Pankova S. Bioindicative evaluation of the stability of field protection forest strips in the conditions of intensive agriculture of the Pravoberezhny Forest Steppe

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 201 - Агрономія

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 05.854.025

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The dissertation is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of the functioning and stability of the field protection forest strips of the Right Bank Forest Steppe under the conditions of agricultural intensification, anthropogenic influence and global warming. The structure of the field protection forest strips of the right-bank foreststeppe was determined in terms of structure and species composition. The possible agricultural impact of agricultural intensification measures on the state of field protection forest strips has been established. A comparative analysis of the main and auxiliary field protection forest strips was carried out according to indicators of their ecological condition. A bioindicative manifestation on the leaves of trees of field protection forest strips, caused by the impact of agricultural intensification measures, was established. Species of trees of field protection forest strips have been identified, observation of which will allow establishing environmental pollution caused by specific types of cultivated crops. The level of degradation of the tree-shrub-herbaceous vegetation of field protection forest strips, caused by the influence of specific types of crops grown near them, was established. A comparison of scientifically based biometric parameters of field protection forest strips with actual ones was made; The indicators of the resistance of the species of field protection forest strips to atmospheric gas and dust pollution were analyzed. Measures to optimize the functioning of field protection forest strips and control6 their ecological condition have been determined. The dissertation presents a solution to an important scientific problem - increasing the effectiveness of field protection forest strips in relation to the impact on the productivity of agroecosystems; directions of observation of bioindicative reactions of the main species of trees and priority measures to optimize the state of such plantations are determined. The dissertation contains a theoretical justification and an experimental solution to the problem related to the effective functioning of field protection forest strips in the conditions of intensive agriculture of the Right Bank Forest Steppe. It is aimed at detecting environmental pollution caused by agricultural activities and improving the condition of field protection forest strips. It was established that in the conditions of the right-bank forest-steppe, more than half of all field protection forest strips are dense in structure, characterized by a smaller positive impact on the adjacent agroecosystems. At the same time, the most effective forest strips by design are blowing ones, which make up only 14% of all main and 50% of auxiliary forest strips. Common maple and common ash are the main species of field protection forest strips of the right-bank forest-steppe, which have been intensively used for field protection breeding since ancient times. It was determined that plowing the edges of the field to the outermost row of trees is most often 1.5 m for the main field protective forest strips and 1.0 m for the auxiliary field protective forest strips, although this distance can vary from 0.5 to 10.0 m. Among all studied field protective forest strips 25.0-28.6% of the forest belt had no field roads. Other field protection forest strips had field roads with an average width of 3.0-4.0 m. The projection of the crown of the outer row of trees of the forest strip protruding above the field can be 1.0-12.0 m, most often - 7.0-8.0 m. The main factors influencing the technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops on the ecological condition of field protection forest strips are the main7 tillage of the soil, the application of mineral fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, growth regulators and other drugs. It has been proven that the main field protection forest strips perform much more nature protection functions than the auxiliary forest strips, which causes them to be more oppressed compared to the auxiliary ones. In particular, in the main field protection forest strips, the share of felled trees was 6.6% higher than in auxiliary ones, the share of dry trees was 1.2% higher, drying trees were 0.9% higher, the share of trampled vegetation was 2.3% higher, which in aggregate increased the fire danger in the main field protection forest strips by 4.1% compared to auxiliary ones. Also, all the main field protection forest strips were littered with solid household waste.

Research papers

Клименко М.О., Ткачук О.П., Панкова С.О. Екологічні проблеми функціонування полезахисних лісосмуг в умовах Лісостепу Правобережного. Сільське господарство та лісівництво. 2021. № 20. С. 179-194.

Ткачук О.П., Панкова С.О. Екологічна стійкість дерев полезахисних лісосмуг до атмосферних забруднень. Збалансоване природокористування. 2021. № 1. С. 81-91.

Ткачук О.П., Панкова С.О. Склад і біометричні показники полезахисних лісосмуг центрального Лісостепу. Збалансоване природокористування. 2021. № 4. С. 117-124.

Ткачук О.П., Панкова С.О. Сільськогосподарські чинники впливу на екологічний стан полезахисних лісосмуг Лісостепу Правобережного. Сільське господарство та лісівництво. 2023. № 28 (1). С. 183-194.

Ткачук О.П., Панкова С.О. Біоіндикаційний прояв у насадженнях полезахисних лісосмуг внаслідок забруднення довкілля заходами інтенсифікації землеробства. Сільське господарство та лісівництво. 2023. № 2 (29). С. 99-111.

Tkachuk О., Viter N., Pankova S., Titarenko O., Yakovets L. The current environmental state of the field protective forest belts of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine. International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science. 2023. Vol. 13 (2). P. 1-8.

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