Dmytrenko O. Non-governmental sector’s institutional capacity in Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 052 - Політологія


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 297

Institute for Political and Ethnonational Studies. IF Kuras NAS of Ukraine


Thereby, generally, the institutional competence of the third sector can be described as an intrinsic feature of the sector, which is being formed and communicated by the sector itself, now that the legal environment does not bear any obstacles for that. On the other hand, since the country does not display any interest in the sector, there might turn up certain complications in the situation, legal ones being most probable. Besides, there might be a threat of the third sector’s development becoming dependable on the political will locally. Alongside that, the issue of the members of the sector being missionary and conscientious remains a sensitive one. What often poses reputational issues in the sector in general is the absence of outlined boundaries or a regulatory system amid the representatives. To sum up, it is to be noted that the development of coalitions amongst NGO may become a pivot of solutions and regulations of the aspects to do with identification and support the rest of the NGO’s developing competences. The course of financial competence development of institutions signifies actualisation of legal advocacy agencies, since reinforcement of this competence takes place largely due to the work of the third sector. Development of the third sector oriented approach to institutional competence research is what makes up the scientific novelty of the thesis. The classification framework, which has been purposefully developed, as well as restrictions outline, which the sector is facing, enables us to assess with most certainty the direction and the scale of Non-governmental sector development in terms of its quality.

Research papers

Дмитренко О. А. Перспективи інституційного розвитку неурядового сектору: аналіз проєкту Національної стратегії розвитку ОГС. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science. 2020. Vol. 7 (28). C. 1–8.

Дмитренко О. А. Коаліційна спроможність неурядового сектору в Україні. Літопис Волині. 2021. Вип. 24. С. 201–206.

Дмитренко О. А. Інституційна спроможність неурядових організацій в Україні: фінансовий аспект. Науковий часопис НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова. 2020. Вип. 28. С. 48–55.

Дмитренко О. А. Перспективи фінансової незалежності неурядового сектору України. Політікус. 2021. Вип. 3. С. 42–47.

Дмитренко О. А. Співпраця третього сектору і УКФ як приклад моделі фінансового партнерства між державою і НУО. Вісник Львівського університету. Серія філософсько-політичні студії. 2021. Вип. 36. С. 190–195.


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