In the dissertation work, an actual scientific and applied task was solved, which consisted in the development and improvement of the creation of theoretical and practical foundations for increasing the efficiency of the functioning of IT companies by building models and methods of information technology for managing risk events in IT projects.
The paper analyzed the features of IT project management, reviewed risk classifications in IT projects, modern models, and methods of information technologies for managing risks (threats and opportunities) in IT projects in the first section. Based on the results of the analysis of existing models and methods of risk management in general and in the IT sphere, the author showed in the work that there is a need to develop and improve approaches, models, and methods of risk management in IT projects, considering the impact of threats and opportunities.
The author has developed a conceptual model of risk management in IT projects considering threats and opportunities. New models of risk management in IT projects have been built, considering threats and opportunities, which allow considering the impact of possible risks and opportunities from outside and inside the project, which has value for companies and organizations. Also, in the second section of the work, target models of project management based on the analogy of medicine and project management are presented.
An intelligent model for choosing the optimal strategy for managing risk events (threats and opportunities) has been improved, which considers the graphs of the development of events, the synergy of possible threats and opportunities. The mathematical model of managing threats and opportunities in IT projects is described in the second section of the work.
The author proposed the improvement of the method of intelligent selection of the optimal strategy for managing risk events (threats and opportunities), which allows using intelligent data analysis to choose the optimal strategy for managing threats and opportunities to improve the efficiency of IT project management. In the third section of the work, the method of integrated management of threats and opportunities in IT projects was further developed, which, unlike the existing ones, considers the identification, assessment, and response to risks, both for threats and opportunities.
In the fourth chapter, the structure of the information base of the integrated management of threats and opportunities in the IT project was developed, making it possible to implement models and methods of risk management in the IT project to ensure the accumulation of statistical and expert information on the management of threats and opportunities.
Additionally, the information technology structure of the integrated management of threats and opportunities in the IT project, as well as the scheme of its implementation, were developed. This enables the IT project manager and his/her team to apply and implement appropriate models and methods developed by the author to ensure successful and timely implementation of the IT project to meet stakeholder needs and meet project constraints and requirements.
The author applied the models, methods and information technology developed in the work of integrated management of threats and opportunities in IT projects in practice in two different IT companies.
The test results showed that the developed models and methods of information technology for risk management in IT projects made it possible to reduce the level of unforeseen costs by 7.3% compared to other similar projects without the use of these models and methods of IT project management information technology for project management.