Ukleina L. Management of the training of future administrators in the field of entrepreneurship in the vocational and technical education institution

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ Уклеїна ID 3090

State institution of higher education "University of Education Management"


The relevance of the study lies in the urgent need to adapt the system of vocational education to the modern requirements of the labor market and the introduction of innovative methods in the training of administrators capable of effectively managing and modernizing the training process. Creating an optimal model of training administrators in accordance with the dynamics of modern technical development and the requirements of employees becomes a key task to ensure the competitiveness of graduates of vocational schools. Within the first section of the study, scientific approaches to the interpretation of the main concepts related to the training of administrators in the conditions of vocational education were determined. A detailed analysis of the content, forms and methods of training administrators was carried out, with an emphasis on innovative approaches. Criterion-level analysis made it possible to assess the current state of training of administrators and determine ways of its optimization and improvement. Special attention is paid to the role of the information and educational environment, which is considered as a key element in the formation of professional competencies of future administrators. The importance of partnership between Vocational Technical Educational Institution (VTEI) and employers is revealed, focusing on their interaction in the context of training competitive workers who are able to adapt to dynamic changes in the labor market. An important aspect of the research is the analysis of legislative norms and principles that regulate the processes of acquiring knowledge and forming competencies in the field of vocational education. The dissertation also theoretically substantiates the nature and essence of training administrators in the context of vocational education. The main emphasis is placed on integration processes in the modern system of professional training, which play a key role in improving the quality of education and the professional competence of administrators. In the second section of the study, attention is focused on the organizational and pedagogical management of professional training of future administrators in the field of entrepreneurship in VTEI. Special attention was paid to the scientific justification of the management model, where the process of organizing the educational process was studied and the key structural components of the lesson were determined. In particular, the role of social partnership as an integral part of the model is considered. The technology of implementing the professional training management model in VTEI is revealed through a detailed analysis of its main components: target, theoretical-methodological, technological, control-diagnostic and management blocks. The study is aimed at a deep understanding of the technology of introducing the chosen model, with a special emphasis on the structural components of each of its blocks. In the third section of the study, attention is focused on the experimental part of the study, in the framework of which the developed management model for the training of future administrators in the field of entrepreneurship in VTEI was tested. The main goal and task of the experiment, which was implemented in three stages: ascertaining, formative and generalizing, was determined. In order to objectively assess the effectiveness of the model, a questionnaire was conducted among the participants of the educational process in VTEI, including entrants, teaching staff, management of the institution, and employers. The main indicators of the survey included aspects of the educational environment, resource provision, pedagogical activity and management processes. On the basis of the obtained results, a strategy was chosen and confirmed, emphasizing the optimization of the strengths of VTEI and the maximum use of external opportunities. The study emphasizes the importance of strengthening the positions of the vocational training center on the regional labor market, activating the development of the educational environment, and forming the key competencies of future administrators.

Research papers

Уклеїна Л.А. Теоретичний аналіз розвитку управління підготовки майбутніх адміністраторів сфери підприємництва у закладі професійної (професійно‐технічної) освіти Вісник післядипломної освіти. Випуск 13(42) «Серія «Педагогічні науки». С. 290-304

Уклеїна Л.А. Удосконалення професійної підготовки майбутніх адміністраторів сфери підприємництва Вісник Глухівського національного педагогічного університету імені Олександра Довженка, С. 222-230

Ukleina L. Actuality of forming future administrators` professional competencies in the system of vocational education (Актуальність формування професійних компетентностей майбутніх адміністраторів у системі професійно-технічної освіти) EUROPEAN SOCIO-LEGAL AND HUMANITARIAN STUDIES № 1, 2021 С. 145-153

Уклеїна Л.А. Інноваційні педагогічні технології формування уявлень молоді про професійну (професійно -технічну) освіту. Актуальні питання у сучасній науці No 8(14) 2023 С. 933-943

Уклеїна Л.А. Підготовка майбутніх адміністраторів сфери підприємництва у закладі професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти. Український педагогічний журнал № 3(2023). С 101-113


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