Kopyl-Filatova T. Professional training of future civil servants for ensuring academic ethics and integrity of management of educational institutions

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 73

Dragomanov Ukrainian State University


The dissertation substantiates, develops and tests a simulation model of professional training of future civil servants for ensuring academic ethics and integrity of management of educational institutions, which is implemented in the following components: theoretical and methodological, goal-motivational, substantive, effective and practical, reflective and diagnostic, monitoring and evaluation and moral and axiological. The content of the requirements of the criterion apparatus for the readiness of civil servants to ensure academic ethics and integrity of management of educational institutions is substantiated by the criteria (stimulative and motivational, informational and cognitive, operational and active, personal and valuable, and effective and reflective) and at the levels of readiness assessment (reproductive, adaptive, local modeling, system modeling, and innovative and creative). The requirements for professional training/education for the readiness of civil servants to ensure academic ethics and integrity in the management of educational institutions are formulated and presented. The dissertation improves methodological, ethical and pedagogical aspects of professional training of future civil servants; methodological principles of expert evaluation of professional training of future civil servants for ensuring academic ethics and integrity of management of educational institutions; provides pedagogical conditions of innovation of professional training (creativity of educational and scientific cognitive activity for the field 28 «Public Administration», specialty 281 «Public Administration»; academic ethics and integrity formation of civil servants' capacity for innovation in systemic quality analysis, forecasting and modeling of states and development of success trajectories of professional formation and career growth, as well as planning of innovations in prolonged self-employment (on a voluntary basis of popularization of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and the Civil Service code); organization of the educational process for professionalization of public administration and development of civil society. Aspects of designing a model of expert evaluation of the professional training of future civil servants for ensuring academic ethics and integrity of the management of educational institutions have been further developed. The first section reveals the theoretical and philosophical aspects of the professional training of civil servants based on structural and functional analysis and content analysis of the study thesaurus of the professional training of future civil servants The second section defines the methodological, ethical and pedagogical aspects of professional training of future civil servants. The educational process of professional training/education of civil servants for the management of educational institutions is substantiated and an organizational and methodological analysis of professional training/education of civil servants is carried out. The third section presents practical aspects of the methodology for organizing professional training and development of civil servants for ensuring academic ethics and integrity in the management of educational institutions. The author substantiates the competence-based approach to the professional training/education of future civil servants and identifies the requirements for professional training/education of civil servants. The fourth section models the professional training of future civil servants for ensuring academic ethics and integrity of management of educational institutions with expert evaluation, namely, the outline of the simulation model of professional training of future civil servants for ensuring academic ethics and integrity of management of educational institutions is presented, and the effectiveness of the model of expert evaluation of professional training of future civil servants for ensuring academic ethics and integrity of management of educational institutions is substantiated, designed and verified.

Research papers

1. Копил-Філатова Т.В. Етико-педагогічний аспект підготовки державних службовців: принцип доброчесності. Освітньо-науковий простір. 2023. № 5(2). С. 93-102.

2. Копил-Філатова Т.В. Методичні аспекти професійної підготовки державних службовців: підходи, методи, технології. Науковий часопис НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова. 2023. Випуск 96. Серія 5. Педагогічні науки: реалії та перспективи. С.50-55.

3. Копил-Філатова Т.В. Сучасні виклики забезпечення ефективної та відповідальної державної служби. Освітній дискурс: збірник наукових праць. 2024. Вип. №48(1-3). С. 61-71.

4. Копил-Філатова Т.В. Основні напрями та принципи професійної підготовки державних службовців. Вища освіта України № 1 (92), 2024. Теоретичний та науково-методичний часопис. С.113-122

5. Kopyl-Filatova Т. Model of professional training of civil servants in the context of academic ethics and integrity. Paradigm of knowledge. 2024. № 1(59). рp.47-67.

6. Копил-Філатова Т.В. Структурно-функціональний аналіз понятійно-категоріального апарату дослідження професійної підготовки державних службовців. Наукові орієнтири: теорія та практика досліджень: збірник наукових праць з матеріалами III Міжнародної наукової конференції. 17 травня, 2024 р., м. Ужгород. С.282-284.


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