Herasymenko V. The mayors of Odesa within the period from the second half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century: a prosopographic portrait.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 032 - Історія та археологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 03.032.2022 / ID 763

Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University


In the iflirodocio pan, the relevance of the topic was considered and substantiated; the purpose and tasks of the initiated research were revealed; clnonological and territorial borders, as well as methodological principles were determined. The scientific novelty and practical significance of the obtained results, alongside personal contribution of the applicant and approbation during the working period on the dissertation topic were indicated. The first chapter «Historiography, Source Base and Research Methodology» is devoted to the analysis of historiographical heritage and sources related to the study of the figures of Odesa mayors and their activities. Special attention is paid to the research principles and iiiethods, ternñnological features of the subject- matter. Due to the problem-based chronological principle, the historiography was systeiiiatized and divided into thee periods: historiography of the New Age, Soviet and modem (Ukrainian and foreign) historiography. The first period was marked by a richness of generalized historical essays on the life and the city development for the period of several decades or centuries. Soviet historians continued the tradition of descriptive work on the history of the city and region, but some studies of personalities of aristocratic origin were not carried out due to ideological inadmissibility; the events and phenomena of the Aiter-Reform Period were often deliberately silenced. At the present stage of the study, there was an intensification of the issues concerning the history of urban self-government in different Ukrainian cities within the period from the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. This was marked by the appearance of separate scientific publications about the mayors of Odesa in 1863-1914. The source database wee filled with new found documents, their cross- examination allows us to reveal as much as possible historical figures in the framework of their professional activities and as individuals. The range of general scientific and special methods, methodological principles, key terms was explained in detail The second chapter «Formation of Personality and Life Path of City Mayors» was aimed at composing the found biographical material in order to fom a collective prosopographic portrait of the group of Odesa mayors within the period from the second half of the nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. The figures of Semen Vorontsov, Mykola Novoselskyi, Grigory Marazli (Grigorios Maraslis), Valerian Ligin, Petro Kryzhanovskyi, Pa lo Zelenyi, Vasyl Protopopov, Mykola Moiseyev and Borys Pelikan appear as representatives of noble families, sharing different professional orientations, propeny, marital status and political views. Nevertheless, they were united by the Duina activities as the members of the Duma, the members of the Council, the city mayors; whereas their public activities united them as the participants and leaders of educational, cultural, professional and charitable societies. They also had a sinilar environiiient, they encountered each other at working and informal meetings. As a result of studying a number of personalities, it became clear that the group of Odesa mayors was diverse. Most of the biographical information has been restored. but there are still personalities. moments and circumstances that need further deepening and studying. In the third chapter «The Activities of City Mayors in the Administrative, Social, Economic Spheres», there were discussed these mayor's initiatives and proposals in the following positions: organization of the Duma and the Council, finance, trade, economy and industry, nomocracy and fire safety, water supply, lighting, cuban transpoo and communication lines, city development. It is noted that for 50 years of activity of nine heads of the city self-government, the city flourished, having made a progressive breakthrough and having become an example for other Ukrainian cities thanks to pioneering in affairs related to the organization of the city self-government within the state. The fourth chapter «The Activities of Mayors in Education, Culture and Health Care» covered the second part of the work in the field of municipal econoiiiy - care for education, science. theatre, charity and sanitary sphere. Active work in the above-iiientioned areas further influenced the n agerial, economic and social component of the citizens' life. Using all their personal and professional opportunities, the leaders of the city government tried to continue their own significant initiatives and their predecessors' ones, to give a chance for a better li2e to all comers, to create a safe city. In the conclu.elm.s of the dissenation research, the main results were presented, which can be the basis for scientific research on the history of urban self-government in the South of Ukraine, historical local lore, biographical and prosopographic studies.

Research papers

Гончарук Т. Г., Герасименко В. В., Жиленкова І. М. Ініціативи міського голови Одеси П. О. Зеленого на сторінках «Известий Одесской городской думы» (1898-1905). Інтелігенція і влада. Серія: Історія. 2018. Вип. 38. С. 214-230.

ерасименко В. В. Діяльність маловідомого міського голови Одеси М. І. Мойсеєва на сторінках «Известий Одесской городской думы» (1908-1913). Інтелігенція і влада. Серія: Історія. 2018. Вип. 39. С. 35-50.

ерасименко В. В. Сфера охорони здоров’я в Одесі на початку ХХ століття: пропозиції міських голів. Записки історичного факультету: збірник наукових праць. 2019. Вип. 30. С. 112-125

Герасименко В. Міські голови Одеси на тлі революційних подій 1905 року. Чорноморська минувшина: Записки Відділу історії козацтва на Півдні України. 2020. Вип. 15. С. 54-61.

Герасименко В. «Формулярний список про службу…» як джерело для просопографічних портретів маловідомих історичних постатей (на прикладі міських голів Одеси початку ХХ ст.). Старожитності Лукомор’я, 2022. Вип. 1.С. 38-46.


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