Shlikhtenko L. Mechanisms of state management of the system of general secondary education in the conditions of territorial community reform

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 281 - Публічне управління та адміністрування


Specialized Academic Board

Наказ № 134

Public Higher Educational Establishment "The Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education"


In the dissertation research, an actual scientific issue in the field of knowledge "Public management and administration" is solved, which consists in substantiating the model of state management mechanisms in the educational field and the development of the "Complex management system of general secondary education institutions". The methodology and the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the study are given in the first chapter "Scientific and methodological principles of management of the field of education in the conditions of territorial community reform." It contains an analysis of key aspects of the administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine, the international experience of managing general secondary education institutions at the regional level and their impact on the system of state management of the education sector. Active dissemination, testing and development of various approaches to the organization of work in the system of general secondary education are considered in the work as key elements of state management of this sphere with a complex socio-economic structure. The use of interrelated methodological approaches is substantiated, among which systemic, competence-based, person-oriented, activity-based, axiological and acmeological approaches are distinguished, which correspond to the universal three-level general pedagogical classification. The areas of state management of the quality of general secondary education have been determined, including: - ensuring financing of the general secondary education system in accordance with the requirements of current legislation; - training and development of teaching and management personnel (distribution of specialists, forecasting of vacancies and training of necessary specialists); - material, technical and scientific-methodical provision of quality implementation of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of State educational standards and educational programs; - implementation of social protection of participants in the educational process. It was found that the newly created united territorial communities are beginning to enter the new status. The reform still needs additional legislative regulation and support from the government, so that local self-government in these territories can quickly master the received powers and get on the path of their own development. The second chapter, "Analysis of mechanisms of state management of the system of general secondary education in the conditions of decentralization and reform of the educational sector", covers the study of mechanisms of state management of the system of general secondary education in the context of changes occurring in the process of reforms related to the decentralization of power. An analysis of the regulatory framework for reforming the management and functioning of institutions of general secondary education was carried out, on the basis of which the author's model of mechanisms of state management of the system of general secondary education was developed. It has been established that the educational reform in Ukraine is characterized by decentralization and democratization of management, increasing the autonomy of secondary education institutions and the complete elimination of the state monopoly. The radical transformations of the management of the system of general secondary education at the local level are mostly due to the growth of the role of local self-government bodies, which became possible as a result of changes in the regulatory framework of Ukraine. The mechanisms of state management of the system of general secondary education at the regional level are distinguished and justified, which include: organizational-instrumental, financial-economic, public-state. An author's model of state management mechanisms in the field of general secondary education has been created. The structural model of such mechanisms is an important element in the development of the conceptual foundations of state management mechanisms in the field of general secondary education. To the structural model of mechanisms we include: the goal, subjects and objects of management, the very structure (construction) of the model of mechanisms, methods, levers, means and methods and factors of influence, incentives, practical measures, etc. In the third chapter "Directions for improving the mechanisms of state management of the system of general secondary education at the regional level", directions for improving the tools of state and public management of the system of general secondary education at the regional level are highlighted; prospects for increasing the efficiency of state management mechanisms of the system of general secondary education at the level of the territorial community are predicted.

Research papers

Шліхтенко Л.А. Нормативно-правове підґрунтя реформування управління та функціонування закладів загальної середньої освіти. Успіхи і досягнення у науці. Серія «Управління та адміністрування»: журнал. 2024. № 3(3). Том 1. 652 с. С. 464-477.

Шліхтенко Л.А. Модель механізмів державного управління в галузі загальної середньої освіти. Наукові перспективи. Серія «Управління та адміністрування». № 5(47) 2024, 1776 с. С. 595-607.

Шліхтенко Л.А. Особливості управління діяльністю закладів загальної середньої освіти на регіональному рівні: міжнародний досвід. «Актуальні питання у сучасній науці. Серія «Державне управління»: журнал. № 6(24), 2024. С. 1257. С. 382-394.

Шліхтенко Л.А. Критерії оцінювання моделі механізмів державного управління системою загальної середньої освіти на регіональному рівні. Актуальні питання у сучасній науці. Серія «Державне управління»: журнал. № 8(26), 2024. С. 1294. С. 497-507.

Шліхтенко Л.А. Перспективи підвищення ефективності механізмів державного управління системою загальної середньої освіти на регіональному рівні. Суспільство та національні інтереси: журнал Серія «Управління та адміністрування». № 4(4), 2024. С. 1414. С. 1401-1414.


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