Tereschenko S. The Phraseological Subsystem of Uladzimir Karatkievich’s Idiostyle.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 035 - Філологія

Specialized Academic Board

ID 6777

Institute of Linguistics. OO Potebny of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Tereschenko S. I. The Phraseological Subsystem of Uladzimir Karatkievich’s Idiostyle. – Qualification research paper in manuscript form. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities, specialty 035 Philology. – O. O. Potebnia Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv, 2024. The dissertation is dedicated to the study of the phraseological subsystem of U. Karatkievich’s idiostyle, a classic of Belarusian literature in the second half of the 20th century. Uladzimir Karatkievich (1930–1984) is one of the most prominent figures in Belarusian literature of the second half of the 20th century. His work has entered the modern Belarusian literary canon and impresses with a wide range of genres, in each of which he achieved true mastery. A significant place in the writer’s work is occupied by the genre of the historical detective novel, which U. Karatkievich pioneered in Belarusian literature. The influence of this writer on the literature and art of Belarus cannot be overestimated. U. Karatkievich paid special attention to the issue of the formation of the national consciousness of Belarusians. Despite the writer’s wide range of merits to Belarusian literature and culture in general, and the leading role of his legacy in the formation of national consciousness and the awakening of historical memory among Belarusians, in modern-day Belarus, Karatkievich’s significant texts have been removed from school programs. Karatkievich’s work has found itself on the periphery of the official literary canon because the anti-imperial themes and the issues of preserving individuality under despotism, raised in his poetry and prose, contradict the ideological principles of the Belarusian regime’s historical memory policy. The fate and work of the writer are closely connected with Ukraine. U. Karatkievich studied at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and briefly taught in the Tarashcha Raion of the Kyiv region. This Belarusian writer, like no other, generously used Ukrainian images, ideas, and language in his texts. U. Karatkievich became the creator of the modern Ukrainian myth in Belarusian literature, realized through literary and linguistic means. The scientific novelty of the dissertation lies in the fact that this is the first study of the idiostyle of the Belarusian writer in Ukrainian linguistics. For the first time, the phraseological occasionalisms in the texts of the mentioned author have been shown and analyzed, the ways of their creation have been described, and the level of codification of phraseological units (PUs) used in U. Karatkievich’s works in the phraseographic codex of modern Belarusian literary language has been shown, and uncodified phrasemes found in the writer’s idiostyle have been analyzed. In the studied material, 218 uncodified PUs of the Belarusian language were identified. These expressions were not phraseographed due to the imperfect study of U. Karatkievich’s idiostyle, as well as due to limitations in the use of sources for selecting phrasemes to form the corresponding norm. The non-inclusion of many PUs from U. Karatkievich’s works into the phraseographic codexes of the Belarusian language should be explained, among other things, by ideological restrictions applied to the reception of the writer’s work. In U. Karatkievich’s texts, 182 PUs codified in Belarusian phraseographic codexes were identified. In the history of Belarusian literature, U. Karatkievich’s work occupies a special place due to its ideas, themes, unique plots, images, and linguistic expressive means. The analyzed phraseological composition of Karatkievich’s literary language, the thematic distribution of the PUs found in the writer’s idiostyle, and the semantics of these expressions provide grounds to qualify the phraseological subsystem of U. Karatkievich’s idiostyle not only as an important component of the narrative strategies of this classic of Belarusian literature but also as an original source for enriching the phraseological fund of the modern Belarusian literary language. The results of the dissertation have been tested at 15 national and international conferences and round tables. Theoretical achievements and research results have been published in six articles, all of which have been printed in publications designated by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine as professional.

Research papers

Терещенко С.І. Фразеологізми в поетичних текстах Володимира Короткевича : семантико-стилістична характеристика та відображення в сучасній білоруській фразеографії. Компаративні дослідження слов’янських мов і літератур : [збірник наукових праць]. Київ : Освіта України, 2017. С. 133–141.

Терещенко С.І. Фразеологізми в казках Володимира Короткевича : семантико-стилістична характеристика та відображення в сучасній білоруській фразеографії. Мова і культура. Київ : Видавничий дім Дмитра Бураго, 2017. Вип. 20. Т. ІІІ (193). С. 362–369.

Терещенко С.І. Роль і місце фразеологічного й паремійного арсеналу в ідіостилі Володимира Короткевича. Слов’янські мови [збірник наукових праць]. Київ : Видавництво НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова, 2018. Вип. 1 (13). С. 182–193.

Терещенко С.І. Книжні фразеологізми в текстах Володимира Короткевича: репертуар, джерела, особливості формування. Компаративні дослідження слов’янських мов і літератур : [збірник наукових праць]. Київ : Освіта України, 2018. С. 57–70.

Терещенко С.І. Фразеологізми та паремії з компонентом-антицизмом у текстах В. Короткевича. Наукові записки НаУКМА. Мовознавство. 2019. T. 2. С. 65–69.

Терещенко С.І. Особливості вживання фразеологізмів французького походження в білоруському художньому тексті (на матеріалі творів В. Короткевича). Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук: міжвузівський збірник наукових праць молодих вчених Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Випуск 53. Том 2. Дрогобич, 2022. С. 203–207.

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