The thesis "The problem identity in Frédéric Beigbeder`s novels: the space of
memory, synergetics, poetics, intertext" analyses the problem of identity in the novels of Frédéric Beigbeder through the prism of memory, synergetics, poetics and intertext. It is based on the theoretical foundations of identity, such as cultural, historical, narratological, autobiographical and family memory, as well as synergy and discourse, poetics and intertext. The paper examines the autobiographical and autofictional aspects of Frédéric Beigbeder's works, emphasising their significance for contemporary literature.
The study shows that the study of identity should consider the cognitive, cultural and digital aspects that influence the formation of the self. The distinction between autobiographical and autofictional components emphasises their role as tools of self-reflection and communication. The analysis of Frédéric Beigbeder's works demonstrates how memory shapes identity through literary narratives.
Synergetics allows us to consider a personality as a dynamic system that interacts with the external environment, changing its parameters. Poetic analysis of works focuses on narrative techniques, composition, and chronotopic features. Intertextuality reveals the interaction of texts and their role in identity formation.
Frédéric Beigbeder's novelistic work makes a significant contribution to the cultural and literary mosaic of France and offers a broader commentary on the dynamics of contemporary post-industrial, postmodern society. Our study underlines the importance of Frédéric Beigbeder's narratives for understanding and navigating the complex elements of contemporary existence and social constructions. Such an assessment provides a deeper understanding of how global cultural dynamics influence the formation of personal and literary identity.
Rethinking the authorial identity through fiction, as exemplified by the novels of Frédéric Beigbeder, provides an important basis for understanding the complex dynamics of contemporary literature. By exploring the merger of personal identity and creative expression, the author emphasises the profound influence of authorial introspection on the formation of narrative structures and the development of readers' critical attitudes towards the multifaceted complexities of contemporary society, expressed by the complexity of the concept of identity.
The methodological basis of the study is hermeneutical analysis, which allowed for an in-depth interpretive study of the texts, focusing on understanding the subjective meaning of Frédéric Beigbeder's narratives and exploring how identity is constructed and transmitted through self-organised systems, literary devices and narrative structures. Comparative literary analysis helped to identify the similarities and differences between the writer's autobiographical and autofictional narratives. The method of receptive aesthetics is used in the context of analysing a single work, which allows us to consider the influence of the reader's role in interpreting and shaping the narrative's semantic framework. The cultural and historical contextualisation is used to assess the impact of globalisation on the author's identity of Frédéric Beigbeder. The methods of synergetic and intertextual analyses are also used.
Literary analysis, which is constantly evolving, creates the basis for further study of the complex interaction between the author's identity and its artistic representations Frédéric Beigbeder's trilogies about Marc Marronier and Octave Parango have become an additional platform for the study of memory recovery, identity formation, existential crises, social disillusionment and the search for authenticity in the context of pervasive globalisation, growing commercialisation and consumption, the culture of cancellation, social amnesia and other contemporary problems.
This thesis is a comprehensive study of the problem of identity in the novels of Frédéric Beigbeder. Through a detailed analysis of his autobiographical and autofictional novels through the prism of synergy, poetics and intertext, the study sheds light on a complex interaction, offering a unique perspective on the contemporary literary landscape. The results of our study not only provide new insights into Frédéric Beigbeder's novels, but also contribute to the broader discourse on identity in literature.