Velichko N. Interactivity as a means of forming the design of children's printed books

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 022 - Культура і мистецтво. Дизайн


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 64.109.002

Kharkiv Academy of Design and Arts


The thesis is a complex research of features of interactivity usage as a means of formation of utilitarian and aesthetic aspects of the design of children's printed books. In recent years, against the background of the development of electronic means of communication, the book is no longer perceived as the only possible universal means of transmitting information. This is primarily due to the fact that a user gets used to daily interaction with media space, to receive feedback on their actions, rather than a static perception of information. A reader seeks active feedback, not just reading large amounts of text information. The object of research is the design of children's printed books with interactive elements. The subject of research is interactivity as a factor in forming the design of children's books. Theoretical and methodological grounds of the study are the works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers. In particular, studies on the topic were conducted by: I. Rosenson, I. Nikitina, V. Lyashenko, T. Bitachevskaya, V. Danilyak, V. Munipov, P. Baluta, who studied the evolution of design in the modern world; M. Dovhykh, O. Shustrova, A. Drozdova, O. Shved, N. Bryzhachenko, V. Severin, W. Mitchell, R. Kluszynski, N. Carr, E. Rowley-Jolivet, R. Lengler, Martin J. Eppler, Qi Li, James de Vries, who focused on the study of interactivity and visuality in the context of design; M. Yanovsky, M. Kufaev, E. Rostovtsev, T. Brueva, K. Zagarov, E. Ogar, O. Kuzmenko, who analyzed the book as a cultural phenomenon; D. Zolotarev, O. Koritov, G. Oreshina, A. Grebenyuk, O. Kharchenko, N. Korzhik, A. R. Montanaro, C. Jr. R. Ruiz, S. N. Le, Jinze Yu, K. Low, who studied book design in the modern world; O. Murgina, I. Tikhomirova, M. Tokar, O. Podobedova, A. Mayovets, O. Polevina, M. Taranov, K. Kasyanenko, O. Melnyk, D. Popova, A. Smirnova, M. Yefimova, O. Poznyakova, J. Qi, L. Buechley, who analyzed changes in the minds of the modern child and the design of children's books. The connection of the thesis with scientific programs, plans, topics of the university and the department. The research was performed in accordance with the plan of training highly qualified scientific staff of the Department of Graphic Design of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive art analysis of interactive means of the design of printed children's books, to identify the functional purpose of such publications and the typical means of organizing interaction. This purpose defines the following research objectives: 1. to study the state of research on the design of children's printed publications with interactive elements on the basis of the analysis of literary and other informational sources; 2. give definition to the concept of "children's interactive printed book"; 3. identify the patterns of development of interactive printed books from its inception to the present day, and determine the features of the design of such publications; 4. to analyze the current state of interactive printed children's books in Ukraine and rest of world, and to identify the main trends in the development of such publications; 5. substantiate the feasibility of using interactive elements in the design of children's books and the need to take into account the requirements of pedagogy and age of the reader during development of their design; 6. systematize and classify the means of organizing interaction in the design of children's books; 7. provide practical recommendations and identify prospects for further research in the field of children's book design. Chronological boundaries of the study – from the end of the XX century to the beginning of the XXI century; some aspects of the study are based on different historical periods since 3000 BC. The methods of research. The methodological basis of the research is a comprehensive scientific approach, according to which the task of studying research materials, design features and history of interactive paper book is solved based on methods of comparative historical and retrospective analysis. The method of synchronous analysis is used to identify trends in the development of interactive books and the relation of this field of design with the general history of mankind. Retrospective analysis contributed to the study of the degree of knowledge in this field. Art history (image-stylistic) and comparative analysis was used to identify the features of interactive publications. General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis were used to study the interdisciplinary connections of book design and to consider the place of the book in the modern information space.


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