Komashchenko I. Communication models of innovation presentation in the modern information space

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 061 - Журналістика. Журналістика


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.001.347

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Information support of innovations ensures the synergy of specific communication segments such as scientific communication, business communication and media communication, which are thereby represented by scientists, business organizations and media. Innovations communication support provides information exchange on the realities of science and innovations, shaping an adequate information image of innovations, scientists self-positioning, and achieving specific communication goals during innovative activity. For the first time, the author developed the combined model of innovations presentation and formulas for the potential success definition of applied presentation models. Tendencies and social communication features of scientific and innovative topics in popular Ukrainian socio-political online resources (on the example of resources obozrevatel.com, segodnya.ua, tsn.ua, 24.tv, rbc.ua and dt.ua) have been improved and specified. Based on the research of D. Nordfors and H. H. Peters ("innovation journalism"), as well as E. Rogers (innovation diffusion theory), the scientific-theoretical and terminological basis of innovative activity in the context of innovation presentation was further developed. The results of historiographical and terminological analysis results indicated the key terms of innovative activity, its essence and information processes according to the socio-communicative approach (innovation, innovative activity, information and communication space, innovative activity actors, information infrastructure of innovative activity, etc.). Current innovation presentation models (such as scholar publications, patents, transfer technology system, technological parks membership, business organizations involvement, popular science and general topics media, social media activity, innovations exhibition participants, grant programs, advertising and PR technologies and innovator self-positioning) were identified with the terminological analysis combined with the included observation method and formed the basis of the author`s combined communication model of innovation presentation. The content analysis results confirmed the hypothesis of the study and revealed the sporadic coverage of scientific and innovation topics in Ukrainian socio-political online media. On average, only 1,1% of media materials are devoted to science and innovations with a strong tendency to popularize space, machine and information technologies, mostly by information message genre. The content analysis results indicate that for each of the established quality markers of journalistic material on scientific and innovative topics (namely: information about the innovator, mentions of the scientific institution, innovator comments, mentions of business organizations, mentions of science promoting measures and explaining of social significance) on average accounts for less than 20% of the total number of studied materials. Ukrainian universities' top management interviews (14), as well as surveys of scientists (75) on usable innovation presentation models, showed varying application degrees of current models in the Ukrainian scientific community. According to surveys, the most popular models to present scientific results are scholarly publications, participation in grant programs and innovation exhibitions, and social media publications. At the same time, cooperation with business organizations and media is much less popular. The study presents the author's combined model of innovation presentation, which essence is in using the fullest range of relevant communication models (described in the first and second parts) to increase the potential presentation effectiveness and to form an adequate information image of innovation. The combined model allows optimization of scientific results presentation for specific communication segments, which emphasizes the equal influence of all innovation activity actors on shaping the information image of innovation. The study formulates criteria and formulas of potential presentation effectiveness that allow innovators to determine the most-used components of the combined model and the ones that need refinement. It also systematized the main media roles in the promotion of the scientific results shaped in key media strategies, presented the analysis results of presentation activity on the example of Ukrainian leading universities scholars, and systematized the basic ethical principle and legal basis for popularising scientific results.

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