The relevance of the study is determined by the diversity of topics and concepts characterizing the modern discourse of political campaigns. In this context, blogging actors and the blogosphere as a whole provide opportunities to bridge both geographic and semantic distances to facilitate an environment for the exchange of opinions and judgments. Therefore, structural factors shaping the modern discourse in the era of "total mediatisation," which involves the blogosphere and bloggers, arouse scholarly interest. Additionally, the institutional affiliation and background of the latter are considered.
The object of the research is the innovative structure of the modern media field in the context of the formation of new subjects of public broadcasting and mass communication. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the modern blogosphere as a factor in the mediatization of the discourse of political campaigns.
The examination of the blogosphere as a factor in discourse mediatisation is motivated by both the characteristics of modern social communication research and the development of socio-political life in Ukraine. In the face of russian aggression, the blogosphere is analyzed within the context of patriotic activism as a form of political campaigning, as well as volunteer activities.
The empirical basis of the study comprises over 200 of the largest Ukrainian blogs on YouTube and Telegram, identified by online publications ("Detector Media," "Slovo i Dilo") and specialized catalogues. The purpose of the work is to establish the features of the modern blogosphere as a factor in the mediatization of the discourse of political campaigns.
The work uses a complex methodology that includes a systemic approach, comparative analysis, and an institutional-actor perspective. Hence, research efforts are focused on clarifying the systematicity of the institutional structure of the blogosphere and the systematicity of media manifestations of blogging, comparing the discursive and semantic meanings of political campaigns, determining the functionality of specific stages of mediatization of political campaigns and their importance for filling the discourse.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in the tradition of Ukrainian social and communication studies, the specificity of the mediatization of political campaigns was established based on the influence of the blogosphere on the formation of discourse; the importance of the concept of political blogging activism within the crisis conditions of the threat to statehood is established; the empirical parameters of the transformative potential of the mediatization of the discourse of political campaigns are clarified; the contextual conditions for the structuring of the blogosphere are revealed as a result of the peak mediatization of the discourse of political campaigns; the concept of "total mediatization" is proposed as a process in which the elements of social and cultural activity are influenced by the media and the blogosphere and become dependent on them.
Interdisciplinary research ensures an understanding of the specifics of the mediatization of modern discourse within the context of blogging activity. Analyzing the interaction of discursive features of political campaigns and the functioning of the blogosphere allows us to dissect the discrepancies between distrust of internet-spread information and trust in bloggers. The chosen methodology allows for a systematic and comprehensive examination of the blogosphere as a collection of individual actors who can act collectively, depending on their commitment, involvement, background, and so forth. In this way, the blogosphere acquires a series of conceptual characteristics that ensure its optimal structuring. Blogs are distinguished by their combination of genres, dynamism in addressing topics and disseminating information, interactivity and non-linearity, and significant decentralization. All these factors allow them to have a significant mediation potential, which is due to a number of its functional features.