Synchak B. Deontology of journalistic activity: challenges, dilemmas, trends

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 061 - Журналістика


Specialized Academic Board


Sumy State University


The dissertation studied, theoretically summarized and solved the complex problem of journalistic duty as an integral part of professional ethics, substantiation of the elements of its deontological component. Based on the identification of topical industry problems, the current deontological challenges, dilemmas and trends facing Ukrainian journalism are highlighted. The scientific solution of this issue made it possible to implement a holistic approach to the study, synthesis, analysis and evaluation of journalistic duties in the context of professional ethics, as a problem of journalism science; highlight the deontology of journalistic activity as a section of journalistic ethics; substantiate the elements of the deontological component of the professional ethics of a journalist; to determine the relationship between the components of professional journalistic values and factors influencing the practice of professional ethical standards. Also, the conceptual apparatus for studying the problems of journalistic ethics has been improved, which has expanded thanks to a comprehensive study of deontological problems, theoretical and practical approaches to the study of journalistic ethics have been further developed, namely, the allocation of deontological problems in it; methodological foundations for studying the deontology of journalistic activity, in particular, the approach to determining the features of confession of professional duty; recommendations for the study of deontological challenges and dilemmas that arise within the framework of the functioning of professional journalistic values. The scientific problem of research arises from the insufficient development of issues of journalistic ethics and deontology in the national scientific paradigm. Describing the state of research developments in this issue, it should be noted that the deontology of journalistic activity in Ukraine has not been comprehensively studied. The designation, formulation and solution at the level of scientific challenges, difficulties, trials, requests, problems, dilemmas, norms, trends associated with the profession of professional duty are relevant not only for modern journalism and communication science, but also relevant for the information security of the country. The totality of the analyzed information and the selection of the vector of the author's scientific search in it made it possible to identify the object and subject of the study. The object is the deontology of journalistic activity as a section of professional ethics at the theoretical and practical stages of functioning. The subject is ethical and deontological challenges, dilemmas and trends that arise within the framework of the latest information phenomena. The chronological scope of the study is outlined in 2002-2021. The lower limit is explained by the introduction of significant changes to the Code of Ethics of the Ukrainian journalist, which adapted the professional duty in accordance with the times. The upper limit is until the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine and the start of an open war. Since the war categorically changed the social system and, in many ways, turned the usual order of things upside down, the issues of journalistic ethics and deontology currently require a separate thorough study. In our study, these events are mentioned fragmentarily and are used to compare examples. A significant issue for the observance of the journalistic duty is the level of awareness by consumers of information of the requirements for the professionalism of its presentation. The study examines this through the prism of increasing the level of media literacy. A positive trend in this context is the promotion of the main Ukrainian projects on media literacy, the production of textbooks, the development of curricula, teaching aids, etc. These trends allow us to draw conclusions about the demand for high-quality information activities, which directly affects the relevance of the issue of confession of journalistic duty. A detailed study of the problems of journalistic duty expands the scope of scientific research from the formal provisions of professional standards to identifying and highlighting topical industry issues to solve the complex problem of observing the journalistic duty. The practical significance of the results obtained is that they can be used in the educational process as an addition to courses related to journalistic ethics, or as a separate discipline. The research materials are relevant in the scientific field related to the study of the problems of journalistic duty, verification of facts, correction of false information, social journalism, media property, media literacy, etc.

Research papers

Cинчак Б. А. Свобода слова та журналістські стандарти в контексті блокування «телеканалів Медведчука». Вчені записки Таврійського національного університету ім. В. І. Вернадського. Серія: Філологія. Журналістика. Т. 32 (71) № 4 (3), 2021. С. 211–218.

Синчак Б. А. Антропоцентризм у соціальній журналістиці України. Наукові записки Інституту журналістики. Т. 2 (79), 2021 р. С. 38–51.

Cинчак Б. А. Особливості ідентифікації та виправлення неправдивої інформації в українських мас-медіа. Вчені записки Таврійського національного університету ім. В. І. Вернадського. Серія: Філологія. Журналістика. Т. 32 (71) № 5 (2), 2021. С. 205–214

Cинчак Б. А., Коваль А. Г., Кеда А. О. Вплив соціальних мереж на журналістику. Габітус. Вип. 25. 2021. С. 21–26

Синчак Б. A. Тенденційне підвищення рівня медіаграмотності як результат збільшення запитів на якісну інформацію. Український інформаційний простір, 1 (9), 2022. 133–146.

Синчак Б. А. Свобода вибору та свобода дій у площині українських мас-медіа. Вісник Львівського Університету. Серія журналістика. № 51 2022. 106–124.

Синчак Б. А. Прямоефірна інформаційна війна та російськоукраїнська війна 2022-го на медійному плацдармі. Український інформаційний простір, 2 (10), 2022. 85–97

Yelisovenko, Y., Nahorniak, M., & Synchak, B. Медійна активність та ставлення респондентів до української телерадіоаналітики. Communications and Communicative Technologies, (22), 2022. 71-86.

Cинчак Б. А., Коваль А. Г. Рекомендації щодо подолання розриву між теорією та практикою в журналістиці. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science. №70. 2021. С. 39–43.

Synchak B. Verification of facts as an integral part of professional journalism in hybrid wars. European Socio-Legal Humanitarian Studies. № 1. 2021. С. 112–124

Synchak, Bohdan; Livak, Petro; and Fedorenko, Mykhailo (2022) "Training of Military Chaplains for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Conditions of the Invasion by the Russian Federation," Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe: Vol. 42: Iss. 3, Article 8.

Synchak, Bohdan; Livak, Petro; and Kuvaldina, Olga (2022) "Religious Beliefs of World Boxing Champions as a Factor of Influence on Ukrainian Society in the Context of Social Responsibility," Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe: Vol. 42: Iss. 1, Article 6.

Synchak, Bohdan; Balaklytskyi, Maksym; and Dudarets, Volodymyr (2022) "Non-Religious Influence of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow 16 Patriarchate on Ukrainian Society," Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe: Vol. 42: Iss. 4, Article 6.

Kuryliak, Valentyna and Synchak, Bogdan (2022) "Reasons for the Rupture of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church with the Moscow Patriarchate against the Backdrop of the War in Ukraine 2022," Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe: Vol. 42: Iss. 7, Article 4.

Synchak, Bohdan; Ovchar, Mariia; Shevchuk, Valentyn; and Tsurina, Eleanora (2023) "Media Coverage of the Peacekeeping Activities of Pope Francis' Support of Ukraine in the Russian-Ukrainian Full-Scale War," Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe: Vol. 43: Iss. 1, Article.

Федоренко М. О., Синчак Б. А. Інформаційний плацдарм «гарячої» стадії російського військового вторгнення в Україну 2022. «Російсько-українська війна (2014–2022): історичні, політичні, культурноосвітні, релігійні, економічні та юридичні аспекти».

Синчак. Б. А. Російські військові злочини проти мас-медіа в Україні за 21 день війни 2022. «Російсько-українська війна (2014–2022): історичні, політичні, культурно-освітні, релігійні, економічні та юридичні аспекти»


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