Malynovska H. Planning the development of human capital of oil and gas enterprises

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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  • 073 - Менеджмент


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 918

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas


The dissertation is devoted to setting up and solving the actual task of the science of management and administration of enterprise activities – theoretical and methodological substantiation of the necessity, expediency and effectiveness of planning the enterprise’ development using original models and technologies for managing the incremental development of the human capital of its personnel. In the first chapter «Theoretical foundations of enterprise development planning based on human capital» the author considered the essential characteristics of the «human capital» category in the context of enterprise development task. The specifics of this category for the conditions of evolutionary changes in economic systems are considered. The prerequisites are analyzed, as well as the tasks and expected results of the implementation of the enterprise development planning process, which is based on plans for the development of the human capital of its staff, are formulated. As a result, it was established that a necessary requirement for the effective operation and development of enterprises in new conditions is human capital development, which is proposed to be considered by abandoning its traditional interpretation as a stock of knowledge, skills and experience and reorienting this understanding to a unique form of capital that is constantly changing, whose fixation in value terms is conditional. At the same time, the new definition of the concept of «human capital» takes into account the incremental and dynamic characteristics of the latter and emphasizes the need to include in their composition those characteristics that develop, change and determine the behavior of the person-carrier. The result of the analysis of the relevant conceptual and categorical apparatus was the grapho-analytical model proposed by the author that illustrates the development of the socio-economic system in the context of the quality of its human capital. The model also illustrates the formulation of the definition of the «enterprise development» category adapted to these conditions and the justification of the intellectualization process as a result of qualitative changes in human capital of the system, which, in turn, is transformed into the quality of the results of its activity. It has been demonstrated that the processes of the emergence and formation of human capital require a preliminary study of such components of its structure in the form of three groups of competencies, namely: basic, creative-intellectual, and intellectual-communicative. This made it possible to put into circulation the concept of «primitive human capital» with the basic components of a person's physical condition, his knowledge of the possibilities of using natural resources, and skills in the manufacture and use of tools. That is, the concept that makes a person a necessary element of ensuring the proper functioning of enterprises in the intellectual economy. At the same time, it was also established that improvement in the conditions of intellectual-behavioral economy requires the process of managing human capital in general and the function of planning its development in particular. The scheme of the human capital planning process of the enterprise proposed by the author and its original definition in the form of a closed cyclical process of evaluating and revising the strategy, business goals and plans of the enterprise, analyzing its internal and external environment made it possible to establish the following qualitative and quantitative development as the main goal of the human capital planning process, which combines the strategic goals of the company's development with the goals of personal and professional development of each employee and ensures the company's competitiveness. In the section «Conditions, technology and planning tools for the effective development and use of the human capital of the enterprise» the conceptual principles of development through the management of building up the human capital of its personnel as a set of individuals, the human capital model of which formed the basis of technological and instrumental support for the management of its development and allowed to create a system targeted management of incremental changes in the state of its human capital necessary for the enterprise. The bio-socio-economic model of personality modified by the author demonstrated the connection of the components of individual intelligence (II) with human capital (HC) in the form of a complex of intellectual (IC), social (SC) and status (StC) capitals as products of the activity of her individual intelligence. This, in turn, opened up the possibility of analyzing multiple models of II and HC carrier

Research papers

2. Малиновська Г. В. Економічний імператив планування розвитку людського капіталу підприємства. Науковий вісник Івано-Франківського національного технічного університету нафти і газу (серія “Економіка та управління в нафтовій і газовій промисловості”). Вип. 2 (18). Івано-Франківськ: ІФНТУНГ. 2018. С. 78-85. (0,3 друк. арк.).

3. Малиновська Г. В., Кісь Г. Р. Розвиток людського капіталу як імператив процесу капіталізації підприємства. International Scientific Journal “Internauka”. Series: “Economic Sciences”. №5 (37), 2020. Том 1. С. 48-58. Особистий внесок авторки: досліджено та інтерпретовано понятійно-категоріальний апарат людського капіталу та капіталізації підприємства (0,65 друк. арк., авт. 0,57 друк. арк.).

4. Малиновська Г. В. Кісь С. Я., Запухляк І. Б. Яцюк О. С. Кадрове забезпечення сфери охорони здоров'я України: новий підхід до розвитку управлінського персоналу. Економічний аналіз. Тернопіль, 2019. Том 29. № 4. С. 17-28. Особистий внесок авторки: запропоновано методику оцінювання особистих якостей управлінського людського капіталу (0,82 друк. арк., авт. 0,43 друк. арк.).

5. Malynovska G., Kis S., Kis H., Danyleichuk R. Implementation of local digitalization projects as the main direction of activation of educational processes, services and products digital transformation. Науковий вісник Івано-Франківського національного технічного університету нафти і газу (серія «Економіка та управління в нафтовій і газовій промисловості»). Вип. 1 (25). Івано-Франківськ: ІФНТУНГ. 2022. С. 89-99. Особистий внесок авторки: обґрунтовано проект локальної цифровізації освітніх послуг і продуктів. (0,72 друк. арк., авт. 0,45 друк. арк.).

6. Malynovska G., Kis S., Kalambet Y., Yatsiuk O. A mathematical and testing tool for personal human capital research assessment. Management Science Letters, 2020. Vol. 10, Iss. 14. pp. 3291-3298. URL: Особистий внесок авторки: розроблено математично-тестовий інструментарій оцінки людського капіталу. (0,6 друк. арк., авт. 0,44 друк. арк.).

7. Malynovska G., Kis S, Mosora L., Mosora Yu., Yatsiuk O., Pobihun S. Personnel Сertificationas a Necessary Condition for Enterprise’ Staff Development. Management Systems in Production Engineering, 2020, Volume 28, Issue 2, pp. 121-126. DOI: 10.2478/mspe-2020-0018. Особистий внесок авторки: проведено теоретико-методологічне обґрунтування необхідності використання технології дизайн-мислення у процесах міжнародної сертифікації, розроблено матеріали для проведення інтерв’ю та опитування, інтерпретовано та проаналізовано їх результати. (0,65 друк. арк., авт. 0,25 друк. арк.).

8. Malynovska G., Mosora L., Kis S. Topolnytska T., Kalambet Ya. Design Thinking Method Implementation in Personnel Certifcation Procedures. European Integration Studies. 2021. No. 15, p. 22-33. Особистий внесок авторки: розроблено інструментарій для прототипування процесу міжнародної сертифікації персоналу (1,0 друк. арк., авт. 0,38 друк. арк.).


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