Tkachuk O. Features of diagnosis and treatment of acute hepatopancreatobiliary pathology in obese patients

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 222 - Медицина

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.613.179

Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine


The dissertation presents a substantiated model of optimization of treatment of acute hepatopancreatobiliary pathology in obese patients in order to solve the current scientific problem - improving the results of diagnosis and treatment of this pathology in obese patients by identifying predictors of severity of the disease, development of differentiated pathogenically algorithm, also reducing complications and mortality. According to the developed program, the research work was carried out in four stages. At the preparatory stage, an analysis of informational scientific resources was carried out in order to study international and domestic experience regarding the spread of obesity, its role in the pathogenesis of gallstone disease and acute pancreatitis, as well as known methods of diagnosis and treatment of this pathology. According to the World Health Organization, obesity is found in 185 million adults in industrialized countries and 115 million in developing countries. 11 In Ukraine, 22.1% of the population suffers from obesity. This disease can be considered a worldwide pandemic of a non-infectious nature. It is known that obesity is the main factor in the development of cholelithiasis, acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis. In 20% of patients, acute cholecystitis is combined with obesity. In addition, obesity is a pro-inflammatory state with an increased level of such proinflammatory cytokines: tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a), interleukins (IL) IL-10, IL-6, IL-1b. Acute pancreatitis is also a disease whose pathogenesis is based on cytokine reaction and autolysis. Thus, against the background of an already formed inflammatory response, the inflammatory reaction is even more intensified and increased, and the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines reaches critical indicators. The problem of diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute hepatopancreatobiliary pathology and obesity is caused by the severe clinical course of the disease, the increased risk of complications during surgical interventions, a significant decrease in life expectancy due to the occurrence of severe concomitant diseases and the high risk of disability of patients of working age, the appearance of numerous complications that cause an increase in the mortality rate patients According to the analysis of the literature, the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis in obese patients with ultrasound examination at the initial stage of diagnosis is insufficient to monitor the severity of the patient's condition both in the preoperative period and in the postoperative period. The study of the state of care for patients with acute pancreatitis and obesity in Ukraine and abroad showed that the recommendations do not sufficiently take into account the data on the control of pro-inflammatory cytokines, the aseptic course of the disease and the timing of infection. Among the international and domestic experience, no consensus was found regarding the tactics of treatment of acute hepatopancreatobiliary pathology in obese patients. Solving this problem is the key to the effectiveness of treatment of acute surgical pathology in obese patients. The systematic analysis of sources of scientific information provided opportunities for determining the purpose, tasks, research base, developing a program, choosing methods, and justifying the scope of the research. At the first stage of the study, a retrospective analysis of the features of the course, diagnosis and treatment of acute hepatopancreatobiliary pathology was carried out. The following groups of patients were selected to fulfill the tasks of the dissertation: 12 - a research group of 571 patients with acute hepatobiliary pathology and obesity; - the comparison group consisted of 492 patients with acute hepatobiliary pathology. The patients of this group had a normal body weight. The criteria for inclusion in the study were patients with acute hepatobiliary pathology: patients with acute cholecystitis and patients with acute pancreatitis, who were initially hospitalized in a hospital. Criteria for not including patients in the study: chronic cholecystitis or its exacerbation, age less than 18 years, repeated cases of acute or exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, absence of the entire range of studies, obstructive jaundice, including due to oncological pathology, persons with tumors of the hepatobiliary tract, transitional category overweight patients, patients with uncompensated chronic diseases. Patients with acute hepatopancreatobiliary pathology during a retrospective analysis were further divided according to the diagnosed disease: acute cholecystitis and acute pancreatitis.

Research papers

А.Б.Кебкало, О.В. Ткачук, А.О Рейті. Особливості клінічних показників, перебігу та ускладнень гострого панкреатиту у хворих із коморбідним ожирінням. Львівський клінічний вісник. 2019, 2 (26)-3(27): 16- 23. doi: 10.25040/lvk2019.02.016.

Kebkalo A., Tkachuk O., Reyti A.: Features of course of acute pancreatitis in patients with obesity; Polish Journal of Surgery 2019: 91 (6): 21-26. doi: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.4147.

О.В. Ткачук, А.А. Чантурідзе, А.О. Рейті, А.Б. Кебкало. Особливості перебігу гострого холециститу у пацієнтів з ожирінням. Клінічна хірургія. 2019, 86 (11-12): 23-28. DOI: 10.26779/2522-1396.2019.11- 12.23

Tkachuk O., Chanturidze A., Pashunskyi Y.,Reyti A., Kebkalo A.: Surgical treatment of acute cholecystitis in obese patients; Polish Journal of Surgery 2020: 92 (5): 37-42. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.3580

Ткачук О.В., Кебкало А.Б. Особливості ранньої ресусцитації та впливу улінастатину на важкий перебіг гострого панкреатиту у пацієнтів із ожирінням. Вісник Вінницького національного медичного університету. 2020, Т24, №3:449-454. DOI:10.31393/reports-vnmedical-2020-24(3)-13.

Ткачук О.В., Кебкало А.Б. Особливості лікування тяжкого перебігу гострого панкреатиту у пацієнтів з ожирінням. Клінічна ендокринологія та ендокринна хірургія. 1 (73) 2021:17-24. DOI: 10.30978/CEES-2021-1-17.

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