Shevtsova A. Palaeolithic sites of Podillya as complex monuments of nature and society and their protection.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 103 - Науки про Землю**


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 35.051.150_ID 4070

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


In Ukraine, there is a significant number of Palaeolithic sites, each of which holds great importance for the comprehensive study of the natural conditions of ancient human habitation and for the exploration of the Earth’s history and humanity as a whole. The dissertation provides a comprehensive characteristic of individual Palaeolithic sites in the North Podillya region, specifically the Ternopil group sites (Velykyi Glybochok I, Proniatyn I, Ihrovytsia I) and the Bugliv group sites (Bugliv V, Vanzhuliv I (Zamchysko), Vanzhuliv VIII (quarry)). Palaeolithic sites are objects of both historical and natural value, as they contain artifacts of ancient tools, faunal remains, and are often associated with the of loess-palaeosol sections, which are comprehensively studied by scientists, with detailed characterization provided in archaeology and stratigraphy. The cultural horizons effectively serve as important stratigraphic markers and play a crucial role in the development and refinement of stratigraphic schemes. The study of ancient processes of artifact redeposition during deluvial-solifluction and palaeocryogenic processes is also of great significance for assessing the role of preserving archaeological materials at Palaeolithic sites. Palaeolithic sites, as complex entities, require proper protection and preservation, as natural and cultural heritage is a national asset for every state. Activities in the field of organizing the protection of natural, cultural (including geological and archaeological) monuments are a relevant direction in modern scientific research in Ukraine and other countries worldwide. According to Ukrainian legislation, one of the fundamental stages in the process of organizing the protection of Palaeolithic sites, as in any country worldwide, is the dissemination of information about heritage objects. To ensure public awareness about such objects, Ukraine has a unified State Register of Immovable Monuments, regularly updated and supplemented. Local self-government authorities use information from this register to organize further measures for the protection of heritage sites and to inform the public. The inclusion of monuments in the register involves the inventory of objects, which includes the preparation of documents specified by legislation and their submission to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. The list of these documents primarily includes a monument passport filled out according to the approved state sample, as well as other protective documents necessary for a comprehensive characterization of the object (a record card for the monument, historical reference, act of visual inspection or a technical inspection report). Further important steps in the organization of Palaeolithic heritage protection include ensuring continuous monitoring of the preservation state of these objects, installing protective signs and information stands to inform the local population about the protection of site territories (currently, only individual Palaeolithic sites in Podillya region are marked with such information stands), and prohibiting economic activities within specified protective zones. It is also advisable to initiate the use of Palaeolithic sites for scientific research and educational excursions, positively influencing the development of geotourism and local history in the region, educational processes, and expanding public awareness in the field of nature and heritage preservation. Based on a detailed characterization of Palaeolithic sites in Podillya region as complex monuments of nature and society, the necessary inventory documents for individual objects have been prepared. This process aims to include six sites (Velykyi Glybochok I, Proniatyn I, Ihrovytsia I, Bugliv V, Vanzhuliv I (Zamchysko), Vanzhuliv VIII (quarry)) in the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine and initiate the process of organizing their protection and preservation. These can be considered the main practical results of the dissertation research. It should also be noted that at the present stage, some of the Palaeolithic sites listed above are already included in the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine, namely Proniatyn I, Bugliv V (2010, monuments of local importance), Velikyi Glybochok I (2009, a monument of national importance). However, due to the lack of inventory documentation for these objects, their monitoring and protection are not ensured by local self-government authorities. In cases where the protection and preservation of Palaeolithic sites are not adequately ensured, intensive anthropogenic activities and natural processes can gradually lead to the loss of valuable material evidence of human history.

Research papers

1. Шевцова А. Юридичні аспекти охорони палеолітичних стоянок в Україні. Вісн. Львів. ун-ту. Сер. геогр. 2019. Вип. 53. С. 315–321.

2. Шевцова А., Томенюк О. Морфометричний аналіз рельєфу району Буглівських палеолітичних стоянок на Поділлі та перспективи їхньої охорони. Проблеми геоморфології і палеогеографії Українських Карпат і прилеглих територій. 2020. Вип. 1(11). С. 250–266.

3. Шевцова А. Морфометричний аналіз рельєфу околиць палеолітичної стоянки Ігровиця І на Поділлі та перспективи її охорони. Вісн. Львів. ун-ту. Сер. геогр. 2020. Вип. 54. С. 150–164.

4. Shevtsova A., Tomeniuk O. Using GIS in geoarchaeology of Podillya (Ukraine). Матеріали Міжнародної наукової конференції молодих вчених “Geoterrace 2020”. Львів, 2020.

5. Шевцова А. Головні особливості, проблеми та світовий досвід охорони палеолітичних пам’яток. Реалії, проблеми та перспективи розвитку географії в Україні: Матеріали ХІХ-ої студентської наукової конференції (Львів, 16 травня 2018 р.). Львів, 2018. С. 144–152.

6. Шевцова А., Томенюк О. Морфометричний аналіз рельєфу району Буглівських палеолітичних стоянок на Поділлі та перспективи їхньої охорони. Проблеми геоморфології і палеогеографії Українських Карпат і прилеглих територій: збірник тез доповідей конференції до 70-річчя кафедри геоморфології і палеогеографії. Львів, 2020. С. 46–47.

7. Shevtsova A. Palaeolithic sites of Podillya (Ukraine) as complex monuments of nature and society and main aspects of their protection. Building connections for global geoconservation. X International ProGEO Symposium (Abstract book) (7–10th June, 2021, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Spain). Spain, 2021. P. 249–250.

8. Шевцова А. Рельєф палеолітичних поселень Буглівської групи на Поділлі. Матеріали міжнародної наукової конференції “Культурний ландшафт як географічний феномен” (Чернівці, 23–25 вересня 2021 р.). Чернівці, 2021. С. 91–92.


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