ZAMOSHNIKOVA Y. Public regulation of academic mobility of students in higher education establishments

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 281 - Публічне управління та адміністрування

Specialized Academic Board

PhD 59

National Civil Defence University of Ukraine


Relevance of the research topic. The beginning of the 21st century was marked by active integration of Ukraine into the world community and entry into the world educational space. The processes of world economic integration are inseparable from the integration of educational organizations (EOs) into the international educational space. The development of the global market strengthens the integration trends of national educational institutions in the global educational space. Ukraine is integrated into the world educational space through its entry into the planetary network of educational institutions, internationalization of connections, creation of prerequisites for mutual recognition of documents on higher education. Connection of work with scientific programs, plans, topics. The dissertation was completed as part of the scientific research work "Development of the scientific foundations of state management in the field of security of the market of socio-economic services of Ukraine from the point of view of civil protection" (state registration number 0112U002587), which was developed at the educational, scientific and production center of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine . Specifically, the dissertation analyzed measures to improve the public regulation of academic mobility of students of higher education institutions. The purpose and tasks of the work. The purpose of the dissertation is to substantiate the theoretical foundations and develop practical recommendations for improving the public regulation of academic mobility of students of higher education institutions. Achieving the specified goal made it necessary to solve the following tasks: • characterize academic mobility as a form of international integration in education; • to analyze globalization systems and the introduction of international quality assessment in the academic mobility of students of higher education institutions; • to determine the methodological foundations of the organizational mechanism of public regulation of academic mobility; • outline ways to improve the institutional mechanism of public regulation of academic mobility of students of higher education institutions; • to justify the organizational mechanism of implementing the foreign experience of the model of academic mobility of students of higher education institutions; • outline the formation of strategic directions of mechanisms of public regulation by international academic mobility. The object of research is public management of academic mobility in education. The subject of the research is public regulation of academic mobility of students of higher education institutions. Research methods Modern scientific methodology, based on the principles of: descent from abstract to concrete, unity of research and development of the object, coincidence of logical and historical, convergence of the laws of the development of the object and the laws of its knowledge, was used to implement the goal and tasks of the research. The scientific novelty of the obtained results in the solution of the scientific task regarding the development of theoretical foundations and the substantiation of scientific and applied recommendations for improving the mechanisms of public regulation of the academic mobility of students of higher education institutions. The practical significance of the obtained results. The main provisions and conclusions of the dissertation can be used by specialists when writing textbooks and teaching aids, creating educational and methodical literature; in the work of state authorities and in the process of forming modern principles of public regulation of academic mobility of students of higher education institutions. Personal contribution of the acquirer. Theoretical justifications, practical recommendations, conclusions, proposals and recommendations, including those characterizing the scientific novelty, goal and task, methodical approaches to their solution, theoretical value of the work and practical significance of the obtained results, obtained by the applicant personally during the research.

Research papers

1. Домбровська С.М., Шевчук Ю.Р. Розвиток академічної мобільності в сучасному освітньому процесі. Вісник Національного університету цивільного захисту України Серія "Державне управління". 2021. Вип. 1 (16). ст. 197-204 URL:

2. Zamoshnykova Yu. Organizational and legal mechanism of academic mobility in ukraine. Public administration and state security aspects. scientific papers. Kh.: NUCDU, 2023. Vol.2/2023. 136-144. URL:

3. Zamoshnykova Yu. International academic mobility as a factor in the development of higher education potential. (Міжнародна академічна мобільність як фактор розвитку потенціалу вищої освіти). Public administration and state security aspects. scientific papers. Kh. : NUCDU, 2024. Vol.1/2024

4. Замошнікова Ю. Р. Проблемні питання розвитку академічної мобільності в Україні. Інвестиції: практика та досвід. 2024. № 9. 172-176 URL:

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