The dissertation is devoted to a holistic analysis of the problem of forming an inclusive educational environment in an elementary school by means of innovative technologies, which was carried out during the end of the 20th and at the beginning of the 21st century.
The scientific research highlights the main tendencies of creating an inclusive educational environment in primary school in Ukraine (end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century):
• Justification of the regulatory legislative framework for the implementation of inclusive education: development of planning, concepts, strategies, ways of implementation, professional aspects;
• Implementation of international and all-Ukrainian projects;
• Exchange of experience with the countries of Western Europe and the world;
• Theoretical and methodological studies of domestic and foreign scientists.
The state plays a decisive role in the regulation of the educational process and the functioning of inclusive education. The strategic directions of reforming inclusive education, which are laid down at the national level and declared in normative legal acts, starting from the years of approval of independence, which, accordingly, provide for the establishment of inclusive education on the territory of Ukraine, are analyzed. In the research process, it was proved that Ukraine is progressing to a new level of education, in which equal access of all children to education is ensured - child-centeredness - subject-subject relationships between the teacher and the student, support for children with special needs and integration into the children's team, creation of comfortable conditions, barrier-free and innovative environment.
The work describes the scientific and theoretical foundations of the research. The issue of inclusive education has been analysed. It was determined that the Ukrainian education system needs a constant search for new approaches to the organization of education, upbringing and development; the application of forms, methods, techniques and technologies that reflect the Ukrainian mentality, as well as the best achievements of the world education industry.
The analysis of literary sources of domestic and foreign scientists made it possible to clarify the essence of the key definitions of the study "inclusive educational environment", "child with special educational needs" and "innovative technologies". Thus, an inclusive educational environment is a barrier-free environment in which an individual educational trajectory of the intellectual and emotional development of a child with special educational needs is ensured, taking into account their needs and capabilities, using innovative technologies. In the definition of the "inclusive educational environment" there is another term "children with special educational needs", which we consider as a special category of children who are diverse among themselves due to exogenous and endogenous reasons and circumstances, but need adaptation, integration and socialization in society to meet their needs and opportunities, in order to ensure their right to education.
The thesis analyzed the impact, structural elements, methodological foundations and ways of implementing innovative technologies in the educational activities of junior students; the pedagogical conditions for the functioning of the inclusive educational environment of the primary school by means of innovative technologies are defined; the importance and role of innovative technologies for the formation of an inclusive educational environment in primary school are justified.
Particular attention is paid to the analysis еhe features and algorithms of the application of art therapy technologies, aromatherapy, articulation gymnastics, game technology, visual arts practices, ergotherapy, fairy-tale therapy, case technologies, kinesiotherapy, color therapy, music therapy, logotherapy, puppet therapy, sandplay, su-jock therapy, pet therapy, portfolio, project technology, phototherapy.
It has been proven that the introduction of innovative technologies has an effective impact on younger schoolchildren with special educational needs, as it is carried out on a theoretical and methodological basis, which takes into account the specifics of the formation of an educational environment for inclusive education in primary school.
Key words: art therapy technologies, aromatherapy, articulatory gymnastics, child with special educational needs, health, game technologies, inclusive educational environment, inclusion, innovative technologies, ergotherapy, fairy-tale therapy, case technology, kinesiotherapy, color therapy, logotherapy, pet therapy, primary school age, music therapy, new Ukrainian school, educational environment, pet therapy, portfolio, primary school, project technology, sandplay, su-jock therapy, phototherapy.