Ziniak I. Education of cadets' moral resistance to the manipulative influence of enemy propaganda

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.454.012

Institute of Problems on Education of the National Academy of Educational science of Ukraine


The dissertation is a complex study where, for the first time, based on the generalization of the theoretical foundations of moral stability education, the pedagogical conditions for raising moral stability in cadets to the manipulative influence of enemy propaganda were substantiated and experimentally tested. The analysis of philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical sources shows interest in the problem of educating the moral stability of the individual, since the entire period of human existence is accompanied by wars and the struggle against the manipulative influences of enemy propaganda. It was found that modern science has not developed a unified approach to understanding the phenomenon of «moral stability». Methodological approaches (personally oriented, axiological, competence-based) and principles (Ukrainian-centricity, national consciousness, national security, civic activity, national solidarity, integration, pedagogical competence, reflection) have been determined, on the basis of which the process of educating cadets in moral stability to the manipulative influence of the enemy is carried out propaganda. Enemy propaganda is characterized and typified by goals (aggressive, defensive, negotiation), orientation (internal, external), methods of influence (rational, emotional, manipulative), mechanisms (dehumanization, desubjectivization, creating an image of the enemy, militarization), methods of dissemination (official, unofficial), by stages (preparatory, active, hiding traces). On the basis of the performed theoretical analysis, the essence of the concept of «enemy propaganda» was clarified as a purposeful influence on the thoughts, feelings, consciousness and behavior of citizens of another country with the aim of undermining their morale, unity, patriotism, trust in state institutions, imposing a complex of inferiority, inferiority and vulnerabilities compared to other nations and states; «Moral resistance of cadets to the manipulative influence of enemy propaganda» as an integrated personality quality, manifested in his ability to withstand informational pressure and effectively counter the manipulative influence of enemy propaganda from the standpoint of his own moral values, relying on critical thinking, objective assessment of the situation and self-control. The content structure of education in cadets of moral resistance to the manipulative influence of enemy propaganda is represented by cognitive, emotional-value, arbitrary motivation, activity components that reveal the specifics of education in youth and reflect the patterns of personal development in the educational process of higher military educational institutions. In accordance with the content structure, the criteria and corresponding indicators of cadets' upbringing of moral stability to the manipulative influence of enemy propaganda are characterized (indicators of the cognitive criterion are cadets' knowledge of moral stability, ideas about moral values (patriotism, dignity, responsibility, optimism, courage), awareness of the risks of related to the influence of enemy propaganda. Indicators of the emotional-value criterion are the conscious feeling of patriotism and the desire and aspiration of the cadets to be morally stable through feelings, emotions, interest and an objective assessment of their own abilities and opportunities in resisting the manipulative influences of enemy propaganda, optimistic forecasting and courage. respect for one's own dignity and the dignity of other people. Indicators of the criterion of voluntary motivation are the readiness of cadets to show determination, endurance, discipline in mastering the skills of countering the manipulative influences of enemy propaganda, subordination of actions to achieve the set goal. Indicators of the behavioral criterion are the skills of demonstrating moral stability in practical activities, possessing methods of self-assessment, self-regulation, the ability to work with information, protect one's dignity and the dignity of other people, protect oneself from the manipulative influences of hostile propaganda, neutralize and block hostile influences). On the basis of the defined structural components, criteria and indicators, the level of upbringing of the cadets' moral stability to the manipulative influence of enemy propaganda was identified and characterized: high, sufficient, satisfactory, elementary.

Research papers

Зіняк, І. Я. (2023). Теоретичні засади виховання в курсантів моральної стійкості до маніпулятивних впливів ворожої пропаганди. Теоретико-методичні проблеми виховання дітей та учнівської молоді: збірник наукових праць. Вип. 27. Кн. 1, 222–232

Зіняк, І. Я. (2023). Виховання моральної стійкості курсантів до маніпулятивного впливу ворожої пропаганди у сучасних умовах. Advanced Linguistics. Вип.11, 154-160

Зіняк, І. Я. & Журба, К. О. (2023). Цінності формування моральної стійкості майбутніх офіцерів у військових закладах вищої освіти. Вісник науки та освіти, 10(16), 580-593


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