Horbanevych V. Regulation of the securities market as a means of activating the investment development of the economy of Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 051 - Економіка


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 35.840.007

Lviv University of Trade and Economics


An author's approach to revealing the essence of the definitions of "securities market" and "securities market regulation" is proposed. It was emphasized that the regulation of the securities market is a system of relations regarding emission, circulation, control and supervision of compliance by market subjects with national regulatory norms, ensuring their harmonization with the principles and international standards of activity. It is substantiated that the regulation of the securities market covers three 7 hierarchical levels: international, national and institutional. The main forms of regulation of the securities market are proposed to be legal regulation, licensing, the application of measures of supervision, influence and control. The approach to the regulation of the securities market has been improved, taking into account the three-level hierarchical structure, target orientations and focus on the development of the economy and harmonization with EU requirements. The elements of the first level include the main subjects of regulation of the securities market and stock exchanges, whose activities are regulated by the relevant legal framework, clearly defined norms and rules, the second - forms, methods and levers of influence on the development of the securities market, the third - organizational and statistical elements, namely: department, audit, information processing, etc. The areas of implementation of the normative and legal framework of Ukraine on the regulation of the securities market in accordance with EU requirements, directives and regulations, aimed at ensuring transparency, publicity, uniformity in the regulation of securities, goods and capital markets, emission policy, circulation of securities, financial protection of investors, their rights to securities. The significant impact of the securities market and stock exchanges on the development of economic processes in the EU countries, the world and Ukraine has been proven. It was noted that the securities market includes exchange operations and trading, i.e. securities trading, as an important component of international business. The activity of the stock exchange is represented by operations with securities and documents-agreements, as well as with their circulation, placement by such objects as spheres of activity and reproduction, tangible objects. Analytical studies of trends in the development and regulation of the securities market in Ukraine and EU countries were carried out. Tendencies to decrease the volume of trading in financial instruments at operators of organized capital markets, monopolization of securities trading in Ukraine at two operators of organized capital markets, reduction in the volume of share issuance and growth of transactions with OVDPs, activation of trades in long-term, medium-term, discount, coupon short-term OVDPs on the secondary market have been identified market, a significant emission 8 of OZDP. The theoretical and methodological provisions regarding the definition of stock indices and their application during stock exchange trading have been deepened. It is noted that the absolute and relative indicators of the dynamics of the development of the securities market and the functioning of stock exchanges reflect the total market capitalization of companies, quotations on various stock exchanges, the total value of bonds issued around the world, or derivative financial instruments traded on specific markets. The algorithm of actions regarding optimization and decision-making regarding participation in stock market trading under conditions of risk, taking into account multivariability, with the development of an efficiency matrix, received further development. The applied use of the matrix of profitability of shares and the matrix of profitability of corporate bonds is proposed, with the proof of the most profitable options for investing funds in shares, bonds, etc. A methodical toolkit has been developed for the analysis of the stock market, taking into account changes and fluctuations in interest rates, the level of investment risks, liquidity and profitability of securities. The use of dispersion analysis of securities is proposed, which allows to choose the best option according to the level of profitability according to groups of securities and issuers, to estimate the optimal level of potential profitability based on a multivariate approach to decision-making by issuers of securities under risk conditions.

Research papers

Горбаневич В. Л., Іванюта П. В. Роль ринку цінних паперів в економіці держави (на прикладі США). Економіка харчової промисловості. Науковий вісник Одеської національної академії харчових технологій. 2019. Том 11, Випуск 1. С. 95-104.

Горбаневич В. Л., Іванюта П. В. Дослідження методики визначення 12 інфляції, її впливу на економіку України і фінансовий стан вітчизняного підприємства. Наукові праці МАУП. Економічні науки. 2021. Вип. 4 (63). С. 100- 107. – 0,86 друк. арк

Горбаневич В. Л., Іванюта П. В. Особливості застосування фондового індексу у операціях з цінними паперами та фінансовими інструментами. Економічний простір. Збірник наукових праць Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. 2021. № 176. С. 130-135. – 0,75 друк. арк

Горбаневич В. Л., Іванюта П. В. Державне регулювання фондової біржі в країнах Європи та Україні. Бізнес–навігатор. Науково-виробничий журнал Міжнародного університету бізнесу і права. 2022. Випуск 1 (68). С. 107–113. – 0,75 друк. арк

Горбаневич В. Л. Роль інформації і документації на фондовому ринку як важлива умова учасників, пов’язаних із проведенням біржових торгів. Український журнал прикладної економіки та техніки. 2023. № 1. Т. 8. С. 362- 366. – 0,55 друк. арк

Горбаневич В. Л. Виклики сучасного стану та їх вплив на фондовий ринок. Академічні візії. 2023. Вип. 17. URL: https://academyvision.org/index.php/av/article/view/547/505. – 0,5 друк. арк


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