Mahdiichuk A. Ecological features of succession of phytocenoses of sand quarries in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 101 - Екологія

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.371.013

Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine


This PhD dissertation is devoted to the identification of patterns of sand quarries phytocenoses distribution in the Right Bank Forest Steppe. The research was conducted within the Central Podillia (Khmelnytskyy region) on the example of the Andriikovetskyi sand quarry.From the literature and archival data in the historical aspect, were distinguished four stages of floristic studies of ecological and coenotic groups of different types of vegetation in the region, which were carried out in ecological, geobotanical, floristic, systematic, phytosozological directions. New, modern and perspective directions of research in the region relate to the determination of the features of the plant communities restoration within the limits of infertile and degraded areas, which remain after such anthropogenic action as the extraction of minerals. During the research in quarry-mining complexes was noted, that the primary settlement of species, the formation of phytocenoses, and soil-forming processes are dependent on the type of quarry, the degree of disturbance of the territory, and the properties of the substrates. The author determined, that a significant number of mineral developments are located in the region under study, including a significant number of sand mining deposits. Peculiarities of the formation of the floristic structure in the local conditions of devastated lands were carried out on the example of the Andriikovetskyi sand quarry, using general scientific, empirical, physiological, field, statistical, cameral and laboratory methods of research.The territory of research is characterized by significant ground cover disturbances, sharp height differences, which creates altitudinal differentiation in the formation of vegetation cover, and unstable sloping areas are subject to frequent processes of water and wind erosion, which makes impossible the course of primary succession transformations. It was established by remote sensing (UAV), that the stages of succession pass unevenly through different ecotones. The results of an agrochemical analysis revealed, that there is practically no supply of humus compounds within the quarry, which complicates the processes of forming stable phytocenoses. In this research territory were identified 76 species of plants, the leading place is occupied by the families Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Rosaceae and Poaceae. According to the chorological analysis of the flora, it was determined, that the dominant habitat types in the flora of the quarry are Holarctic (17 species), Eurasian (16 species), plurizonal (9 species), and European (9 species) habitats.It was found, that the share of perennial polycarpic grasses (35 species or 46%) prevails over one-biennial monocarpic grasses (24 species or 31,6%). It was defined, that according to the ecological structure, prevail light-loving (48,7%), mesotrophic (64,5%), mesophytic (39,5%), megathermic (52,6%) species. Among the cenomorphs, the most numerous are ruderants, stepants, pratants, pratants-ruderants, and pratants-sylvants. According to the degree of adaptation to anthropogenic changes, were distinguished autochthonous (25 species) and allochthonous (18 species) fractions, the degree of synanthropization is equal 56.6%. In the structure of the mining landscape, were highlight the next main areas: the hilly monolithic bottom of the sandpit without vegetation; steep (up to 80°) sandy walls of the quarry without vegetation; hilly loamy-sandy surfaces overgrown with cereal vegetation and various herbs; micro-bumpy surface of sandy loam dumps overgrown with ruderal vegetation; slopes of sandy-loam dumps overgrown with ruderal vegetation, trees and bushes; shaft-shaped embankments overgrown with cereal vegetation and bushes; micro-bumpy ledges of overburden rocks, overgrown with grass-cereal vegetation and single trees; sloping surfaces overgrown with various herbaceous vegetation; low-lying areas with sufficient moisture, overgrown with moisture-loving vegetation; sandy and loamy areas within the quarry, not occupied by developments. The author determined, that improvement of the substrate structure is possible due to saponite clay. According to research results, the addition of saponite clay to sand substrates improves the water-physical properties and structure of soils, reduces the phytotoxicity index and is the source of organic and inorganic compounds, that will stimulate the growth and development of plants and speed up the processes of soil formation. We were proposed to allocate the restoration territory of the regional eco-network based on the following criteria: degree of naturalness of the territory; level of biodiversity; landscape and cenotic representativeness; structural and functional purpose; existing conservation regime; areas (configurations). It was determined,that the overall indicator of the significance of the Andriikovetskyi sand quarry as a potential restoration area corresponds to a low level.

Research papers

Мудрак О.В., Магдійчук А.П. Етапи досліджень еколого-ценотичних груп рослинності Поділля. Агроекологічний журнал, №4, 2021. С. 47-54.

Мудрак О.В., Магдійчук А.П. Водно-фізичні властивості ґрунту як чинник формування фітоценотичного покриву девастованих земель. Збалансоване природокористування, №4, 2021. С. 93-99.

Мудрак О.В., Магдійчук А.П.Екологічні особливості флористичної структури девастованих земель Правобережного Лісостепу України. Агроекологічний журнал, №1, 2022. С. 32-37

Мудрак О.В., Дем’янюк О.С., Магдійчук А.П.Гірничо-промислові ландшафти Правобережного Лісостепу як потенційні структурні елементи регіональної екомережі. Екологічні науки, № 43, 2022. С. 149-153.

Мудрак О.В., МагдійчукА.П. Просторово-часовий аналіз фітоценотичного покриву гірничо-промислових ландшафтів Правобережного Лісостепу. Агроекологічний журнал. №3, 2022. С. 17-26.

Mudrak O., Mahdiichuk A (2022). Mining and industrial landscapes of Podillya as potential structural elements of the regional ecological network. Scientific Horizons. 25(4).P. 88-99.


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