Chornyi V. Justification and hardware design of periodic vibroextraction of target components from amber

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 181 - Харчові технології

Specialized Academic Board


National university of food technologies


The thesis is devoted to the study of mass transfer in the liquid-solid system during the periodic vibrational extraction of amber, the selection of the most effective designs of vibrating stirring devices, and the creation of improved periodic extractors with their use, which ensure the rational processing of amber. The influence of regime and technological parameters on the amber extraction process has been established. The obtained mathematical models make it possible to predict the qualitative characteristics of the extracts and to optimize the periodic vibroextraction of target components from amber. New designs of periodic extractors with vibrating stirring devices have been developed, which provide in-depth processing of raw materials due to the creation of effective hydrodynamic conditions created by vibroturbulating sign-changing jets in the solid-liquid system. Relevance of the research issue is due to the lack of methods of processing fossil resins for use in the food, cosmetic, perfumery, pharmaceutical and other industries, which requires their development with further scientific justification. A promising way of such processing can be the use of extraction based on pulsation effects in order to obtain extracts containing the target components of processed raw materials. Therefore, the research and development of new extraction equipment that works on the basis of low-frequency mechanical oscillations with active hydrodynamic modes and allows for in-depth processing of raw materials is a relevant and promising topic. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the development of the theory of periodic extraction of target components from amber, which is based on representations of the diffusion properties of raw materials and mass transfer at all scale levels, namely: - the diffusion properties of fossil amber were investigated for the first time. The results are summarized by regression equations that establish the relationship between the output of the target components of the raw material and the fractional composition of the raw material, temperature, hydromodule, and duration, which made it possible to determine the optimal operating parameters of the process: vibration frequency of the vibrating mixing device 2–9 Hz, amplitude 10–20 mm, hydromodule 4 –10:1, temperature 55–75 °С and average size of raw material particles 1–3 mm; - based on the conditions of interaction of low-polarity solvents and raw materials during vibroextraction, the external mass transfer was investigated during the use of vibro-mixing discs with different perforations using model raw materials. The results are summarized by a mathematical description that establishes the relationship between the intensity of mass transfer and hydrodynamic conditions; - the microelement composition, volatile substances composition and the antioxidant properties of amber extracts were established for the first time, in which 81-93% of the total investigated content of trace elements are Zinc and Aluminum and the level of their toxic doses in the obtained extracts; - it was experimentally established that the electric spark treatment of amber before its extraction with 250 discharges with a voltage of 50 kW and an energy of 15.6 kJ each significantly intensifies internal and external mass transfer and improves the quality of the extract due to the increase in the contact surface of the phases and the breaking of polymer chains of amber. The practical significance of the obtained results is as follows: - the effectiveness and expediency of using ethanol as an extractant during vibroextraction from amber was experimentally substantiated; - it was established that preliminary melting of amber before extraction with ethanol allows to increase the yield of dry substances by 1.5-2 times; - an express method for determining the content of organic acids in amber extracts was developed, which is characterized by its simplicity and can be used in technochemical control of the extract production process; - completed sketch designs of new designs of vibroextractors and vibro-mixing devices capable of providing in-depth processing of amber, as well as a sketch design of a vibroextractor with an ultra-high-frequency chamber with intermediate processing of raw materials in the field of microwave radiation. The technical novelty of the devices is confirmed by patents of Ukraine; - the methods and equipment-technological scheme of in-depth processing of amber with the use of periodic vibroextraction were justified and developed. The technical novelty is confirmed by a patent of Ukraine; - the results of the dissertation work are implemented in the educational process with the studied disciplines "Processes and Apparatus of Food Production", as well as used LLC "Migma", Kyiv during the design of the production of drinking water with amber extract, which is confirmed by the relevant act of implementation.

Research papers

Чорний В. М., Мисюра Т. Г., Попова Н. В., & Зав'ялов В. Л. (2020). Спосіб кількісного визначення бурштинової кислоти в екстрактах бурштину. Наукові праці НУХТ, 26(4), 218-226. DOI: 10.24263/2225-2924-2020-26-4-24

Chornyi, V., Mysiura, T., Popova, N., & Zavialov, V. (2021). Solvent Selection For Extraction Of Target Components From Amber. Journal of Chemistry and Technologies, 29(1), 92-99. DOI: 10.15421/082106

Chornyi V., Kharchenko Ye., Mysiura T., Popova N., & Zavialov V. (2021). Investigation of particle size distribution of grinded amber by electropulse discharges in a liquid medium. Archive of Mechanical Engineering, 68(3), 337-348. DOI: 10.24425/ame.2021.138396

Chornyi, V., Petrichenko, S., Mysiura, T., Popova, N., & Zavialov, V. (2022). Extraction from Amber Raw Materials under Electric Spark Action. Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry, 58, 386–392. DOI: 10.3103/S1068375522040044

Черный В.Н., Петриченко С.В., Мисюра Т.Г., Попова Н. В., & Завьялов В.Л. (2021). Экстрагирование из янтарного сырья в условиях электроискрового воздействия. Электронная обработка материалов, 57(5), 58-65.

Chornyi, V., Zakharov, V., Mysiura, T., Popova, N., & Zavialov, V. (2023). Baromembrane Separation Efficiency of Amber Solubilized Extract and Prospects for Its Industrial Application. In V. Ivanov, I. Pavlenko, O. Liaposhchenko, J. Machado, & M. Edl (Eds.), Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing VI. DSMIE 2023. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp 127–137). Springer.

Zavialov, V., Mysiura, T., Popova, N., Sukmanov, V., & Chornyi, V. (2020) Regularities of Solid-Phase Continuous Vibration Extraction and Prospects for Its Industrial Use. In: Ivanov V. et al. (eds) Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing II. DSMIE 2019. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 920–930). Springer, Cham.

Zavialov, V., Mysiura, T., Popova, N., Zaporozhets, Y., Chornyi, V. (2020). Substantiation of Energy Parameters of a Continuous-Action Vibroextractor for a Solid-Liquid System. In: Ivanov, V., Pavlenko, I., Liaposhchenko, O., Machado, J., Edl, M. (eds) Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing III. DSMIE 2020. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. (pp. 258–267). Springer, Cham.

Zavialov, V., Mysiura, T., Popova, N., Zaporozhets, Y., Chornyi, V. (2021). Justification of Local Expenditure Characteristics of Vibrotransporting Devices in Design Modeling of Continuous Vibroextractors. In: Ivanov, V., Pavlenko, I., Liaposhchenko, O., Machado, J., Edl, M. (eds) Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing IV. DSMIE 2021. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp 296–305). Springer, Cham.

Zavialov, V., Mysiura, T., Popova, N., Zaporozhets, Y., Chornyi, V. (2022). Application of Low-Frequency Mechanical Vibrations for Development of Highly Efficient Continuous Extraction Equipment. In: Ivanov, V., Pavlenko, I., Liaposhchenko, O., Machado, J., Edl, M. (eds) Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing V. DSMIE 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp 227–236). Springer, Cham.


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