Kryzhanivska V. Student absenteeism in the information society

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 054 - Соціологія

Specialized Academic Board

ID 2518

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


Kryzhanivska V. I. Student absenteeism in the information society. – Qualification scholarly paper: a manuscript. Thesis submitted for obtaining the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences, Speciality 054 – Sociology. – V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2023. In the justification of the relevance of the chosen topic of the dissertation research is indicated that the urgency of the topic is determined by new social needs and requests, which are caused by the processes of digitization in the information society, as well as socio-political crises of Ukrainian society, which, in particular, concerns the integration of youth into society and political socialization, which is reproduced through the practices of political and civic activity in such conditions. Student youth is characterized by a high level of absenteeism, political passivity and political infantilism, which requires a response in order to eliminate threats, ignoring which will have negative consequences for the functioning of society, leads to the deformation of the functioning of democratic institutions and the shakiness of the legitimacy of the government, the conservatism of politics and the reduction of the representation of the interests of young people. Based on the results of the study, a sociological conceptualization of the phenomenon of student absenteeism in the information society was carried out for the first time, in particular, the features of its manifestation, online practices, causes and consequences of student absenteeism were considered, a typology of students as political actors (8 types) was proposed, based on the specifics of political interactions and perceptions own political participation. The definition of the concept of “absenteeism” was improved from a sociological point of view, which was interpreted as a conscious avoidance of participation in the political life of society, including participation in elections, in solving political and civil problems relating to the current state of public life and the future development of the country. ; interpretation of absenteeism as an objective and natural social phenomenon without the prevalence of negative connotations; determining the specifics of political communications and political participation of different generations of student youth, in particular, the online practices of absenteeism and political participation, which are most characteristic of students belonging to the digital generation, are considered. According to the research problems, the interpretation of the essence of absenteeism has been further developed through the prism of a number of theoretical and methodological approaches (structural-functional approach, the theory of structural constructivism, the theory of structuration, the theory of post-structuralism, or the theory of duality, etc.), which allows for a comprehensive study of its different aspects, which leads to a deeper understanding of the essence of absenteeism and its impact on the socio-political life of society; analysis of the correlation and interconnection of political passivity and civic activity of students, the value and motivational component of which is significantly transformed in the conditions of social challenges and crises, such as war; interpretation of the interdependence of absenteeism and political identification of students, which is determined by such subjective factors as a sense of one’s own political effectiveness and trust in political institutions, in particular, in the institution of elections. The practical significance of the research results lies in expanding the understanding of young people’s attitudes towards politics, the reasons for avoiding participation in political processes, in the assessment and prospects of student participation in the political and social life of society, as well as the possibility of using the results obtained for further empirical research on the state and trends of student absenteeism. taking into account the political context and social transformations. The dissertation also makes recommendations for responding to high levels of student absenteeism, in particular focusing on the importance of civic education and the development of civic competencies, which should begin from school through school self-government and extracurricular practices of social activities, as well as through student self-government at universities simultaneously with the teaching of courses on relevant topics, but more practically oriented and with the involvement of students in the implementation of public initiatives. The results and recommendations obtained can be used in the development of projects and measures for the development of civic education in Ukraine, the formation or optimization of youth representation in politics in order to promote the representation of youth interests in politics.

Research papers

Крижанівська В. І. Політична участь та мотивація до неї: евристичний потенціал соціологічних концепцій Донателли Делла Порти і Дрю Халфмана (порівняльна характеристика). Український соціологічний журнал. 2019. Вип. 22. С. 36–51. DOI: 10.26565/2077-5105-2019-22-04 URL:

Фоломєєв М. А., Крижанівська В. І. Абсентеїзм як соціальний феномен: особливості інтерпретації. Габітус. 2020. № 12. С. 73–81. DOI: URL:

Фоломєєв М. А., Крижанівська В. І. Абсентеїзм як індикатор порушення соціальної згуртованості суспільства. Габітус. 2021. Т.1. № 24. С. 39–46. DOI: URL:

Крижанівська В. І. Цифровізація політичної участі: загрози та перспективи. Науково-теоретичний альманах Грані. 2021. Том 24. № 9. С.82–90. DOI: URL:

Крижанівська В. І. Співвідношення та взаємозв'язок політичної пасивності та громадянської активності студентства. Габітус. 2022. № 41. С. 26–32. DOI: URL:

Крижанівська В. І. Упередження про політику як мотиваційна складова молодіжного абсентеїзму. Науково-теоретичний альманах Грані. 2022. Том 25. № 6. С. 157–164. DOI: URL:

Kryzhanivska V. Linguistic features of the conceptualization of the term "absenteeism" in scientific discourse. Academic and scientific challenges of diverse fields of knowledge in the 21st century: Матеріали IX Всеукраїнської наукової конференції, м. Харків, 28 лютого 2020 р. Харків, 2020. С. 124–130.

Крижанівська В. І. Абсентеїзм у цифрову епоху: онлайн- та офлайн-практики. ХІІІ Міжнародна конференція студентів та молодих науковців «Соціологія та сучасні соціальні трансформації», м. Київ, 19–20 листопада 2020 р. Київ, 2021. С. 144–147.

Крижанівська В. І. Трансформація політичних комунікацій та практик політичної участі молоді в інформаційному суспільстві. Трансформація соціальних інститутів в інформаційному суспільстві : Тези доповідей, IV Конгрес Соціологічної асоціації України, м. Харків, 28–29 жовтня 2021. Харків, 2021. С. 261–263.

Крижанівська В. І. Комунікативні аспекти проблематики студентського абсентеїзму в інформаційному суспільстві. Інновації в науці: нові підходи та актуальні дослідження. Матеріали науково-практичної конференції, м. Ужгород, 23–24 вересня 2022 р. Ужгород, 2022. С. 90–94.

Крижанівська В. І. Політика ідентичності та абсентеїзм. VІІ Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція «Придніпровські соціологічні читання», м. Дніпро, 30 вересня 2022 р. Дніпро, 2022. С. 83–86.


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