Fedchuk O. V. Personal Security of a Professional as a Factor in the Actualization of the Emotional Resource of a Personality. – Qualifying scientific work as a manuscript.
Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy with specialties 053 – Psychology. Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, 2024.
The dissertation presents a theoretical synthesis and a new solution to the problem of defining personal safety of a professional as a factor in actualizing an individual's emotional resources.
The theoretical-methodological analysis of contemporary scientific approaches to studying the problem of personal safety of a professional as a factor in actualizing the emotional resources of an individual revealed that this concept is a dynamic, integral, and complex phenomenon, a sensation, experience or state of being protected from internal and external dangers, control over life events, self-assurance, the ability to maintain balance and resistance to threats, satisfaction with life and basic needs of the individual, internal peace, and a favorable environment for future development and self-realization. The author asserts that the main features of psychological safety of an individual are feelings of protection and psychological well-being, satisfaction with one’s life, confidence about the future, possibilities for self-actualization and self-development, belief in oneself, the ability to cope with life's difficulties, and relative predictability of changes in the external environment and society. Three factors determining personal safety are disclosed, namely, the protection factor, environmental factor, and human factor. A three-component structure of a professional's personal safety is distinguished, including motivational-value, cognitive-behavioral, and emotional-volitional components. Personal safety of a professional is closely interdependent with the psychology of the individual, the psychology of personality, and the psychology of a professional within the professional environment. General characteristics common to all professionals and specific to each type of profession were determined. The professionals studied generally exhibit straightforwardness, practicality, high self-control, and conformism. Among professionals in the healthcare and security sectors, emotional tension, radicalism, and the ability to exercise heightened self-control were observed; they employ active, pro-social, direct, and indirect strategies to cope with stressful situations. In contrast, professionals in the social, educational, and service sectors typically exhibit behaviors such as assertive actions and establishing social contact. Representatives of the healthcare and security sectors are mostly prone to impulsive, manipulative, and aggressive actions, which can be explained by the specifics of the profession, particularly often risky situations and the need to make decisions under uncertainty. The majority of professionals in the healthcare and security sectors experience high to medium levels of satisfaction with safety, influenced by the specifics of professional activity. In contrast, professionals in the social, educational, and service sectors showed lower satisfaction levels with safety needs.
The main structural components of the effective implementation of the comprehensive psychological program for the development of a professional's personal safety have been identified: body-oriented correction (exercises to relieve physical tension and stress), cognitive-behavioral correction (psychoeducation lectures), group training, and music therapy. Body-oriented correction was presented through self-regulation methods for recognizing bodily tension and regulating stress states. Cognitive-behavioral correction in the program consisted of psychoeducation lectures, effective for minor psychological deviations to serious disorders and also demonstrating good results in life quality improvement programs for people in complex life situations, crises, and severe illnesses. Group training, as one of the most accessible methods for significantly accelerating group learning, skills training in crisis situations, and consolidating skills during particularly complex functions. The block of music therapy was included in the program for psychoprophylaxis, psychotherapy, and psychocorrection, as music stimulates cognitive activity and human productivity, can soften or eliminate symptoms, changes in destructive attitudes and behavioral manifestations, and supports and restores health. A systematic approach in implementing the comprehensive psychological program for the development of a professional's personal safety allowed the identification of the main psychological structures, established their purpose or impact, improved interaction through a synergy effect, and enhanced the possibilities for actualizing the emotional resources of the individual.