Zhupanova D. Improvement of the enzymatic degumming of vegetable oil.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 181 - Харчові технології

Specialized Academic Board


National university of food technologies


The aim of the work is to improve the technology of degumming vegetable oils using new enzyme preparations and degreasing of oily fumes using modern enzyme preparations with phospholipase activity. The use of enzyme preparations is one of the promising trends in vegetable oil refining technologies and the basis for its improvement. Relevance of the research problem. The main direction of vegetable oil rocessing is their refining. Traditional schemes of chemical and physical refining of vegetable oils involve the use of high temperatures and chemical reagents. The advantage of using enzymatic technologies is the possibility of carrying out technological operations under mild conditions. The use of ultrasonic treatment in combination with the use of enzymatic preparations allows to reduce the duration of the process. However, the introduction of new enzyme preparations into the technology of vegetable oil refining requires additional research on the rational parameters of the use of each preparation. Thus, studies devoted to the use of the latest enzyme preparations for improving the technology of sunflower oil degumming, the use of ultrasonic treatment in combination with the use of the latest enzyme preparations for the improvement of thetechnology of sunflower oil degumming, as well as the use of phospholipases for the extraction of neutral fat from hydration sediments are relevant and constitute scientific the task that this dissertation solves. In the first chapter of the dissertation, an analysis of literary sources on the subject of the study is carried out. Modern advances in biotechnology make it possible to obtain new phospholipase preparation with different activities and specificities, which, in turn, puts on the agenda the need to conduct research on the technological arameters of using new enzyme preparation. The conducted analysis confirms the relevance of improving enzymatic degumming. It was also found that ultrasonic treatment was used to intensify the refining processes of vegetable oils. In the second chapter of the dissertation, a general plan of research is developed, the characteristics of enzyme preparations are given, and justified methods for the analysis of raw materials and finished products are provided. Determination of phosphorus content in sunflower oil and fuze was carried out by the photometric method. The method of thin-layer chromatography was used to determine the group composition of phospholipids. The antioxidant activity of the oil was investigated by the method of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrolysis (DPPH) quenching of radicals. In the third hapter of the dissertation, a study was conducted to determine the most effective enzyme for rationalizing the process of sunflower oil hydration. The most effective preparation was the new phospholipase preparation with phospholipase C activity Quara® Boost, when using it, the residual content of phospholipids in the oil was 0.04%. In the fourth chapter of the dissertation, a study of the dynamics of enzymatic degumming of sunflower oil using the Quara® Boost enzyme preparation was carried out by the method of mathematical planning of the experiment to rationalize the hydration process. It was established that the rational parameters of enzymatic degumming of sunflower oil using the Quara® Boost enzyme preparation were: enzyme mass fraction 0.05%, moisture content 5%, temperature 40ºС. In the fifth chapter, the influence of ultrasonic treatment on the process of enzymatic degumming of oil was determined. The use of ultrasonic treatment for enzymatic oil degumming made it possible to reduce the duration of the process from 60 to 10-12 minutes, while there were no significant changes in the quality indicators of the oil. In the sixth chapter, the effect of enzyme preparations on the extraction of oil from oil fuzes is determined. It has been proven that the use of enzyme preparations is an effective way of degreasing oil fuzes, namely, an increase in the yield of vegetable oil up to 42% compared to the control. For the first time: it was established that the degumming of sunflower oil with the new enzyme preparations leads to practically complete removal of phosphorus containing compounds from the oil; it was found that the use of the enzymatic preparation Quara® Boost, (phospholipase C) with a final concentration of 0.05% in the sample at a temperature of 40–60 °C, allows obtaining the maximum degree of extraction of phospholipids and their residual content in sunflower oil of 0.04%, and allows to obtain the maximum yield of oil - 2% higher compared to water degumming; It was established that ultrasound treatment with a frequency of 22 kHz reduces the duration of extraction of phospholipids from sunflower oil from 60 min. up to 9 min; It was found that the use of the enzymatic preparation Quara® Boost, allows to extract 42% more oil from the fuzz compared to the untreated sample;

Research papers

Nosenko T. T. Zhupanova D. O. Comparative study of lipase preparations for enzymatic degumming of sunflower oil. Ukrainian Food Journal. 2023, 12(2), Р. 252– 264.

Носенко Т. Т., Жупанова Д. О. Інтенсифікація ферментативного дегумінгу соняшникової олії ультразвуковою обробкою. Наукові праці НУХТ. 2023, 29(5), С.133— 142.

Носенко Т. Т., Жупанова Д. О. Використання нових ферментних препаратів для переробки фузу соняшникової олії. Наукові праці НУХТ. 2023, 29 (6), С.122-133.


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