The dissertation aims to improve existing and establish new scientificmethodological methods and practical tools for ensuring financial stability amid
public distrust in the financial sector.
The dissertation synthesizes existing scientific research on defining the economic essence of the concept of "financial stability." Conceptual approaches to defining societal distrust in the financial sector have been developed, proposing to view it within a continuum of trust. The essence of the concept "public distrust in the financial sector" is proposed to be viewed as a cognitive-emotional phenomenon associated with a persistent belief in society within a particular culture, territory, or country in the dangers of interacting with financial institutions, governmental financial policies, and financial products at all levels. It encompasses rational judgments about the shortcomings and risks of the financial system, as well as feelings of disappointment, fear, and panic arising in response to negative experiences or perceptions of financial instability, reinforced through social communications and media.
A retrospective study of the emergence and development of societal distrust toward the banking and non-banking sectors of the economy, based on the analysis of major historical events and the peculiarities of the functioning of Ukraine's financial system since independence, has allowed the identification of development stages and the recognition of both common and specific causes of societal distrust in these
sectors separately.
A bibliometric analysis of scientific publications on the relationship between financial stability and public distrust toward the financial sector, conducted using the
bibliometric tools of Scopus, VOSviewer software, and Google Trends, allowed the identification of key aspects and dynamics of scientific publications from 1987 to 2023.
The work improves the scientific-methodological toolkit for the integral assessment of the marker of public trust in the financial sector of the economy, which involves identifying distrust in the coordinate system "distrust - mistrust - trust" using a combination of qualitative and quantitative indicators summarizing the state and development of three components of the financial system: the banking, non-banking sectors, and the behavioral component of distrust.
The dissertation develops a scientific-methodological approach to assessing structural relationships between components of public distrust toward the financial sector, perception of corruption, development of technological financial infrastructure, and financial stability.
The methodology for selecting financial stability-insuring instruments has been revised in order to develop scenarios for ensuring financial stability in response to the escalating public distrust in the financial sector. This has been achieved based on the combinatorial combination of two criteria: the zone of the public trust marker in the financial sector and the risk of financial system destabilization.
Recommendations for ensuring financial stability amid public distrust in the financial sector have been proposed, based on the construction of roadmaps.