Kryvka E. Modern travel media text in the Ukrainian infospace: topics, format, content

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 061 - Журналістика


Specialized Academic Board


Sumy State University


The dissertation studied and comprehensively analyzed the genre and compositional features, content, intracompositional intermediality of modern travel media texts, outlined the patterns of manifestation and realization of the author's intentions. A comprehensive study of the outlined questions made it possible to form the concept of modern travel media text, to describe its structural heterogeneity; to show the key trends in the development and transformation of the travel media text genre in Ukrainian cross-media journalism; to distinguish forms of intracompositional intermediality; to characterize the specifics of verbal and visual communication in texts; to describe the types of manifestation of the author's intentions and the functions of intermedial explicit and implicit vocation in travel media texts. The theoretical aspects of travel media text research; criteria for determining ways of realizing author's intentions in forming a conceptual picture of the world; approaches to determining the role of sociocultural, touristic, advertising, and image discourses in modern travel media text, have been improved. The study of genre and compositional elements of travel media text has gained further development. The relevance of the dissertation research is that the laws of creation, features of functioning and main genre-creating features, compositional originality, content of modern travel media text are substantiated, the author's intentions regarding its organization are clarified for the first time in the practice of social communications. The object of the study is modern travel media texts published in the Ukrainian online information space. The subject of the research is genre and compositional features, thematic content, intermediality and patterns of manifestation of author's intentions in modern travel media texts presented on the online platform of convergent media «NV» in 2015-2020. The purpose of the research is to determine the main regularities of the formation and development of the modern travel media text genre in the Ukrainian media in 2015–2020 (based on the material of the convergent media «NV»). The source base of the scientific work was the online platform of the Ukrainian publication «NV» for the period 2015–2020. The empirical basis of the study was made up of travel media texts posted on the online platform during the specified period. The chronological boundaries of the study cover the historical period of 2015–2020. It was found that the researchers focused on the traditional model of the media text, its genre-creating features, poetics, composition, and stylistic features when considered the conceptual approaches and achievements related to the study and delineation of the concept of travel text. Also, scientists considered the travel text in the context of studies of specialized travel publications, television travel journalism, media travelogue, and outlined only certain aspects of the functioning of the travel media text. Having systematized scientific research on the study and delineation of the concept, a definition of the modern travel media text as a universal integral metagenre media product is proposed. The study of modern travel media texts is of practical importance. First, the results of the research can be used on lectures and practical classes of professionally oriented courses and special courses for students of the specialty «Journalism» in the disciplines «Modern Media Text», «Genres of Journalism», «Theory and Methodology of Journalistic Creativity», «Convergent Media», «Media Techniques and Media Technologies» and others. Secondly, the factual material, the main theoretical provisions and conclusions of the work can also be used in writing textbooks, manuals, monographs, educational and methodological developments for students of various levels of education in the specified specialty. Thirdly, the findings will be useful for practicing journalists, as the formed integral vision of the intra-genre variety of artistic journalism – modern travel media text – will contribute to the creation of quality journalistic materials.

Research papers

Мітчук О., Кривка Е. Особливості сатиричного відтворення тревел-пригод у регіональній періодиці. Образ : науковий журнал. Суми ; Київ. 2021. Вип. 3 (37). С. 65–72

Кривка Е. Функціональні характеристики авторських намірів у публіцистичному тексті. Збірник праць Науково-дослідного інституту пресознавства. Львів. 2018. Вип. 8 (26). С. 179–189.

Кривка Е. Контентні характеристики фактологічного наповнення тревелогу (The characteristics of the factual travelogue content). Образ. науковий журнал. Суми ; Київ. 2018. Вип. 3 (29). С. 45–53.

Кривка Е. Т. Функціональні особливості радіореклами в соціальних комунікаціях. Теле- та радіожурналістика. Львів. 2019. Вип. 18. С. 171–178.

Nataliia Haidur, Vitalii Kornieiev, Inha Pohrebniak, Andriy Yatsenko, Kateryna Horska, Eleonora Kryvka. Applied Social and Communication Aspects of the Media Literacy Development in Future Specialists. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching. 2022. Vol. 11. Iss. 1.

Kryvka E., Mitchuk O., Bykova O., Khamedova O., Voitovych N. Social Media Applications as an International Tool for the Development of English-Language Communicative Competencies. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching. 2022. Iss. 11 (6). pp. 1–15

Kruvka E., Mitchuk O. Genre form of the guide as an element of network travel text. Science and Education a New Dimension. Humanities and Social Sciences. Budapesht. 2021. IX(47). I.: 260. P. 77–81.


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