Pakharenko O. Organizational Support to Manage the DevelopmentofEntrepreneurial Networks in the Region

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 073 - Менеджмент

Specialized Academic Board

PhD 7297

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


The dissertation was devoted to the substantiation of theoretical provisions and the development of methodological approaches and recommendations for improving the organizational support for managing the development of entrepreneurial networks in the region, concentrated in the machine-building industry of the Kharkiv region. Approaches to formulating the content of the entrepreneurial networks were analyzed and forms a definition of this category, taking into account the nature of quasi-integrative ties of entrepreneurial activity, their purpose, and the form of organizational management. The typology of business networks is improved according to such classification criteria as: the functional purpose of the integration of business activity, the level of quasi- integration relations and their stability, form, structure; the life cycle and term of quasi-integration links; the size of the participants in business networks; nature of network access; territorial affiliation and specialization of network partners. Based on the justification of the essence of the cause-and-effect relationships between the tasks of forming and developing business networks, a 4-level hierarchical structure for the implementation of these tasks is proposed, taking into account the subordinate approach in the process of their achievement. The system of factors influencing the external and internal environment of entrepreneurial activity on the development of quasi-integration relations and business networking is substantiated. Using the expert method, a system of indicators for quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the functioning of business networks of the machine-building industry of the Kharkiv region is proposed, taking into account various directions of the synergistic effect. The key components of the synergistic effect of the interaction of network enterprises of the machine-building industry of the Kharkiv region are substantiated, which are characterized by such qualitative parameters of the effectiveness of business network management as labor potential management synergy, innovation-technological, information-communication, environmental and social synergy. It has been established that the vast majority of network-type enterprises in the machine-building industry in the region are characterized by an average and low level of management efficiency, interaction and cooperation, which is a destructive factor in the intensive development of quasi-integration relations in the industry. A methodological approach is proposed for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of business networks within the framework of a management approach, which is based on the separation of stages of the life cycle of a network enterprise, and makes it possible to determine the priority of areas for ensuring the effectiveness of network interaction management in the machine-building industry of the Kharkiv region. Based on a quantitative analysis of the influence of factors-components of the synergistic effect on the efficiency of the functioning of network enterprises in the machine-building industry of the Kharkiv region, a matrix approach is proposed to determine the identification criteria for the development strategies of network enterprises in the machine-building industry in the region, which is designed to determine the strategic position of the enterprise in the context of network interaction, relying on a system of factors and indicators that cover the phase of the life cycle of the network enterprise, the state of economic activity and the components of the synergistic effect of quasi-integration relations. In order to improve the approaches to the strategic development of business networks, a multi-criteria model for determining the effective development strategy for network enterprises in the machine-building industry of the Kharkiv region has been developed. The proposed empirical model is based on taking into account the dynamic characteristics of the financial and economic state of the network enterprise, the quality of network interaction management in terms of the components of the synergistic effect, the stage of the enterprise's life cycle and the influence of the system of factors of the external environment of business activity. This approach makes it possible not only to identify the most optimal direction of strategic development of quasi-integration ties of the business network, but also to constantly adapt it in accordance with changes in the internal and external environment.

Research papers

Пахаренко О. В. Концептуальні основи управління мережевими сервісними структурами. Соціальна економіка. 2016. Вип. 52 (2). С. 126-129.

Pakharenko O. V. Features of civil protection implementation in the context of the local self-government reforming in Ukraine. Соціальна економіка. 2017. Вип. 53 (1). С. 101-109.

Пахаренко О. В. Оптимізація мережевих структур у сфері цивільного захисту України. Соціальна економіка. 2018. Вип. 55. С. 142-153.

Дикань В.В., Пахаренко О.В. Розробка структурно-функціональної моделі реалізації методичного підходу до оцінки ефективності функціонування бізнес-мереж. Economics of Development. 2019. № 18(4). С. 41-49.

Пахаренко О.В. Дослідження змісту економічної категорії «мережеві структури». Український журнал прикладної економіки. 2019. Том 4. № 4. С. 282-293.

Пахаренко О.В. Удосконалення підходу до оцінки синергетичного ефекту мережевої взаємодії підприємств. Економічний простір. 2020. № 164. С. 96-100.

Пахаренко О.В. Ієрархічна модель показників оцінювання ефективності функціонування підприємницьких мережевих структур. Вісник Хмельницького національного університету. Серія: Економічні науки. 2020. № 4, Том 2. С. 166-170.

Пахаренко О.В. Оцінка впливу факторів зовнішнього середовища на розвиток підприємницьких мереж в Україні. Науковий вісник Одеського національного економічного університету. 2021. Вип. 7-8 (284-285). С. 86-93.

Дикань В.В., Пахаренко О.В. Моделювання інтервалів життєвого циклу для оцінки розвитку підприємницьких мереж. Український журнал прикладної економіки. 2021. Том 6. № 2. С. 202-210.

Пахаренко О.В. Методичний підхід до визначення стратегії розвитку мережевих підприємств в Україні. Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. 2022. № 78-79. С. 97-104.

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