Nazarenko M. Development of technology of boiled sausage products of combined composition

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 181 - Харчові технології


Specialized Academic Board

РСВР 109

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


The main issue of survival in modern conditions is to solve the problem of providing sufficient quantities of food. With the transition to industrial methods of growing agricultural raw materials, the issue is complicated by its non-compliance with the requirements of a healthy diet due to an increase in the share of monocultures in the diet, their contamination with substances that do not meet the physiological needs of the body, environmental degradation, etc. This is prevented by enriching the diet with functional products – substances designed to restore the balance of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in the products consumed. The basic actions in ensuring a healthy lifestyle in these conditions are the daily consumption of at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruits, minimizing the amount of sugar consumed, limiting the fat content in the diet, the energy contribution of which to the diet should not exceed 30 percent, reducing the daily amount of table salt consumed by 5 grams per day, increasing, if possible, the proportion of potassium consumed to a physiologically justified level of 3.5 grams. Compensating for iodine deficiency characteristic of the entire territory of Ukraine by introducing foods rich in iodine into the diet, for example, sea salt and/or seaweed. When choosing the most acceptable meat raw materials from the point of view of physiological value, the content of the most consumed types of meat – beef, pork and chicken – constituent proteins (18.9%, 16.4% and 20.3%, respectively) and fats (12.4%, 27.8% and 13.1%, respectively) was taken into account. The advantage of chicken meat as an object of further research is shown as the closest in these parameters to beef that is acutely deficient in the diet. However, due to the relatively lower content of macro- and microelements in it, the subject of further study was the search for additives that would compensate for this lack of chicken, taking into account the fact that the continued decrease in the supply of raw meat requires replenishment of the lack of protein by the use of ingredients of plant origin rich in them. When choosing the vegetable oil recommended for use in minced sausage, a comparison of the vitamin and fatty acid composition of the main ones used in similar products, sunflower and olive oil, was carried out. It has been shown that sunflower oil is characterized by an excessive content of vitamin E (44.0 mg per 100 grams, which is 295% of the daily requirement for this vitamin). In addition, with a close to 1:1 recommended ratio of linolenic (omega-3) and linoleic (omega-6). The corresponding characteristic of sunflower oil for fatty acids is 1:128, and for olive oil it is still closer to the recommended one and is 1:14. Taking into account these factors, we recommended the use of olive oil when developing a product with healthpromoting properties. On the basis of the comparison and taking into account the information obtained during the study of literary sources, for the development of the recipe of the combined functional product, a choice was made in the development of the composition of the minced meat product, recommended for use in sausages with the characteristic health properties of the combined composition in favor of chicken, wild wheat flour, spelt and sea salt, and the composition of minced meat recommended for study (g/100 g of minced meat) as the main ingredients contained: chicken fillet 50,5; olive oil 28,5; pink salmon caviar 7,0; powdered cow's milk 5,0; hydrated spelt flour 7,0; dried champignons 2,0. In the fourth section of the dissertation "Development of the technology of boiled sausages of combined composition" a rational scheme for the production of boiled sausages of combined composition from the acceptance of meat raw materials to the completion of operations for the production of finished products, their quality control and subsequent storage at the enterprise is substantiated. A schematic flow diagram and hardware design of production have been developed. The physicochemical and structural-mechanical properties were investigated and the organoleptic assessment of the quality of the completed sausages was performed. It is shown that the properties of sausages of the proposed composition (appearance, consistency, appearance on the cut, smell and taste) are better than the corresponding characteristics of the sample taken for control: determined on a five-point scale, the integral assessment of the quality of the product taken for further development with a content of 7.0 % spelt flour and 2.0 % chopped champignon mushrooms is 4.7 points with the corresponding indicator for control of 4.46 points, And the microbiological safety indicators of the product in development are within the standards established by the standard during the established shelf life of 10 days. Physical and mathematical modeling of the production process of boiled sausages of combined composition was performed.

Research papers

Bal-Prylypko L., Yancheva M., Paska M., Ryabovol M., Nikolaenko M., Israelian V., Pylypchuk O., Tverezovska N., Kushnir Y., Nazarenko M. The study of the intensification of technological parameters of the sausage production process. Potravinarstvo. 2022. Vol. 16. Р. 27–41.

Баль-Прилипко Л. В., Толок Г. А., Ніколаєнко М. С., Антоненко А. В., Бровенко Т. В., Назаренко М. В. Нові круп’яні концентрати підвищеної біологічної цінності в структурі сучасного харчування. Animal Science and Food Technology. 2021. Vol. 12. № 2. С. 5–12.

Bal-Prylypko L., Khomych V., Usenko S., Israelian V., Nazarenko M. Microstructural analysis of cooked sausages with spelt flour. Animal Science and Food Technology. 2021. Vol. 12. № 3. P. 50–59.

Баль-Прилипко Л. В., Ніколаєнко М. С., Чередніченко О. О., Даниленко С. Г., Степасюк Л. М., Назаренко М. В. Актуальні проблеми м’ясопереробної галузі та практичні підходи до вдосконалення рецептур ковбасних виробів. Продовольчі ресурси. 2022. Т. 10. № 19. С. 26–37.

Устименко І. М., Назаренко М. В. Розробка технології варених ковбасних виробів збагачених борошном спельти. Наукові доповіді Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України. 2023. № 1 (101).


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