The scientific novelty of the obtained results is as follows:
- the concept of geospatial development of territorial communities as a system category, which, unlike the existing ones, is determined by a set of functional, spatial, urban planning, regulatory, security, stakeholder, environmental, infrastructural, investment, social, innovative factors, the formation and interaction of which is carried out on regional and TC level with the use of mathematical methods and models, modern geoinformation systems and aimed at building geospatial support for the formation of a better environment for the use of the land and property complex compared to the past;
- a multi-level system of indicators for assessing the level of provision of geospatial development of territorial communities, which includes local, systemic, group and integral levels and is determined by functional, spatial, urban planning, ecological, regulatory, security, investment, stakeholder, infrastructural, social, innovative indicators, which , unlike the existing ones, provides opportunities to take into account the signs, characteristics and peculiarities of the functioning of the TC and regional development for the development and implementation of an integral evaluation method;
- an integral method of assessing the level of provision of geospatial development of territorial communities, which is based on the application of analytical and expert methods, mathematical models, a multi-level system of indicators and includes functional, spatial, urban planning, environmental, regulatory, security, investment, stakeholder, infrastructural, social, innovative signs and characteristics, which made it possible to form a quantitative basis for forecasting changes in the integral factor and decision-making in the field of ensuring the geospatial development of the TC;
- a model that determines the cause-and-effect relationships between the integral indicator of the level of provision of geospatial development of territorial communities and the generalizing factor of the development of regions based on the application of mathematical modeling tools, which, unlike the existing ones, provides the possibility of building a quantitative basis for the transformation of the directions of formation and provision of geospatial development of TC in the system of creation of gross regional product per person. Proposed directions and highlighted features of mathematical modeling as an important tool that ensures decision-making in the system of geospatial development of territorial communities;
received further development:
- processes of mathematical modeling of geospatial development of territorial communities, which are based on methods and models of correlation-regression analysis, information and analytical support, results of assessment of factors reflecting the directions and peculiarities of the functioning of the TC, taking into account regional aspects. This made it possible to establish cause-and-effect relationships between group factors that characterize the directions and peculiarities of the functioning of territorial communities, their regional aspects and an integral indicator for the development of scientifically based recommendations for ensuring the geospatial development of TC;
- scientifically based recommendations regarding the provision of geospatial development of territorial communities, which are based on the results of an integral assessment, mathematical modeling and forecasting of factors, which, unlike the existing ones, made it possible to determine the directions of provision of geospatial provision, develop geo-informational monitoring maps and an organizational-spatial mechanism, taking into account the peculiarities functioning of territorial communities and regional aspects of their activity.
The practical significance of the obtained results is that the theoretical results and methodological provisions of the dissertation have been brought to the level of specific practical recommendations for ensuring the geospatial development of territorial communities.