Stakhov A. Management of the activities of shipping companies in the conditions of asymmetry of the maritime trade market

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 073 - Менеджмент


Specialized Academic Board


Odesa Polytechnic National University


The dissertation is dedicated to the solution of an actual scientific task regarding the development and justification of theoretical and methodological support for the development of maritime transport enterprises of Ukraine according to the criteria of sustainable and effective positioning in the structure of the global maritime trade market according to the principles of system security. The relevance of the research is substantiated in the introduction; the object, subject, tasks and research methods are defined; the connection with research works is shown; the scientific novelty and practical significance of the obtained results are given; the personal contribution of the acquirer is highlighted. The first chapter "Scientific and methodological foundations of effective management of the development of maritime transport enterprises in the system of the global maritime trade market" presents the regularities of the normalized development of national subsystems of the maritime transport industry according to the criteria of balance and symmetry of achieving a normalized state. Attention is drawn to the optimization problems of individual components of the global maritime trade market. The scientific tasks of effective sequential development of individual components of the maritime transport industry of Ukraine according to the requirements of transport safety of export cargo flows are highlighted. The author's approach to the need to react to non-systemic threats is separated. In the second chapter "Analysis of the global maritime trade market, trends and features of the development of individual maritime transport subsystems", an assessment of the state of the global maritime trade market was carried out, new trends and features of the development of individual maritime transport subsystems were revealed in the conditions of strengthening regulatory aspects from the IMO and innovative approaches of leading shipping companies. The nature of the complication of solving the current problems of asymmetric response of maritime transport enterprises of Ukraine is revealed.. In the third section, "Justification of the parameters of the effective state of maritime transport enterprises and subsystems of Ukraine", the parameters of the effective state of maritime transport enterprises and subsystems of Ukraine, conditions and ways of achieving them are substantiated according to the criteria of system security, priority of balance and methods of reaction to asymmetric positioning based on innovative technologies. The methods of building an effective transport complex based on the criteria of sustainable positioning in the specialization segments of the global maritime trade market are formulated. Based on the justification and selection of the goal of the development of the country's maritime transport potential, a strategy for the formation and provision of transport safety was developed based on the priorities of the balance of investment projects and optimization of the situation using the methods of anticipation. The achievement of normalized management parameters of the efficiency and independence of logistics technologies in the system of national priorities is considered fundamental, since the stability of the positioning of the production potential of the fleet and ports is determined by the use of the advantages of the economy of transit space, the formation of an emergent effect and an increase in perceived value. An active maritime transport policy in the management of the optimality of maritime transport potential will ensure the independence of participation in the global division of labour. The directions for ensuring the management of the functional stability of the national component in the global maritime trade market are substantiated. The benefits of using the national maritime complex are calculated. An information-logical model for ensuring the sustainability of the development of the fleet and stevedoring companies is presented, taking into account the development of the regional segment of the maritime trade market. The rules and requirements of the International Maritime Organization regarding the requirements of decarbonisation and cyber security of shipping with the spread of automated navigation technologies are taken into account. The order, methods of achieving symmetry and avoiding asymmetry in the development of the shipping industry of the country's operators and the formation of priorities for using the advantages of the north-western Black Sea region, which contributes to the achievement of the appropriate technical and economic level of vessels, are substantiated.

Research papers

1. Stakhov A. Innovative technologies and efficiency in merchant shipping. Economics: time realities. 2023. №3(67). P. 31-38. URL: (0,91 д.а.)

2. Stakhov А. Integration strategies and challenges in maritime trade. Market economy: modern management theory and practice. №21(1(50). URL: (Original work published on the 27th of December 2022) (0,68 д.а.)

3. Стахов А.Ю. Обґрунтування ефективності стану підсистем морської транспортної індустрії в умовах асиметричності. Наукові інновації та передові технології. 2023. №14(28). С. 516-523. URL: (0,59 д.а.)

4. Стахов А.Ю. Managing the Functional Stability of Global Maritime Trade. Economic journal Odessa polytechnic university. 2023. № 2 (24). P. 100-105. DOI: 10.15276/EJ.02.2023.11. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10427594. (0,68 д.а.)

5. Стахов А. Ю. Інтеграційні тенденції стійкого розвитку ринку морської торгівлі. Priority directions of science development : Abstracts of V International Science development Conference (Hamburg, Germany, February 06-08, 2023). Germany, 2023. P. 167-168. URL: (0,12 д.а.)

6. Стахов А. Ю. Структуризація асиметрії розвитку ринку морської торгівлі. Морське право та виклики: еволюція та сучасні виклики : матеріали XVІ Міжнар. наук-практ. конф. (23 травня, 2023, Одеса) С. 91-95 (0,21 д.а.)

7. Stakhov A. Management of the efficiency of economic development in the maritime transport industry system. Modern science: theoretical and practical view. Abstracts of VIII International scientific conference (21.11.2023, Madrid, Spain). P. 14-16. URL: (0,24 д.а.)

8. Стахов А. Ю., Липинська О. А. Асиметрія розвитку морського транспорту України у системі нового шовкового шляху. Управління бізнес-процесами та технологічними інноваціями в сучасних умовах та післявоєнний період : матеріали I Міжнар. наук-практ. конф (11-13 жовтня, 2023, Київ). Київ, НТУ, 2023. С. 230-232. URL: (0,22 д.а., особистий внесок здобувача: розглянуто відсутність економічного зростання як наслідок асиметричності різноманітних операцій морської торгівлі – 0.18 д.а.)

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