Zayets N. Formation of readiness for professional mobility of future heads of institutions of general secondary education in the conditions of the master's degree

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.455.018

State institution of higher education "University of Education Management"


The dissertation work is a theoretical and experimental study of the problemof forming readiness for professional mobility of future heads of general secondary education institutions in a magistracy. In the process of the research, the main provisions of the organization of the training of heads of general secondary education institutions were analyzed in accordance with modern trends in the reform of the educational sector, the need to update the content, forms and methods of forming readiness for professional mobility of future heads of general secondary education institutions was proved. The relevance of the study confirms the dynamism and intensity of multifaceted changes that have covered all areas of human life and are one of the most characteristic features of the development of modern society. The processes of globalization, integration, rapidly changing world trends lead to the need to be ready for movements in the social space, quickly and easily adapt to the conditions of the surrounding reality, flexibly and quickly react and interact with various subjects and systems. In the research process, it was realized that the rejection of stereotypes, the ability to innovate, experiment, constantly review one's own beliefs, the readiness to find solutions-answers to changes in the demands of society, the ability to choose the most effective technology for the predicted results in professional activity determines the readiness for professional mobility of future heads of institutions general secondary education. The content of the concept of "readiness for professional mobility of future heads of general secondary education institutions" is defined as a system of integrative abilities of the individual, which ensures readiness to change the professional condition, status, mastering new competencies and technologies in professional activity. The study characterizes the methodological principles of the formation of readiness for professional mobility of future heads of general secondary education institutions under the conditions of a master’s degree, which include: scientific approaches (acmeological, systemic, andragogical, synergistic, axiological, personal-active, competent) and principles (humanization, optimal ratio of individual , personal and professional development, subject orientation, contextuality, continuity, reflexivity).The process of formation of readiness for professional mobility of future heads of institutions of general secondary education in the conditions of the master's degree is presented in the model, which includes the block of goal setting, organizational content, and effective blocks. The goalsetting block contains: the goal, the task of the research; general scientific approaches to the formation of readiness for professional mobility of future managers of general secondary education institutions in the conditions of a master's degree (acmeological, systemic, andragogic, synergistic, axiological, personal-activity, competence) principles (humanization, optimal ratio of individual, personal and professional development; subject orientation, contextuality, continuity, reflexivity). The organizational and content block includes components (motivationalaxiological, cognitive-active, personal-reflective), stages (sustainable development, creative search, structuring (ordering); functions (transformative-visual, projectcreative, prognostic, gnostic, value-oriented , design, organizational, communicative, developing, innovative). In order to organize the process of formation of readiness for professional mobility of future heads of general secondary education institutions, appropriate forms, methods (tools) and technologies have been determined. The resulting block includes defined criteria (motivational, cognitive-active and reflexive) and levels (creative (high), functional (sufficient), intuitive (low)) of readiness for professional mobility of future managers of general secondary education institutions in the conditions of a master’s degree. The vectors of readiness and diagnostic methods regarding the level of formation of readiness for professional mobility of future heads of general secondary education institutions in the conditions of the master's degree.


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