Vernihorova N. Organizational and economic support for the sustainable development of city parks

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 051 - Економіка


Specialized Academic Board

ID 3240

State Institution "Institute of Market and Economic and Ecological Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"


The relevance of the dissertation work is determined by the need to ensure the sustainable development of cities and their territorial structure, taking into account the factors of recreational nature use, socio-economic development and modern ecological criteria. The growing pace of urbanization creates challenges for the balanced development of city parks in accordance with the health and recreational needs of current and future generations of citizens, inclusive development and preservation of natural resources and the environment. The work substantiates the conceptual idea that in the process of organizational and economic provision of city parks, firstly, a socially oriented approach is necessary, and secondly, ecological innovations, with the help of which it is possible to achieve positive social, environmental and economic effects for the development of the city as a whole. The dissertation highlights 5 main areas of implementation of organizational and economic support for the sustainable development of city parks, namely: improvement of the institutional foundations of the functioning of city parks and determination of the organizational and economic tools for ensuring their sustainable development; - determination of institutional traps in the structure of subject-object relations in the field of organizational and economic support of park improvement; - development of a methodical approach to comprehensive assessment of damages caused to city parks as a result of the Russian war against Ukraine; - justification of the choice of forms of public-private partnership in the field of sustainable development of city parks; - development of conceptual and methodological approaches to the design of the reconstruction of city parks in accordance with the challenges of the war and post-war periods. In the first chapter of the dissertation, the theoretical basis of organizational and economic support for the sustainable development of city parks is provided, the need for greening and the introduction of ecological innovations in the development of green infrastructure is substantiated. In particular, the essence of such concepts as: "park space" in the territorial structure of the city, "economy of park space" and "organizational and economic support for the development of city parks" is determined. In addition, the relationship between the "economy of park space" and the economy of the city, the economy of the region and the state is substantiated, and a number of factors that formed society's preferences for the characteristics of the space of city parks and their ecosystem services are substantiated. In the second chapter, on the basis of the analysis of the survey of residents of different cities of Ukraine, the key indicators of consumer preferences of residents of different categories of cities were determined and common problems and trends were identified, which allows for the development of strategies for the development of green infrastructure for small and large cities in the future, taking into account the features of settlement, territorial structure of the city, logistics and needs of citizens. In order to improve methodical approaches to the assessment of damage to city parks as a result of russia's military aggression against Ukraine, methodical approaches to the assessment of damage to city parks in the context of the post-war reconstruction of Ukrainian cities and sustainable development were formed. The third chapter of the dissertation proves the proposed hypothesis about the feasibility of implementing a socially oriented approach to the development of city parks. The expediency of allocating three directions of institutional support for the development of city parks and the corresponding toolkit according to their characteristic groups of ecosystem services - regulatory, cultural and supporting - is also substantiated. The relevance of improving subject-object relations is substantiated, namely: strengthening and specification of horizontal relationships between economic entities, management and consumption of ecosystem services of city parks. According to the actual factors of the development of city parks in the post-war period, the eco-innovation project of the marine park in the coastal zone of Odesa was substantiated in the context of the principles of sustainable development and according to ecological criteria. The proposed conceptual and methodological approaches to the creation of the marine park project are focused on the sustainable development of the local economy and correspond to the principle of "build back better". Keywords: city parks, organizational and economic support, sustainable development, natural resources, socio-economic development, sustainability, inclusive development, ecologization, ecological innovation, environmental criterion, ecological management, nature management, territorial structure, green economy, environment.

Research papers

Вернігорова, Н. В. (2021). Чинники інклюзивності економіки вражень у межах використання міських парків. За науковою ред. д.е.н., професора Хумарової Н. І. ДУ «Ін-т ринку та екон.-екол. дослідж. НАН України». Одеса: ДУ «ІРЕЕД НАНУ». 506 с. С. 402 – 423. (506/32) ISBN 978-966-02-9838-5

Humarova, N. I., & Vernihorova, N. V. (2019). Inclusiveness in natural use in case of the reserved fund. Economic Innovations // Б, №21(2(71), 150-161. (Особистий внесок здобувача: визначено напрямки розвитку якостей та характеристик інклюзивного природокористування для об’єктів природно-заповіднрго фонду).

Vernihorova, N. V. (2019). Ecological urbanism as a factor of socio-economic and ecological development of modern cities and balanced use of nature. Economics and Law //Б, № 4(55), 108-115. DOI:

Вернігорова, Н. В. (2021). Парки в сфері інклюзивного природокористування. Економічні інновації //Б, Том 23, № (1)78. Одеса: ІПРЕЕД НАНУ. С. 29-40.

Вернігорова, Н. В. (2021). Аналіз організаційно-економічного забезпечення міських парків в Україні. Науковий вісник МДУ. Серія «Економіка» //Б, том 8, №2, с. 90 – 100.

Vernihorova, N. V. (2021). Urban Parks as an Innovative Social Space and a Factor of Social and Environmental Welfare. Scientific Bulletin of Mukachevo State University. Series “Economics” // Б, Vol. 8, N 4, Р. 69 – 78.

Вернігорова, Н. В. (2022). Вдосконалення суб’єктно-об’єктних відносин у контексті формування потреб в екосистемних послугах міських парків. Економічні інновації // Б, 24(1(82), 41-54. DOI:

Вернігорова, Н. В. (2022). Екосистемні послуги парків та їх оцінка. Економічні інновації // Б, 24(2(83), 53-65 с. DOI:

Вернігорова, Н. В. (2022). Аналіз організаційно-економічного забезпечення міських парків на основі опитувань. Економіка та право // Б, Випуск 3 (66), С. 85-96. DOI:

Вернігорова, Н. В. (2022). Розвиток природного потенціалу узбережжя Одещини як фактор економічного добробуту і безпеки населення. International Journal of Knowledge Transfer Management Studies: International Scientific E-Journal // (на момент публікації категорії Б ще не було). № 2. DOI: URL:

Вернігорова, Н. В. (2023). Інституційні новації розвитку міських парків в Україні. Економічний журнал Одеського політехнічного університету // Б. № 2 (24). С. 35-43. Режим доступу до журн.: DOI: 10.15276/EJ.02.2023.4. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8128451.

Вернігорова, Н. В. (2023). Економічне обґрунтування екосистемних активів міських парків на основі аналізу картування приморського міста Одеси. Причорноморські економічні студії // Б, випуск № 81. Одеса, С. 130 – 139. DOI:

Vernihorova, N.V. (2023). Оrganizational and economic structure of functioning of city parks: aspects of sustainable development and ecosystem approach. Economic Innovations // Б, Vol. 25, Issue3 (88), Р.66 – 79.

Вернігорова Н.В. (2023). Оцінка збитків міських парків у контексті повоєнної відбудови міст України та сталого розвитку. Економіка: реалії часу // Б, № 4 (68). С. 89-100. URL:о4/89.pdf. DOI: 10.15276/ETR.04.2023.10. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10042093.

Vernihorova, N. V. (2021). Institutional prerequisites for organizational and economic quality assurance of ecosystem services of city parks. Three Seas Economic Journal // Б, 2(3), 8-15 р.


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