Mokretskyy V. Application of a catalytic fuel additive to increase the energy efficiency of boilers

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 144 - Теплоенергетика

Specialized Academic Board


National university of food technologies


The world has recognized the priority importance for humanity the task of preserving the climate and reducing emissions into the environment. The thermal power industry, which consumes millions of tons of coal and fuel oil and billions of cubic meters of natural gas to produce electrical and thermal energy, is one of the main emitters of carbon dioxide emissions and pollutants. The active development of renewable energy sources in the world and in Ukraine does not negate the importance of coal-fired power generation capacities as maneuverable in the Integrated Power System of Ukraine, which will be in demand for many years to come and require increased energy efficiency. Energy-efficient technologies for thermal energy facilities are a universal measure, the result of which is not only fuel savings, but also a reduction in emissions per unit of energy produced. Among these technologies, the fuel additives occupy a certain place as a measure to optimize the fuel combustion process at high temperatures, when the main product of fuel carbon oxidation is carbon oxide. Scientific publications of recent years testify to the significant interest in the use of catalytic fuel additives on an organic and inorganic basis in a boilers. This process is still at the initial stage of study, therefore, studies of the impact of supplying the REDUXCO catalytic fuel additive, which is a source of free radicals, on increasing the efficiency of boilers and other thermal energy facilities are relevant. Industrial studies of the effectiveness of the REDUXCO catalytic additive in the modes without and with the additive were carried out at 3 capacities of power unit No. 3 of Trypilska TPP (255, 225 and 210 MW) on the TPP-210A two-case boiler, what consume the anthracite. The REDUXCO catalytic fuel additive, which was supplied in the form of small drops of an aqueous solution to the channel of heated primary air and the air channel of the dump burners, was supplied only to the 3B case, the 3A case of the boiler unit was working normally. After the catalytic additive was supplied to the 3B case, the supply of natural gas was stopped. In the experiments, after a long-term supply of the catalytic additive, it was found that there was a significant improvement in the output of liquid slag on 3B case (compared to 3A case) in the entire load range of the power unit; the temperature of liquid slag in 3B case was higher by 55-125 °С than in 3A case; a decrease in the carbon content of fly ash by 2-5% was obtained in 3B case (compared to 3A case). The experiments with the released power, when the automatic control system was disabled on the 3B case, showed that the supply of the additive led to an increase in the capacity of the power unit by 7-8 MW. Industrial studies on water-heated grate boilers WR12 and WR25, which operate on Polish hard coal, showed that the supply of REDUXCO additive under the grate and in the air channel led to a large decrease in the carbon content in the slag and fly ash and an increase in the efficiency of the boiler at 6-10 %. The research on a gas-fired steam boiler 420 t/h showed that the supply of fuel additive led to a decrease in the temperature of flue gases by 6 °C and an increase in the efficiency of the boiler by direct balance by 1.48% (from 93,4% to 94,88 %) due to the concentration of the gas combustion in the lower part of the and cleaning the heating surfaces. The tests at 4 cement plants of the supply of a catalytic additive into a clinker kiln using solid fuel showed a decrease in the specific energy consumption of fuel for the clinker production (3.4…5.7%) and an improvement in its quality. Research on the application of the REDUXCO additive to boilers, clinker kilns and internal combustion engines confirmed the increase in the efficiency of the fuel combustion process due to the creation of CO combustion conditions in the boundary layer around the particles with a corresponding increase in their temperature, an increase in the rate of heterogeneous combustion, an increase in radiation to the walls, an increase in the heat absorption of the furnace and reducing the flue gas temperature. It is proposed to accelerate the air combustion of ammonia, which has low reactivity, by supply a catalytic additive. Ammonia produced from electricity from renewable sources or nuclear power plants as a carbon-free fuel can r eplace coal atTPPs. But its burning, even with low emissions of pollutants and zero emissions of carbon dioxide, today is currently not competitive on the energy market.

Research papers

1. Volchyn I.A., Haponych L.S., Mokretskyy V.O. Estimation and Forecasting of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-Fired Thermal Power Plants in Ukraine Estimation. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2022/ No. 5; P. 80-88. DOI: 10.33271/nvngu/2022-5/080.

2. Vasilenko S., Samiilenko S., Bondar V., Bilyk O., Mokretskyy V., Przybylski W. Thermodynamic analysis of the thermal-technological complex of sugar production: the energy and entropy characteristic of an enterprise. EasternUkrainian Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2020. No. 3/8(105). P. 24-31. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2020.205148.

3. Cisek J., Lesniak S., Mokretskyy V., Przybylski W. The Influence of Reduxco in the Diesel Fuel on energy Parameters, Exhaust Gas Composition and Rate of Heat Release of a Diesel Engine. SAE Technical Paper. 2020-01-2061. 2020. DOI: 10.4271/2020-01-2061.

4. Cisek J., Lesniak S., Borowski A., Przybylski W., Mokretskyy V. Visualisation and Thermovision of Fuel Combustion Affecting Heat Release to Reduce NOx and PM Diesel Engine Emissions. Energies. 2022. Vol. 15. No. 13. P. 4882. DOI: 10.3390/en15134882.

5. Volchyn I., Cherevatskyi D., Mokretskyy V., Przybylski W. Creating the Holding of Nuclear Power Plants and/or Renewable Energy Sources with Ammonia Production Plants on the Base Circular Economy. Chapter 5. Nuclear Power Plants – New Insights / Eds. Prof. Nasser S. S. Awwad and Dr. Hamed Majdooa Algarni. INTECHOPEN. 2023. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001957.

6. Volchyn I., Mokretskyy V., Przybylski W. Experimental Study of REDUXCO Fuel Additive Impact on Coal Boiler Performance, Efficiency and Emissions. System, Decision and Control Energy. Part V. /Eds. A. Zaporozhets. Springer, 2023. P. 411-423. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-35088-7_21.

7. Вольчин І.А., Провалов О.Ю., Мокрецький В.О. Вплив каталітичної паливної добавки на процес виробництва клінкеру. Енерготехнології та ресурсозбереження. 2022. № 2. С. 33-44. DOI: 10.33070/etars.2.2022.03.

8. Volchyn I.A., Provalov O.Yu., Mokretskyy V.O. Effect of catalytic fuel additive on the efficiency of a gas steam boiler. Вчені записки Таврійського національного університету ім. В.І. Вернадського. Серія Технічні науки. 2023. Т. 34(73). № 3. Ч. 2. С. 45-51. DOI: 10.32782/2663-5941/2023.3.2/08.


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