Oksana H. Grain quality of cereal crops under intensive farming in the conditions of climate change of the right-bank forest-steppe

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 201 - Агрономія

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 05.854.023

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 201 Agronomy. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia, 2024. The thesis is devoted to the study of the intensity of heavy metals accumulation in wheat and barley grains depending on the period of cultivation, the level of soil pollution and soil moistening and fertilization with mineral fertilizers. The scientific novelty of the obtained research results lies in the studied intensity of the accumulation of heavy metals by cereal grains in conditions of man- made load on gray forest soils, depending on winter and spring forms at different levels of soil moisture, and mineral fertilization in the natural and climatic conditions of the right-bank forest-steppe. For the first time, an assessment of the grain quality of cereal crops was carried out according to the intensity of accumulation of heavy metals depending on the winter and spring forms of cereals, at different levels of soil moisture and soil mineral fertilization in the conditions of the right bank forest steppe. The content of the coefficient of accumulation and danger of lead, cadmium, zinc and copper in the grain of winter and spring crops of wheat and barley was investigated The predicted intake of lead, cadmium, zinc, and copper in wheat and barley grown under intensive agriculture in the climatic conditions of the Right-bank Forest Steppe has developed further. In the introductory part of the qualifying scientific work, the relevance of the research topic is substantiated, the goal and task are defined, the scientific novelty and practical significance of the obtained results are described. In the first chapter, an analysis of domestic and foreign literary sources on the economic importance and safety of cereal grains is carried out. The issue of food 8 security and environmental security in the modern world under the conditions of climate change in today's conditions is analyzed. In the second chapter, the soil and climatic conditions of the studied years are presented, the effect of the hydrothermal conditions of the growing seasons on the growth and development of cereal plants is established. Hydrothermal indicators during the years of research are described and analyzed. The researched varieties and research methodology are characterized. In the sections of the experimental directions of the thesis research, the results on the intensity of the accumulation of heavy metals in the grain of cereal crops during different periods of cereal cultivation at different levels of soil moisture and their mineral fertilization are described. Environmental and economic efficiency is substantiated. Research on the topic of the thesis was conducted during 2021–2023 on the gray forest soils of Vinnytsia in the conditions of the right bank forest steppe. It was established that when studying the intensity of the accumulation of heavy metals in the grains of cereal crops during different periods of cereal cultivation from the analyzed samples of winter wheat grown in the conditions of the right-bank forest-steppe under intensive agriculture, which belonged to the third class, an excess of the maximum permissible limit according to cadmium indicators was found to be 32.35% ( 0.1 mg/kg), while exceeding the MPC for zinc and copper indicators was not observed.

Research papers

Razanov S., Husak O., Polishchuk M., Bakhmat O., Koruniak O., Symochko L., Ovcharuk I. Accumulation peculiarities of heavy metals in cereal crops grains of different vegetation period in conditions of the forest steppe of the Right Bank of Ukraine. International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES). 2022. Vol. 12 (3). P. 43–50. (Web of Science). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31407/ijees12.3

Razanov S., Husak O., Hnativ P., Dydiv A., Bakhmat O., Stepanchenko V., Pryshchepa A., Shcherbachuk V., Mazurak O. The Influence of the Gray Forest Soil Moisture Level on the Accumulation of Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu in Spring Barley Grain. Journal of Ecological Engineering. 2023. Vol. 24 (7). P. 285–292. (Scopus). DOI: https://doi.org/10.12911/22998993/164747

Разанов С.Ф., Разанова А.М., Піддубна А.М., Гусак О.Б. Інтенсивність накопичення важких металів у листковій масі та насінні розторопші плямистої за різного органічного удобрення. Сільське господарство та лісівництво. 2021. № 20. С. 211-223. DOI: 10.37128/2707-5826-2021-16 URL: http://forestry.vsau.org/en/num/1-20#about

Razanov S. F., Husak O. B., Tkalic Y. I., Vradii O. I., Aleksieiev O. O., Verhelis V. I., Razanova A. M. Influence of soil moisture level on the translocation of plumbum and cadmium in the grains of winter cereals. Agrology. 2022 Vol. 5(4). P. 122–125. DOI: 10.32819/021119

Гусак О. Б. Вплив рівня зволоження ґрунтів на транслокацію Zn і Cu у зерно озимих зернових культур в умовах Лісостепу правобережного. Сільське господарство та лісівництво. 2023. № 2. С. 181–191. DOI: 10.37128/2707-5826- 2023-2

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