Syniuchenko A. The political potential of the precariat in a modern democratic society

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 052 - Політологія


Specialized Academic Board


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The dissertation provides a comprehensive analysis of the content and methods of realizing the political potential of the precariat in a modern democratic society. The work improves the categorical and conceptual apparatus of the topic under study, in particular, for the first time, the author proposes an interpretation of the essence of the political potential of the precariat as the ability of precarious groups to use traditional and alternative mechanisms of political mobilization to achieve their economic and political goals. The author also formulates a clarified definition of "precarization" as a transformation of the social background of post-industrial states, accompanied by an increase in the proportion of people in society with an unstable lifestyle and a lack of long-term employment guarantees. Another related concept - "precarity" - is proposed to be defined as a characteristic or feature that reflects the unpredictable, unstable state of phenomena and processes in the socio-political life of modern democratic societies, caused by a number of technological, political, economic, factors. The dissertation systematizes the approaches and presents a retrospective analysis of theoretical research in political science on the issues of precarity and precariat, revealing their intersectional nature and the logic of evolution: from focusing on employment issues to a wider range of studies of social stratification and changes in the nature of socio-political representation of wage labor in the new conditions of global economic and geopolitical development.

Research papers

Синюченко А. М. Пріоритетні напрями дослідження проблематики прекарності. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В.Н. Каразіна. Серія «Питання політології», 2021. № 39. С. 54-63. DOI:

Синюченко А. М. Маргіналізація класової ідентичності в умовах технологічних трансформацій ХХІ ст. Вісник Львівського університету. Серія філос.-політолог. студії, 2022. Випуск 42. С. 338–344. DOI:

Синюченко А. М. Політичний потенціал прекаріату: передумови формування та можливості реалізації. Вісник Львівського університету. Серія філос.-політолог. студії, 2022. Випуск 43, С. 314–321. DOI:

Fedun I., Kudyrko L., Shnyrkov O., Bey R., Yatsiuk M., Syniuchenko A. Economic and Political Challenges of Development in Ukraine Industry 4.0. Digitalisation: Opportunities and Challenges for Business. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer. Cham, 2023. Vol. 620. P. 453–467. DOI:

Syniuchenko A. Integration of precarious groups into social and political processes under the conditions of modern democracies. Knowledge, Education, Law, Management, 2023. № 1. (53). DOI:


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