VOVCHUK T. Prevention of emergency situations at chemical industry facilities in conditions of excessive man-made load.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 263 - Цивільна безпека

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 64.707.055

National Civil Defence University of Ukraine


The dissertation is devoted to the solution of an important scientific task in the field of civil defense - the development of information and mathematical models, the use of which will allow to increase the effectiveness of prevention of emergency situations of man-made nature at the facilities of the chemical industry in conditions of excessive man-made load due to the implementation of QR - technology for storing and restoring information about identification of hazards in soil and groundwater. In order to achieve the set goal, it is necessary to solve the following scientific tasks. In order to achieve the set goal in the dissertation work, it is necessary to solve the following problems: 1. To analyze the state of man-made emergency prevention at chemical industry facilities in conditions of excessive man-made load. 2. To develop an information model for the prevention of emergency situations at dangerous facilities of the chemical industry due to the introduction of qr-technology for storing and restoring information. 16 3. To develop a mathematical model for the prevention of man-made emergencies at chemical industry facilities under conditions of excessive manmade load by identifying hazards in the soil. 4. To develop a mathematical model of prevention of man-made emergency situations at chemical industry facilities under conditions of excessive man-made load by identifying hazards in groundwater. 5. Check the reliability of the developed models 6. Develop options for implementing the developed emergency prevention models at chemical industry facilities under conditions of excessive man-made load. The object of the study: the process of preventing an emergency situation of a man-made nature at the facilities of the chemical industry in conditions of excessive man-made load. The subject of the study: factors of the danger of polluting products in soils and groundwater, which accompany the process of development, spread and prevention of an emergency situation of a man-made nature at the facilities of the chemical industry in conditions of excessive man-made load. The methods of functional and factor analysis, the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, the theory of algorithms, mathematical modeling, the theory of management and conducting scientific research, the theory of electrical conductivity and hydrodynamics were used to solve the set scientific problems in the dissertation research. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the further development of modern approaches to solving the problems of increasing the effectiveness of preventing man-made emergencies at chemical industry facilities in conditions of excessive man-made load by identifying the danger of polluting products in soils and groundwater. The obtained instrumental means for solving the problems of preventing man-made emergencies at chemical industry facilities in conditions of excess manmade load are the basis for further transition and implementation of the information and analytical complex QR - management of an emergency situation at chemical industry facilities in conditions of excess man-made load by identifying hazards in soils and groundwater in a single European information space. The results of the work can be used in the information support system during the organization of the actions of emergency and rescue units of the State Emergency Service to eliminate emergency situations at chemical industry facilities under conditions of excessive man-made load. The information and analytical complex can also be used as information support for personal computers in auxiliary emergency services of different hierarchical levels of subordination.

Research papers

Вовчук Т.С., Дейнеко Н.В., Лєвтєров О.А., Шевченко Р.І. Аналіз інформаційних умов формування структурно-логічної моделі управління надзвичайною ситуацією в умовах відсутності електропостачання внаслідок пошкодження електромереж // Науково-технічний збірник «Комунальне господарство міст». Серія: Технічні науки та архітектура. Х.:ХНАМГ 2020, 4 (157). С. 97-102.

Вовчук Т.С., Дейнеко Н.В., Кірєєв О.О., Лєвтєров О.А., Шевченко Р.І. Альтернативні джерела живлення та іх деградаційна стійкість в умовах надзвичайних ситуацій техногенного характеру // Інженерія природокористування. 2020. № 4(18). С. 7-13

Вовчук Т.С., Шевченко Р.І. Інформаційно-аналітичне забезпечення процесу попередження надзвичайних ситуацій на об’єктах хімічної промисловості // Проблеми надзвичайних ситуацій. Харків: НУЦЗУ, 2021. Вип. 34 (2). С. 255-271.

T.S. Vovchuk, J.L. Wilk-Jakubowski, V.M. Telelim, V.M. Loboichenko, O.S. Shevchenko, N.S. Tregub, R.I. Shevchenko Investigation of the use of the acoustic effect in extinguishing fires of oil and petroleum products // SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue No.2 (2021) 024-031 (Scopus).

Вовчук Т., Лобойченко В., Рашкевич Н., Шевченко О., Шевченко Р. Формування інформаційної QR – технології моніторингу стану поверхневих вод на територіях, які постраждали внаслідок бойових дій // Scientific foundations in research in Engineering: collective monograph / Kornylo I., Gnyp O. – etc. – Іnternational Science Group. – Boston : Primedia eLaunch, 2022. 357- 368 р.

Рашкевич Н.В., ШевченкоР.І., Вовчук Т.С. Формування математичної моделі аналізу небезпечного впливу на стан ґрунтових вод міських агломерацій від ракетно-артилерійських уражень // Науково-технічний збірник «Комунальне господарство міст». Серія: Технічні науки та архітектура. Х.:ХНАМГ 2024, том 1, випуск 182. С. 229- 240.

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