Klimov D. Increasing the efficiency of filtering personal protective equipment for emergency situations

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 263 - Цивільна безпека


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 08.080.051

Dnipro University of Technology


The dissertation as the completed scientific work provides the solution of the urgent scientific and applied task, which consists in ensuring protection of workers' respiratory organs by developing a new design of a filtering respirator with forced air supply with the ability to automatically adjust the air flow volume in accordance with the nature of the user's physical activity throughout the entire service life while maintaining the proper level of protective properties of the device through constant monitoring of key parameters. The analysis of literary data was carried in relation to the number of potentially disruptive facilities in Ukraine, hazardous factors for human health in the case of emergencies. The article provides data on the sources of civilians and existing personal protective equipment for their development, production mastering, introduction and exploitation features of filter respirators used in the evacuation of people from emergency zones. It is shown that the main disadvantages of motorized filtering equipment are: low fan efficiency due to the significant resistance to air flow that occurs in the air duct due to the small size of the air ducts; inefficient operation of the control system causes the fan to turn on with a delay in cases of a sharp increase in air flow (more than 300 l/min) when performing heavy work; low suction capacity of the centrifugal fan, which does not allow its use in an atmosphere polluted by several hazardous substances. Achieving the set indicators of the protection coefficient of filtering personal respiratory protection equipment (respirators) is ensured by adding two steps to the existing algorithm. It allows to control the protective properties of the models at the stage of their development with further corrective actions in case of their deviation from the planned indicators of the technical task. It has been determined that the insulation coefficient of masks is improved by increasing the clamping force of the mask's face piece to the user's face. This is achieved by evenly distributing the clamping forces and increasing the elasticity of the face shield material, as well as adding a special dividing strip on the face shield that takes into account the peculiarities of the anthropometric structure of the face. This makes it possible to justify the appropriate period of protective action of gas and dust filters and to avoid both poisoning of workers due to the ingress of harmful aerosols into the undermask space of the filter respirator and excessive physical exhaustion due to an increase in pressure drop beyond the normalized substances by equipping filters with special indicators for determining air pollution and the value of the pressure drop. Also, to improve the reliability of employee protection, filter respirators are equipped with functions for controlling of breathing resistance, headband placement to control possible clearances behind the obturating line during various production processes and to set the actual period of protective effect of the filters.

Research papers

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Чеберячко С.І., Клімов В.Г. Проектування фільтрувальних засобів індивідуального захисту органів дихання. “Енергозбереження та промислова безпека: виклики та перспективи”: наук.-техн. Зб. Матеріали ІІ Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. Київ, 4-5 червня 2019 р. С. 328-334.

Славінський Д.В., Клімов Д.Г., Чеберячко Ю.І. Удосконалення роботи моторизованого фільтрувального ЗІЗОД. Міжнародний форум “Безпечна, комфортна, спроможна, територіальна громада – 2023”: матеріали міжнар. конф. Дніпро, 11–13 жовтня 2023 р. Д.: НТУ «Дніпровська політехніка», 2023. С. 150–151.

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