Naryvskyi R. Justification of the parameters of the isolated removal of methane from the produced space on coal seams of increased fire danger

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 184 - Гірництво

Specialized Academic Board

PhD 7

Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named after MS Polyakova of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation work is devoted to an important scientific and practical task: specifying the safe parameters of the method of isolated methane removal from the extracted space, taking into account the gas content of coal seams, increasing the level of aerological safety and reducing emergency situations, according to the gas factor in mining productions of mining areas of mines of Ukraine, the development of safety measures during the operation of gas extraction units and an effective method of combating gas. The purpose of the work is to establish the patterns of methane release in the mining area in fire-hazardous seams and to substantiate the parameters of the method of isolated methane removal from the produced space during coal mining to increase the load on the cleaning face and the safety of coal mines in terms of the gas factor. The dissertation considers measures to combat methane and prevent explosions and fires in mines. Studies were conducted on the impact of methane release in the blowout from the produced space. To estimate the parameters of methane transfer processes, a model of methane-wind mixture flows in the produced space of the mine was developed, taking into account the influence of degassing wells. Therefore, the prediction of transfer processes in specific conditions is a problem that is solved by methods of mathematical modeling and computational experiment. The paper examines the causes of occurrence and methods for combating spontaneous combustion. One of the measures to reduce spontaneous combustion is hydraulic injection of water under high pressure through reservoir wells. Injection of water and solutions based on antipyrogens into the coal seam is used to reduce the occurrence of endogenous fires. It is known that saturation of coal with liquid changes the properties and mechanical characteristics, and leads to the unloading of the seam of mining products. Knowing the dynamics of the formation of the voltage field around the mining operationg will allow to improve the technology of processing the coal seam with antipyrogens. Isolated removal of methane from the produced space outside the extraction area is used in mines and has proven itself as the most effective way to combat gas. In order to increase the reliability of the level of aerological safety and reduce emergency situations due to the gas factor in mining productions of mining areas of mines of Ukraine, when applying ventilation schemes with isolated methane removal, safe parameters of the method of isolated methane removal from the produced space were developed. The imperfect regulatory framework for designing and controlling the ventilation of coal mines is one of the main reasons for the poor state of ventilation. Therefore, the work developed recommendations for improving regulatory documentation in the direction of isolated methane removal from the produced space. Developed safety measures during the operation of gas suction units and specified safe parameters of the method of isolated removal of methane, taking into account the gas capacity of coal seams, were implemented at mines in the form of developed recommendations on gas safety, and developed normative documents of the method of isolated removal of methane from the produced space during coal mining. At the same time, the number of cases of emergency situations during the implementation of the method decreased. The use of the method of isolated removal of methane from the produced space in the coal mines of Ukrainian gave a positive result. This is evident from the increase in economic effect, which was calculated on the example of the mine's excavation sections. At the same time, the load on the cleaning face was increased, due to the reduction of emergency situations in the production, which confirms the effectiveness of the developed method. The scientific significance of the work lies in establishing the patterns of formation of gasification zones in violations caused by mining operations; mine atmosphere; changes in air permeability of samples treated with an antipyrogen solution; substantiated safe parameters of the method of isolated removal of methane from the produced space in coal mines, which allowed to increase the safety of mining operations based on the gas factor and increase the load on the cleaning face. The practical significance of the work lies in: development of recommendations for ensuring explosion-proofness of mine excavation areas when treating the formation with an antipyrogen solution; development of a method for isolated removal of methane from the produced space during coal mining for the safety of coal mines in terms of gas factor and reduction of emergency situations in the workings; development of recommendations for ensuring gas safety during the operation of gas extraction units in the mine's excavation sections; approval of «Projects for isolated removal of methane from the produced space of the lava».

