Sheremet A. V. Feminitives in lexical and stylistic spheres of Ukrainian language: norms and prospectives. Qualification work printed as manuscript. Dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy (candidate of philological sciences) on the specialty 10.02.01 «Ukrainian language». Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko. Kyiv, 2024. The dissertation is an innovative study of the dynamics of feminine vocabulary in the functional styles of the Ukrainian literary language, which is considered from the point of view of extralinguistic and linguistic processes, globalization, digitalization, and social processes (such as overcoming the strategy of androcentrism), as well as diffuse phenomena in the stylistic system of the Ukrainian language and also interdisciplinary relations in studies of the functioning of feminatives in the Ukrainian language. The content and scope of the concepts of feminative and feminine vocabulary are determined, the problem of terminological ambiguity and classification contradictions in the field of feminine vocabulary are raised.
It is emphasized that, despite the fact that feminatives are a group of stylistically limited vocabulary, the active penetration of these linguistic units into all styles of the Ukrainian language is recorded. The analysis of the material, which was collected from different sources, belonging to different language styles of the 10-20s of the 21st century, made it possible to determine the main features of the use of feminatives, including the saturation of feminine vocabulary within the micro-context of one sentence, the penetration of substandard feminine vocabulary into the written styles of the Ukrainian language, the presence of competing formants, etc.
Emphasis is placed on the enrichment of the feminine vocabulary of the Ukrainian language in the early 10s and 20s of the 21st century within foreign language borrowings, which became possible due to the increase in the Internet audience, communication with speakers of other languages, use of foreign language online resources, etc. Emphasis is placed on the urgent need to organize and standardize the mentioned borrowings, because due to the peculiarities of transliteration and current orthographic norms of the Ukrainian language, a large number of parallel feminine borrowings arise, which makes speakers use it at their own discretion not only in the colloquial, but also in the media style of the Ukrainian language.
It was established that parallel forms of feminatives, formed within different feminine suffixes, carry the danger of shifting the linguistic norm and testify the search for new means of expression by speakers of the Ukrainian language in the spheres of oral and written communication.
A special group of feminine nominations within the framework of substandard feminine lexicon - feminine nicknames - is singled out. Most feminine nicknames are recorded in artistic and colloquial styles. Feminative nickmes are common in the language of artistic works in foreign languages, translated into Ukrainian, as well as in spontaneous everyday communication. In the literary style, the use of such feminatives is motivated by their vivid imagery, expressiveness, closeness to live spontaneous speech.
The issue of the functioning of feminine vocabulary from the point of view of style borders and discourse is outlined, because feminatives have such parameters as discursiveness and expressiveness: native speakers unmistakably determine the relationships of text and media, Internet or gender discourse within the feminatives in it.
Emphasis is placed on the need to take into account the mentioned parameters, which is caused by the introduction of gender-sensitive language in the work with media, formal and scientific style texts, which is gradually being implemented at the state level.
In the dynamics of language units, the shift of feminatives from the linguistic periphery to media, literary, and colloquial styles of the Ukrainian language is recorded. It was concluded that the largest group of feminine vocabulary is feminine agentives, or the names of women by profession, which function in all styles of the Ukrainian language.
Key words: Ukrainian language, feminatives, feminine vocabulary, feminicon, feminization, feminine noun, feminine addressee, object, addressee, derivation, suffix, lexicon, surzhikisms, borrowing, dialectisms, neologism, occasionalism, secondary nomination, language dynamics, diffuseness, context, styles of the Ukrainian language, media style, formal style, scientific style, literary style, conversational style, stylistic role, translations into Ukrainian, language norm, shifting of literary language norm.