Shubina Y. Improvement of the technology of culinary semi-finished products using non-traditional protein-containing raw materials

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 181 - Харчові технології

Specialized Academic Board


National university of food technologies


The dissertation work aims to improve semi-finished products in the dough shell by introducing vegetable protein-containing raw materials.One of the most promising protein-containing crops is hemp. Hemp seed products have a high content of amino acids and are combined with meat-containing products to improve their functional and technological properties.The process of freezing in the production of semi-finished products affects changes in functional, technological structural and mechanical properties.Levelling these changes is possible through the use of cryoprotectants. By shifting the isoelectric point of the protein, fillers can improve the moisture binding capacity.The second chapter of the thesis substantiates the methods used to analyse raw materials and finished products.In the third chapter of the dissertation, a study of the products of processing hemp seeds and corn starch was carried out, taking into account the possibility of further use in the formulations of semi-finished culinary products.It was proved that hydration of raw materials in a ratio of more than 1:2 reduces the moisture-binding and emulsifying capacity of raw materials, and heating the samples in a water bath does not have a significant effect on their improvement. It has been determined that hydration ratios of 1:1.5 and 1:2 allow obtaining systems with good rheological properties.Studies of corn starch in terms of physicochemical parameters and chemical composition indicate significant prospects for the use of this raw material in culinary semi-finished products.The use of hemp seed protein and flour in the production of frozen semi-finished products in a dough shell and meatballs was studied.The results of the study show that the use of 20 % of hydrated hemp seed products can improve the functional, technological and rheological characteristics of the product compared to the control recipe using pork and beef.It has been determined that freezing semi-finished products without a dough casing reduces the indicators.According to the results of the research, it was proved that the water activity in the tested products is in the range of 0.951-0.967 water activity units. According to the research results, it has been proven that the combination of hemp seed processing products with white meat of broiler chickens allows to obtaining of minced systems whose functional and technological indicators are not affected by cryogenic processing.The proportion of corn starch and flour or hemp seed protein and the method of their hydration (using anolyte or catholyte) were varied in the experimental formulations.It was determined that the use of corn starch can reduce the effect of freezing minced meat, which indicates its cryoprotective ability. The use of corn starch provides a high moisture-binding capacity for the product and reduces the activity of water in semi-finished products.It has been determined that anolyte and catholyte do not have a significant effect on the pH of minced meat and dough systems.The emulsifying ability and plasticity of the minced meat filling after defrosting show higher values in the improved formulations.The highest yields are demonstrated by samples using catholite and 15% corn starch.The results of the thermographic analysis showed that the use of catholyte in semi-finished products contributes to the production of thermostable systems.The use of anolyte has a better bactericidal effect on semi-finished products in a dough shell.The amino acid composition of the semi-finished products was studied and it was proved that the use of corn starch reduces the proportion of protein in the product, but leaves a sufficiently high amino acid SCORE.The resulting product was stored in vacuum packaging for a 12 months at -18 ºC. The studies show a slight decrease in moisture content after defrosting. At the same time, the moisture binding capacity in all samples remained at the level of 100 %, which indicates the production of culinary semi-finished products with stable functional and technological indicators during long-term storage. The pH value in the minced meat systems after storage stabilised at 5.8-5.75. There was also a slight decrease in water activity in the semi-finished products.The results of the evaluation showed that after 12 months of storage, the minced meat systems are within the range of products conditionally suitable for consumption.The results of the research have shown that activation with an anolyte is preferable for hemp seed protein and catholyte for flour. Optimisation modelling of recipes and a full factorial experiment were carried out to study the effect of the combination of protein-containing raw materials, structure-forming and electrochemically activated water on the functional and technological parameters of semi-finished products in a dough shell. The project of technical conditions and technological instructions for the developed semi-finished products was received.

Research papers

Bozhko, N., Pasichnyi, V., Tischenko, V., Marynin, A., Shubina, Y. та Strashynskyi, I. (2021) Determining the nutritional value and quality indicators of meat-containing bread made with hemp seeds flour (Cannabis sativa L.). Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(11(112), 58–65.

Пасічний В., Шубіна Є., Тищенко В., Божко Н., Мороз О. (2022) Дослідження використання продуктів переробки насіння конопель для використання у м'ясних продуктах. Наукові праці Національного університету харчових технологій, 28(2), 173-183.

Pasichnyi, V., Shubina, Y., Svyatnenko, R., & Moroz, O. (2022). The effect of freezing on the characteristics of semifinished products in a dough covering using non-conventional protein-containing raw materials. Animal Science and Food Technology, 13(1), 47–56.

Marynin, A., Shpak, V., Pasichnyi, V., Svyatnenko, R., & Shubina, Y. (2023). Physico-chemical and rheological properties of meat pates with corn starch suspensions prepared on electrochemically activated water. Ukrainian Food Journal, 12(2), 207-226.

Маринін, А., Шпак, В., Пасічний, В., Шубіна, Є., & Святненко, Р. (2023). Вплив електрохімічно активованої води на функціонально–технологічні властивості та реологічні показники м’ясних паштетів. Вісник Національного технічного університету «ХПІ». Серія: Нові рішення у сучасних технологіях, (2 (16)), 79-85.


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