• A. Boutet de Monvel, I. Karpenko, D. Shepelsky, “A Riemann–Hilbert approach to the modified Camassa–Holm equation with nonzero boundary conditions”, J. Math. Phys. 61, No. 3, 031504, 24 (2020). Q2, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5139519
• I. Karpenko, “Long-time asymptotics for the modified Camassa–Holm equation with nonzero boundary conditions”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry 16, No.2, 224–252 (2022). Q3, https://doi.org/10.15407/mag18.02.224
• I. Karpenko, D. Shepelsky, G. Teschl “A Riemann–Hilbert approach to the modified Camassa–Holm equation with step-like boundary conditions”, Monatshefte f¨ur Mathematik 201, (2023), 127–172. Q2, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00605-022-01786-y
• I. Karpenko, D. Shepelsky, “A Riemann–Hilbert approach to the modified Camassa–Holm equation with nonzero boundary conditions”, VI International Conference “Analysis and Mathematical Physics”, Kharkiv, Ukraine (June 2018).
• I. Karpenko, D. Shepelsky, “The Riemann–Hilbert approach to the Cauchy problem for the modified Camassa–Holm equation”, 6th Ya. B. Lopatynsky International School-Workshop on Differential Equations and Applications, Vinnytsia, Ukraine (June 2019).
• I. Karpenko, D. Shepelsky, “The inverse scattering transform, in the form of Riemann–Hilbert problem, for the modified Camassa–Holm equation”, Іnternational Conference dedicated to 70th anniversary of Professor A.M.Plichko “Banach Spaces and their Applications”, Lviv, Ukraine (June 2019).
• I. Karpenko, D. Shepelsky, “A Riemann–Hilbert problem approach to the modified Camassa–Holm equation on a nonzero background”, Pidzakharychi, Ukraine (August 2019).
• I. Karpenko, D. Shepelsky, “The modified Camassa–Holm equation on a nonzero background: large-time asymptotics for the Cauchy problem”, Workshop “New horizons in dispersive hydrodynamics”, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, United Kingdom (June 2021).
• I. Karpenko, D. Shepelsky, “The large-time asymptotics for the modified Camassa–Holm equation on a non-zero background”, 5-th International Conference “Differential Equations and Control Theory ”, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine (September 2021).
• I. Karpenko, D. Shepelsky, G. Teschl, “A Riemann–Hilbert approach to the modified Camassa–Holm equation with step-like boundary conditions”, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine (May 2022).
• I. Karpenko, “The modified Camassa–Holm equation on a step-like background”, Complex Analysis, Spectral Theory and Approximation meet in Linz, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria (July 2022).
• I. Karpenko, “A Riemann–Hilbert problem approach to the modified Camassa–Holm equation on a step like background”, Workshop From Modeling and Analysis to Approximation and Fast Algorithms, Hasenwinkel, Germany (December 2022).