The work presents an analysis of scientific and theoretical concepts and
approaches to the study of the problem of monetary behavior of students, defined
and described its components, psychological typology and regulatory factors of
formation. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of scientific work,
which are that:
At the first time: - have been shown the specifics of psychological well -being and personal
maturity of students, depending on the type of monetary behavior of personality;
- the regulatory predictors of monetary behavior of students are determined;
- the components of monetary behavior of students have been identified,
including "reassessment of value and anxiety of money", "instrumental monetary
motivation", "monetary motivation of self -affirmation", "monetary alienation" and
"monetary motivation of enrichment";
expanded idea of:
- self -regulation of monetary behavior of personality as a psychological
novelty of student age;
- typological features of students' monetary behavior;
have received further development:
- means of psychological support of optimization of monetary behavior of
The practical significance of the dissertation research lies in the creation of a
development program to optimize the monetary behavior of students, the
effectiveness of which has been proven and which can be applied in the activities
of the psychological service of the higher school. The main provisions of the work
and the results obtained in the dissertation research can be used in the course of
professional training and raising the professional level of practical psychologists
when teaching the courses "General Psychology", "Age Psychology", "Basics of
Psychological Counseling", "Psychodiagnostics".
In the course of the ascertainment study, the structure of students' monetary
behavior was determined, represented by five factors: "overestimation of the value
and anxiety about money", which determines the behavior caused by the worship
of money, its therapeutic function, anxiety and anxiety about money; "instrumental
monetary motivation", which determines the desire for entrepreneurial activity,
economical monetary behavior and a rational attitude to money; "monetary
motivation of self-affirmation", represented by fixation on money in order to
achieve independence; "monetary alienation" as monetary avoidance behavior caused by concern about money, ideas about the status of money, worship of
money; "monetary motivation of enrichment" caused by need and need for
Typological features of students' monetary behavior were revealed, which
characterize its stylistic features, which characterize rational, constructive, active
and thrifty-avoidant types of handling money, in particular, profiles of motivation
to own property revealed the existence of six typological profiles: "Motivation to
acquire property for independence", "Motivation for earning", "Low motivation for
obtaining property", "Semi-motivation for obtaining property", "Motivation for
entrepreneurship" and "Motivation for enrichment"; profiles of monetary attitudes:
"Cautious attitude to money", "Considered attitude to money expenses" and
"Beneficial attitude to money expenses"; profiles of money ideas and behavior:
"Setting to save money", "Moderation of money ideas" and "Fixation on money";
profiles of attitudes towards money: "Positive attitude towards money",
"Propensity to save money" and "Indifferent attitude towards money".
The regulatory predictors of the components of students' monetary behavior
are shown, namely: "overestimation of the value and anxiety about money" caused
by indicators of the internal locus of control and a decrease in unresponsiveness in
the structure of cognitive abilities; "instrumental monetary motivation" is
determined by indicators of viability and worthlessness, "monetary motivation of
self-affirmation" - by low indicators of awareness, in particular, the ability to not
react, worthlessness and description, orientation to money; "motivation of
alienation" is caused by a decrease in emotional and existential well-being and
responsibility, and "monetary motivation of enrichment" - motivation of
achievement, non-responsiveness and propensity to risk.
Differences in the formation of personal maturity among students with
different types of monetary behavior were revealed: responsibility is characteristic
of students "motivated to earn", "careful with money" and "moderate money
ideas". Under the condition of an active monetary type of motivation for
enrichment, responsibility is the lowest, as well as such indicators of personal maturity as tolerance and the ability for self-development. Tolerance and
independence are signs of students with constructive and rational types of
monetary behavior.