Dranchuk I. Formation of moral and political values of military personnel as a factor of stability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 052 - Політологія

Specialized Academic Board

PhD 7396

Private higher educational institution "European University"


Dranchuk I. M. Formation of moral and political values of military personnel as a factor of stability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. – Qualification scientific work in the form of a manuscript. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty 052 – “Political Science”. – Private higher educational institution “European University”. – Kyiv, 2024. The problem of the value principles of Ukrainian society and their protection in the conditions of a conscientious war initiated against Ukraine is actively discussed in the expert and scientific community, which, in turn, actualizes: firstly, the study of the worldview orientations of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the conditions of countering armed aggression, conducting special information operations by the aggressor; secondly, the development of recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of moral and psychological support and patriotic training of Ukrainian military personnel. Therefore, countering the informational and psychological influences of the Russian aggressor in the context of an information-network society and the digitalization of all spheres of life requires the application of a systematic approach to the moral and psychological support and patriotic training of military personnel, which can be considered one of the safeguards for preventing the consequences of the conscientious war unleashed by the Russian aggressor. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic, defines the goal and objectives, defines the object and subject of the study, formulates scientific novelty, highlights methodological tools, outlines the theoretical and practical significance of the results obtained, highlights the preliminary testing of the research results and describes the structure of the work. The first section, “Theoretical and methodological principles of the formation of moral and political values of military personnel”, clarifies the state of study of the topic and the source base of the study, the features of the formation of moral and combat qualities and patriotic feelings in military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the conditions of conscientious war. The methodology and categorical and conceptual apparatus of the study, the evolution of the value principles of Ukrainian society, the influence of the imperatives of the concept of metamodernity on their transformation in the modern era are analyzed. The section focuses on the substantive characteristics of national identity as a factor in ensuring national stability, the stability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in particular. The second section, “Modern components and determinants of moral and psychological support and patriotic training of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” describes the priorities and modern practices of moral and psychological and humanitarian support in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as successful practices of organizing moral and psychological support and patriotic education in the armed forces of leading NATO member states. The third section, “The Genesis of Moral and Political Values of Ukrainian Society through the Lens of Improving Moral and Psychological Support and Patriotic Training in the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” examines the institutional and functional aspects of implementing Ukraine’s military policy through the lens of increasing the effectiveness of moral and psychological support and national and patriotic education of military personnel; attention is focused on the influence of the religious factor and the institution of chaplaincy on the moral and spiritual state of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The conclusions summarize the main results of the study. Based on scientific approaches to the interpretation of the term "values" and the concept of "political values", the moral and psychological support of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is characterized as a complex of interrelated and coordinated measures of state and military leadership, military management bodies in order to form high moral qualities and achieve the psychological state of servicemen necessary for the performance of combat missions. In addition, the conclusions and provisions of the dissertation can be applied when preparing new editions of the "National Security Strategy of Ukraine", "Information Security Doctrine of Ukraine", as well as when writing scientific papers, textbooks and developing special courses in military and political sciences. Keywords: national security, Armed Forces of Ukraine, moral and political values, national resistance, conscientious war, hybrid war, information security, information operations, national identity, nation, manipulation, information and psychological influences, threats, information war, propaganda.

Research papers

Дранчук І. М., Інформаційно–психологічні операції рф проти України та ключові шляхи протидії в контексті забезпечення національно–патріотичної підготовки українських військовослужбовців. Регіональні студії, № 37, 2024. С. 20–24. URL : http://regionalstudies.uzhnu.uz.ua/archive/37/5.pdf

Дранчук І. М., Політичні цінності як аксіологічні засади функціонування суспільства й держави. Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. 2023. № 3 (58). С. 129–137. URL: http://fil.nlu.edu.ua/article/view/285714

Дранчук І. М., Тимошенко О. І. Політичні цінності як аксіологічні засади євроатлантичних прагнень України. Актуальні проблеми філософії та соціології [наук. журнал, засновник: Національний ун–т «Одеська юридична академія»]. № 42\2023. С. 168–172. URL: http://apfs.nuoua.od.ua/archive/42_2023/28.pdf

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