & Лохоня, М. (2020). Готовність майбутнього викладача до формування позитивного іміджу університету як об’єкт наукового аналізу. Освіта для ХХІ століття: виклики, проблеми, перспективи: матеріали ІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. Суми, 237–239

Лохоня, М. М. (2021). Теоретична модель формування іміджу закладу вищої освіти майбутніми викладачами у процесі магістерської підготовки. Освіта для ХХІ століття: виклики, проблеми, перспективи: матеріали ІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. Суми, 208–213

Lokhonіa, M. M. (2021). Creating the higher educational institution image in the master’s training process. Інноваційні наукові дослідження у галузі педагогіки та психології: матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. Запоріжжя, 16–18.

Kozlova, O. G., Lokhonya, M. M., & Kozlov, D. О. (2021). Problems of development of the higher educational image institution and perspective of their features perception. Інновації в освіті: перспективи розвитку: матеріали І Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. Тернопіль, 38–40

Сіваєва, Д. О., & Лохоня, М. М. (2023). Понятійний апарат іміджелогії: динаміка змісту поняття «імідж». У В. І. Статівка (Заг. ред.). Менеджмент у сучасному закладі освіти: проблеми, пошуки, перспективи: Збірник статей і тез (сс. 52–58). Суми: СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка

Lokhonya, M. (2023). The higher educational institution image formation and its positioning in the educational services market. Корекційно-реабілітаційна діяльність: стратегії розвитку у національному та світовому вимірі: матеріали ІХ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. Суми, 368–370


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