Loza V. Military Component of Ruscism Ideology: Political Analysis

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 052 - Політологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 6520

Institute of State and Law. V.M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


This dissertation research explores the historiography and source base for studying ruscism, the theoretical and methodological principles for highlighting its essence and content, and the main theoretical approaches to defining ruscism as an ideological doctrine. The process of accumulating the source base on the understanding of ruscism in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war is proposed to be divided into three stages: Stage I: 2008 - early 2014 (The Russian Federation's war against Georgia and Russia's preparation for war with Ukraine); Stage II: March 2014 - February 23, 2022 (The Russian Federation's armed aggression against Ukraine); Stage III: after February 24, 2022 (large-scale armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine). The tendency of continuous diversification of developments on ruscism issues is proven, with scientific works (monographs, articles) and normative-legal documents of the Ukrainian state on this issue occupying a leading position. A comparative analysis of the main political characteristics of fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and ruscist Russia is conducted. Based on this, the ideological proximity of the dominant ideologies of these countries is proven, which provides grounds for qualifying ruscism as a new stage in the development of xenophobic totalitarian ideologies of the 20th century, supplemented by new substantive accents. At the same time, the totalitarian practice of the USSR (Stalinism) is taken into account, which became an extremely influential source in shaping ruscism in modern Russia. A set of verbal symbols (conceptual-categorical units) that systematically explain the essence of ruscism in today's political realities is defined. The main theoretical approaches to defining the phenomenon of ruscism as an ideological doctrine proposed by Ukrainian scientists are disclosed. Attention is drawn to hatred, cruelty, and violence as integral components of the Russian character, which, under Putin's authoritarianism, complementarily integrated into ruscist theory and practice. Emphasis is placed on the activities of the legislative body of Ukraine in articulating the state position on ruscism. For this purpose, the Statement of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dated May 2, 2023, is analyzed, which reveals the essence of ruscism and indicates its characteristic features and consequences. The post-Soviet period of the Russian Federation’s development (1991- 2024) is examined as a stage of purposeful restoration of military ideology. It is proven that such restoration is an organic characteristic of the evolution of the Russian political system (state), the essence of which contradicts the peaceful conditions of socio-political development. The main provisions of the Russian military doctrines of 1993, 2000, 2010, and 2014 are disclosed. The main points of the development of basic doctrinal provisions implemented by the Russian leadership are defined. These include: strengthening information-psychological provocations by the Kremlin regarding the continuous escalation of challenges and threats directed against Russia by Western states; attributing the post-Soviet geopolitical space to the zone of Russia's national interests, the implementation of which involves the use of military instruments; radical intensification of Kremlin's attention to the military sphere, evidenced by the quantitative increase in Russian Federation power structures, deployment of new military management bodies (including the creation of new districts), and comprehensive provision of military needs (human, material, financial, logistical); expansion of the areas of application of Russian armed forces beyond national borders, allowing the territory of any state, as well as ocean and sea areas, to be considered potential theaters of military operations involving Russian armed forces; readiness for preemptive use of nuclear weapons in case of threats to the existence of the Russian Federation. These and other doctrinal provisions are aimed at restoring Russia's military-power potential, which (as the Russian leadership is convinced) will allow it to restore its geostrategic positions and become one of the "poles of power" in the multipolar world. The wars (military conflicts) during the rule of V. Putin have been investigated. These include: the Second Russian-Chechen War of 1999-2009, the Russian-Georgian War of 2008, the Russian-Ukrainian War initiated in 2014, the Russian Federation military intervention in Syria in 2015, a series of military conflicts on the African continent involving Russian armed forces and private military companies (Sudan, Central African Republic, Libya, Burkina Faso, Niger, and other states).

Research papers

Лоза В.О. Політична і суспільна практика ідеології рашизму як вагомий чинник глобальної дестабілізації. Політологічний вісник. 2024. Вип. 92. С. 81–88.

Лоза В. О. Війни (військові конфлікти) періоду правління Володимира Путіна та їх ідеологічне забезпечення. Держава і право. Серія: “Юридичні і політичні науки”: зб. наук. праць. Київ: Юрид. думка, 2023. Вип. 94. C. 233–242.

Лоза В. О. Насильство як невід’ємна складова ідеології тоталітарної Росії. Політологічний вісник. 2023. Вип. 91. С. 149–158.

Лоза В. О. Деякі політичні аспекти злочинів агресії Росії в Україні. Держава і право. Серія: “Юридичні і політичні науки”: зб. наук. праць. Київ: Юрид. Думка 2022. Вип. 92. С.273–282.

Loza V., Myronenko V., Myronenko P., Smolianiuk V., Chelak O. The escalation of military threats as a reality of modern geopolitics. Malgue Publishing: Multidisciplinary Science Journal. January 21, 2024. URL: https://malque.pub/ojs/ index.php/msj/article/view/1928

Лоза В. О. Рашизм як політична ідеологія: плюралізм інтерпретацій. Achievements of 21st Century Scientific Community: Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, September 14–15, 2023. P. 285–286. URL: http://www.wayscience.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09 /Conference-Proceedings-September-14-15-2023.pdf

Лоза В. О. Війни Володимира Путіна та їх ідеологічне прикриття. Modern problems of science, education and society: Proceedings of the 9th International scientific and practical conference. Kyiv, 2023. P. 1111–1116. URL: https://sci-conf.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/MODERN-PROBLEMS-OFSCIENCE-EDUCATION-AND-SOCIETY-6-8.11.23.pdf

Лоза В. О. Ідеологія і політична практика рашизму як вагомий чинник глобальної дестабілізації. Політико-правові засади модернізації України: внутрішній та зовнішній виміри: матеріали Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Дніпро, 15–16 берез. 2024 р.). Дніпро. 2024. C. 87–92.

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