Xia Z. Chinese portrait painting of the late XX – early XXI centuries: typology and artistic features

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 023 - Образотворче мистецтво, декоративне мистецтво, реставрація

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 6346 Чжан Ся

Kharkiv Academy of Design and Arts


ABSTRACT Zhang XIA. Chinese portrait painting of the late XX – early XXI centuries: typology and artistic features. Qualification work on the rights of manuscript. Dissertation for the obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty 023 – fine art, decorative art, restoration. Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. Kharkiv, 2024 The study covers the evolution of Chinese portrait art in the second half of the 20th century and its interaction with Western influences. The first chapter identifies that such authors as Liu Guohu and Hao Xiao Hua highlighting the influence of European styles and masters, particularly in Guohua (traditional Chinese painting). The interaction of Chinese tradition and Western influences in contemporary art is also discussed, including a comparative analysis of techniques and imagery. A significant emphasis is placed on the mutual influences of artists from the West, as well as on the role of the younger generation of Chinese artists in the contemporary art world. Themes of gender dimension and female self-expression are also found in the context of Chinese portrait art, in particular in the works of such artists as Lio Hong and Yu Hong. The second chapter provides a detailed overview of the works of such artists as Liu Guohu, Yi Ye, Zhu Sha, Li Yapin, Hao Xiao Hua and others, revealing their contribution to the development of Chinese portrait art and the relationship with European styles. Special attention is paid to the role of Soviet art and oil painting in China. The study also highlights the active participation of the young generation of artists in contemporary Chinese art and their important role in defining the cultural face of the country on the world art scene. It was also revealed that in the second half of the 20th century, Chinese portrait art underwent important transformations under the influence of socio-cultural changes caused by the Cultural Revolution, economic development and globalization. The study points to the decisive role of these factors in the formation of a new context for the portrait genre. Modern trends such as individualization and the Internet Age have profoundly influenced the artistic language, while maintaining the Chinese artistic identity. Artists use a variety of techniques and styles to explore both traditional and contemporary aspects of portraiture. The perception of universal themes and cultural assimilationism are reflected in works that become important contributions to world art and contribute to the development of unique Chinese portrait art. The third chapter covers the art of the 21st century. Chinese portrait art is found to be undergoing significant transformations, defining its place in global art through the influence of cultural, technological and social changes. The text explores current trends in this area, highlighting the impact of globalization and cultural exchange on artists’ work. The author emphasizes the role of modern technologies, in particular digital technologies, in the creation of portraits and their combination with traditional painting methods. It was described how such artists as Cai Zhongyi, Liu Xiaodong, and Li Weiyan use various multimedia techniques, including video, sound effects, and abstraction to create unique and innovative portraits. The text draws attention to the transgressive approach of such artists as Zhang Ling, who experiment with form and space in their works. Also highlighted the importance of cultural heritage and identity in Chinese portraiture, represented through the work of such artists as Li Wei, Shen Wengao, Qi Wei, and Zhao Meizhong. The author emphasizes the role of artistic residencies in the development of young talents, presenting Wang Jiaxin as an example of the active use of artistic platforms for cultural exchange. The final part of the text highlights the importance of individualization and social revitalization in Chinese portraiture, represented through the works of Li Wei-Chen and famous masters such as Cai Guo-Qiang and Ai Weiwei. Social revitalization is revealed in the use of portraits to express views on environmental problems, political issues and other socio-cultural aspects. Modern Chinese portrait art is defined by the active use of portraits to personify heroes and symbols of social struggle, who are representatives of various social movements and revitalization. The text examines various aspects of contemporary portrait art, in particular, its influence on highlighting social problems, inequalities and environmental aspects. Key words: Chinese art, portrait, modern art, modern portrait, Chinese portrait, Chinese painting, typology

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Чжан Ся. Портретне мистецтво Лю Сялдун: провідні мотиви та особливості художньої мови. Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук. 2023.Т 3, вип. 69. С. 80-83

Чжан Ся. Сучасний китайський портрет: представники, тенденції, особливості художньої мови. Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук. 2023р. № 67 Т2. С. 146-150

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