Research papers

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Цепков К.В., Ангеловский А.А., Чугунков И.Ф., Наривский Р.Н. Расчет параметров высоконапорного нагнетания жидкости в выбросоопасный угольный пласт. Геотехнічна механіка: Міжвідомчий зб. наук. праць ІГТМ НАН України, Дніпропетровськ. Вип. 81, 2009. С. 184-190.

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Васильев Л.М., Васильев Д.Л., Наривский Р.Н. Метод расчета предела прочности при трехосном сжатии образцов горных пород и постоянном значении контактных касательных напряжений. Геотехнічна механіка: Міжвідомчий зб. наук. праць ІГТМ НАН України, Дніпропетровськ. Вип. 82, 2009. С. 9-18.

Зберовский В.В., Жулай Ю.А., Чугунков И.Ф., Наривский Р.Н. Расчет размаха автоколебаний давления жидкости малорасходных кавитационных генераторов. Материалы юбилейной XX международной научной школы им. академика С.А. Христиановича, Алушта (Крым), 2010. С. 128-130

Зберовский В.В., Поляков Ю.Е., Нискевич А.Н., Наривский Р.Н. Результаты лабораторных исследований режима кавитации генератора упругих колебаний. Геотехнічна механіка: Міжвідомчий зб. наук. праць ІГТМ НАН України, Дніпропетровськ. Вип. 94, 2011. С. 46-52.

Поляков Ю.Е., Антончик В.Е., Опрышко Ю.С., Чугунков И.Ф., Наривский Р.Н. Оценка эффективности гидрообработки краевой части выбросоопасного пласта k2н в условиях СП «Шахтоуправление «Молодогвардейское». Геотехнічна механіка: Міжвідомчий зб. наук. праць ІГТМ НАН України, Дніпропетровськ. Вип. 103, 2012. С. 172-181.

Холявченко Л.Т., Осенний В.Я., Давыдов С.Л., Наривский Р.Н. Проблемы и перспективы развития экологически чистых технологий переработки низкосортных углей и отходов угольной промышленности. Екологія і природокористування: Збірник наукових праць Інституту проблем природокористування та екології НАН України: Збірник наук. праць, Дніпропетровськ, Вип. 15, 2012. С. 144-152.

Зберовський В.В., Поляков Ю.Е., Наривский Р.Н. Исследование динамических параметров генератора упругих колебаний при различных углах раскрытия диффузора. Геотехнічна механіка: Міжвідомчий зб. наук. праць ІГТМ НАН України, Дніпропетровськ. Вип. 117, 2014. С. 96-102.

Зберовський В.В., Поляков Ю.Е., Наривский Р.Н. Исследование динамических параметров, реализуемых генератором упругих колебаний при зарождении и затухании кавитационного течения жидкости. Геотехнічна механіка: Міжвідомчий зб. наук. праць ІГТМ НАН України, Дніпро, Вип. 124, 2015. С. 57-72.

Васильев Л.М., Васильев Д.Л., Пазынич А.В., Ангеловский А.А., Малич Н.Г., Наривский Р.Н. Обусловленность горизонтальных нормальных напряжений контактным трением между слоями горных пород. Металургійна та гірничорудна промисловість: наук. журнал, Дніпро, Вип. 4 (301), 2016. С. 71-76.

Минеев С.П., Кочерга В.Н., Янжула А.С., Колесников А.Н., Гордиевский К.Н., Наривский Р.Н. Методология разработки противоаварийных мероприятий в проекте дегазации угольной шахты. Геотехнічна механіка: Міжвідомчий зб. наук. праць ІГТМ НАН України, Дніпро, Вип. 127, 2016. С. 226-238.

Зберовський В.В., Васильев Л.М., Жулай Ю.А., Поляков Ю.Е., Пазынич А.В., Наривский Р.Н. Разработка метода расчета параметров устройства гидроимпульсного воздействия на выбросоопасные угольные пласты. Геотехнічна механіка: Міжвідомчий зб. наук. праць ІГТМ НАН України, Дніпро, Вип. 130, 2016. С. 92-106.

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